RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

You give her sole credit for something she only played a very small role in. That was not her accomplishment to claim. You can not supply three, or even two, because nearly every thing she has done has resulted in disaster.
I'm not running for POTUS by claiming deeds that never happened. I'm pretty sure you have nothing that would even qualify you for the office of dogcatcher. But I don't try to pretend that somehow qualifies some candidate for office.
Only a small part of ??? Dude how dumb are you really ?
Do yourself a favor and google SCHIP and see just how First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was very much an important part to its success.

I guess you will also say her works with the Children's Defense Fund was a failure, as well as her authorship of the Pediatric Research Equity Act.
Do you take pride in being so uninformed
Yeah you are just as dumb as the arsonist Red. He believes Cheney was an honest guy who did not profit off the war in Iraq.:dunce:
Let me know when you can say something you have done to make this world a better place. so far you have nothing but negative energy.
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You don't even have a job. Let's not pretend you are a "taxpayer"
I only post under one account. So you claim that posting on one account before starting another somehow means the two accounts are not the same person?
Big_Lou questions are answered by Bucktard consistently because he's stupid. You use the same sort of misdirection as a fake response as he.

You are missing a vag, balls, wit, intellect and logic. And most importantly relevance. Trump lol
Only a small part of ??? Dude how dumb are you really ?
Do yourself a favor and google SCHIP and see just how First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was very much an important part to its success.

I guess you will also say her works with the Children's Defense Fund was a failure, as well as her authorship of the Pediatric Research Equity Act.
Do you take pride in being so uninformed
Yeah you are just as dumb as the arsonist Red. He believes Cheney was an honest guy who did not profit off the war in Iraq.:dunce:
Let me know when you can say something you have done to make this world a better place. so far you have nothing but negative energy.
Quote where I said Cheney did not profit off the war. Liar
What have YOU done to make this world a better place? Other than promoting a known criminal to the presidency or demanding others pay for causes you support.
i knocked on 86 doors for hillary today here in the swing state of colorado. mostly younger voters, pretty even racial spread. tomorrow, i plan on knocking on 100+ doors. and so on and so forth, 4-5 days per week, from now until election day.

what are you doing to get trump elected?
Wow. Well I guess we dont have to worry about colorado then.

Talking to you for 5 min will drive people to Trump in droves.

Keep up the good work!
do you think the repubs would vote to seat the judge before Hillary takes office so Hillary cannot nominate her own?,,
also I heard that Obama can retract his nomination before he leaves office
Yes. And yes, Obama can. But the Obamas despise the Clintons. Why would he give up part of his legacy, especially with Obamacare rapidly collapsing?

This is actually amusing at this point. Delusional wing nuts. Have a great day.
Delusional for not certifying your hopes are a done deal?
Does Kiliary have a lead ind some polls? Yes, she does. Is the election over? No, it is not. Remember president Dewy?
Findings? They didn't "find" anything. They merely refused to use the ample evidence at hand to prosecute.
Red is the police, investigator, prosecutor, defense, jury and judge all in one. Overconfidence much? Too funny this. The overconfidence of the inept is basis of many comedies.



O wicked Wall through whom I see no bliss!
Cursed be thy stones for thus deceiving me!

Figure it out, Red. I don't think you can.