RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

It's a vast right-wing conspiracy.

So ironic how Hillary talks about conspiracy to undermine democracy, when that is exactly what she has done her entire career.
I'm going to ask you a question. I will put this question in smaller fonts in case someone is looking over your shoulders

Is your husband beating the holy shit out of you and you are ready to see him and his family back in Mexico ?
You know that you just can't call the police so your best bet is to vote Trump and pray for his deportation.
I'm I on to something here. Don't type back just blink if correct. Don't want your husband seeing
Have you watched any of his policy speeches or read any of Hillary's private Goldman Sachs speeches?

Yes. Here it is in a nutshell:

Trump Policy:
  • Grab women by the pussy.
  • Kiss women at will anytime you want.
  • Mexicans are a bunch of rapists and murderers.
  • I love black people so long as there isn't one anywhere I ever go.
  • I love Russia.
  • I love Putin.
  • I know Putin.
  • I respect Putin.
  • Women suck...or they should by order of law.
  • I'll hire a guy.
  • I'll hire another guy.
  • My taxes don't matter.

Clinton's Speech Content:
  • Let's find a way to make money for everybody!

Yea. Clear choice there.
Trump sucks, and he's about to find out how badly in 2 weeks.

Man, would this be a shit time to be a Republican politician? I mean, their own party hates the current republican guard so bad that a complete turd like trump is able to win their nomination. Time for a big-ass wake-up Repubs.

I wonder how the Senate will fare???
lol. Flat chested.

All is well over here. It's not my candidate who is being exposed as a completely corrupt and morally bankrupt individual.

Quite the opposite. Follow the money.

Who do you think this guy is going to vote for?
Dude seems pretty well informed and reasonable to me. ;)
The song they're singing at Hallelujah U

Liberty University students: Trump is the antithesis of Christian values

In January, Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. endorsed Donald Trump for president of the United States. As Liberty students, we watched as the leader of our school loudly and proudly advocated for a man many of us felt compelled to oppose. Trump’s flagrant dishonesty, consistent misogyny and boastful unrepentance made many of us feel the need to publicly express disagreement with President Falwell’s endorsement.