R.I.P. Silk Road! I can't believe it!!!

and hey mre, how do those money laundering charges work??
i still can't figure that one out.. is it simply because he was selling illegal drugs that he's being charged with laundering, or is it connected to the bitcoin thing, or how does that work??
i don't get it, what are you supposed to do, claim the sales of illegal drugs on your 1040?? but even that would only be tax evasion, no??
thanks.. just curious as to how that works is all..
he had a system built into silk road where all of the coins transferred were laundered through multiple wallets or some shit like that. part of sr's service was laundering the money.
that was probably what was seized from the escrow and silkroad wallets, fuck knows what they got from dpr, media was saying £22mill + last year turned over by the road now the feds are saying total sales of 1.2billion!

still poor ol fin and his town i would say is fucked lol coin price for selling has dropped near £20 per coin since it happend by tomorrow i dread to think what the price will be, but it matters none the less many a vendor on that site had lots of money held in escrow, i.e held by the site theres your 3mil..........
They're probably taken the total number of btc spent and using the value at the time of seizure. Remember these things were once worth less than $1.
I don't think anyone who ordered personal use quantities unencrypted is in any real danger. I would be careful ordering suspicious goods but there's no way they can round everyone up.
I don't think anyone who ordered personal use quantities unencrypted is in any real danger. I would be careful ordering suspicious goods but there's no way they can round everyone up.

i remember when another tor site went down, i think they made a hand full of busts, the owner operator, and a few others, i think it was like 7 people total, and they were far, far, far less secure than sr were, by a long shot.. so ....
I believe we can name that one since the bust has been public knowledge for awhile.
I never used it but it seems like there was a lot less to protect the customers. Could you imagine if the DEA tried to prosecute everyone of the millions of sales.
I believe we can name that one since the bust has been public knowledge for awhile.
I never used it but it seems like there was a lot less to protect the customers. Could you imagine if the DEA tried to prosecute everyone of the millions of sales.

ok, the farmers market.. :D

they were much smaller than the sr, and pretty much only sold cannabis / hash / lsd / shrooms / and one or two k vendors..
haha, their prices were ridiculous there. I knew adam for years, so I just had to pay for 50 hits of acid and get 100.

wonder if farmer joe is still around.
I don't care really..I used s.r. 4 times with a friend..I got hook ups for my shit I've had for years..
Think of the zip-loc corporation!!! They gonna lose so much revenue...lol
Like I said..there's another s.r. in the makeing for sure..untill then,take you're remaining stash,hold onto it..and wait for the feature film starring the guy who played jessie pinkman as DPR..it'll be called 'the long road'..rated R...
Damn..everyone gonna be pissed in the spring..furthur not touring..s.r. down..AHHHHH...'HELP ON THE WAY!'.....
If its too good to be true.....

I think a lot of people are pissed because they assumed DPR was smarter than he was. He was just fronting that he was a super genius ahead of the game... FBI just said: "uh, subpoena the site that jumbles the IP address." case closed. ... really?! thats it? Freaking moron was on Forbes with all that liberty talk and bullshit. Who knows how many big time drug dealers he has compromised by his stupidity. I don't think he needs to be worried about getting prosecuted... this dude is gonna have Columbian cartels after his ass
I am gonna go smoke a bowl of Cherry Pie and grin when I think of the fuck wads that were playing the bitcoin market and fucking with the rate of the coin. You know damn well there were shark traders with a lot of cash inflating and deflating the market at their will. It was a unregulated market, a mob sharks fucking dream man. ... I do feel really bad for the small time guys losing their hard earn cash....but hopefully its only a couple hundred bucks and you learn a harsh lesson... god knows I have paid much more for my hard lessons.
Well..it sucks also for curious informed users who can't seem to find their drug..a lot of fun substances were waaaay more prevalant than you'd find on the street..and well documented as far as purity and dosage..regardless of personal beliefs,you gotta admit it was a safer way to get drugs as far as health concerns go..I.e.: no cut shit,and 100% certainty of the substance you are buying..personally it affects me little,other that the knowledge that if I ever couldn't have axcess to a chem,I could get it there..an ace up the sleeve if you will..but I'm smart enough if I want something ill find it..lol