RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

It's not hate, you babbling fool. IEB has been bragging and contending that polls are wrong and odds are wrong. When he is offered a wager he ignores it. When called out for his obvious phoniness you called it "Intimidation and imasculation tactics." you're an ignorant tool. You can't even get the spelling right. You mentioned you're working a second degree. I'm mentioning that you appear to be a plain liar and a defender of ignorance, cowardliness and misogyny.
Woot woot! Thats the sound of Grammer Police!
Woot woot! Thats the sound of Grammer Police!
I don't think people here hate you . I actually think its more of a sympathy thing. It's sad to see how ignorant and lost an individual like yourself can be. You vote and support against your very own interest

The Trump movement has eroded basic values to the point where folks think it's an act of civil disobedience to express loathing ignorance.
The Trump movement has eroded basic values to the point where folks think it's an act of civil disobedience to express loathing ignorance.
I feel she has been beaten, ridiculed, and made to think low of herself her whole life. Now she is drawn to men that will treat her like shit. SAD SAD SAD
@Flaming Pie YOU ARE SOMEBODY. Be a strong woman for your daughter. ALL men won't call you Miss Piggy or talk about you when you eat. All men won't put you down if you are pleasantly plump and flat chested. Don't think that rape is the normal way to have sex. Learn to love yourself.
I feel she has been beaten, ridiculed, and made to think low of herself her whole life. Now she is drawn to men that will treat her like shit. SAD SAD SAD
@Flaming Pie YOU ARE SOMEBODY. Be a strong woman for your daughter. ALL men won't call you Miss Piggy or talk about you when you eat. All men won't put you down if you are pleasantly plump and flat chested. Don't think that rape is the normal way to have sex. Learn to love yourself.
Sir your insights are big league

Remember how much the radical left LOVED wiki leaks & Jillian Assange 8 years ago when they exposed president Bush's lies & crimes ?

Now they demand assange be assassinated by drone strike or hit teams because wiki leaks is exposing leftist crimes on a level the western world has never experienced,all the way up to connecting president Obama with Hillary's emails.

The true "pack of deplorables " is the radical anti american left that's hijacked the democratic party .

Keep sticking it to em because not 1 can defend Hillary Clinton as being trustworthy about any issue .
Remember how much the radical left LOVED wiki leaks & Jillian Assange 8 years ago when they exposed president Bush's lies & crimes ?

Now they demand assange be assassinated by drone strike or hit teams because wiki leaks is exposing leftist crimes on a level the western world has never experienced,all the way up to connecting president Obama with Hillary's emails.

The true "pack of deplorables " is the radical anti american left that's hijacked the democratic party .

Keep sticking it to em because not 1 can defend Hillary Clinton as being trustworthy about any issue .

why are you so upset? hillary clearly has to go to jail over email 17720. you should be celebrating.
Its a great feeling knowing I have haters who cry like you,it makes me know I'm on the right track when my every post is attacked in under a minute of posting,radicals hate facts :lol:

SJW's = Basket of Deplorable hypocrites .