RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

yes she did mmhmm.. but that god damn gay muslim kenyan rigged it better, i seen it.
Which one is you?
No way in hell.

Is the earth flat? Moon landing fake? 911 inside job? The Jews run the world? Obama from Kenya?
Blah blah blah.

All progressives are the same person and Hillary will only get 1 vote.

Who really cares WTF you think? lt's over. O-ver. America has decided.
You seem to care. You are compelled to respond to my statements, even when they are addressed to someone else.
I love checking this thread daily & seeing the lead Donald Trump has over Hillary Clinton grow larger everyday,Trump has 50% more votes at the most liberal site on the www :bigjoint:

The hard core sjw trolls here are going to have a very rude awakening Nov 8th,bubbles will be burst ,major meltdowns will happen :lol:

I'm predicting the radicals crushed feelings will " Trigger" them to make death threats instead of admitting they've been wrong all along while stumping for dollars :cry: