R.I.P. Silk Road! I can't believe it!!!

think of all the people who are borrowing money to purchase items on silk road and now they are in debt with dangerous drug dealers.

people will be losing their lives over this.
people will have a much more difficult time finding pure drugs.
gang activity will increase.
...the negatives could go on for miles.the philosophy behind silk road was a bit more profound and respectable than "Nah Nah Boo Boo"....

totally with you here man.
To quote john ghotti
'The feds are a machine,they don't run outta time or money...'
This sucks guys,but the hippy silkroad is a left on shakedown street..ill see ya there!
all my correspondence on silk road is pgp encrypted. i am no fish in a barrel, i am completely safe. there is no proof they control the site and servers. if you look at the picture you will notice a silk road logo in the background, which indicates this potentially could be a fail-safe implemented by DPR in the event that SR is taken down.

all we know is the current DPR has been arrested and will probably never see the light of day again. the legend, the founder, however, is still enjoying his freedom and is probably taking the necessary precautions to further his safety after hearing news like this.

Thinking your safe doing anything on the net is naive.
We know encryption methods have been cracked, TOR has been compromised
and is only as good as the software version being used by all TOR users.

Nothing is 100% safe.
Its whack a mole time..drp is gone but you can damn well KNOW that another site is gonna step in,with better features and precautions,tighter security ect...the drug game allways has it 'droughts'..it'll rain again sure enough..untill then..find a good vendor NOW before they get sketched or too busy to get to you...
What a fucking moron. Ulbricht is a jack ass... I liked his Forbes interview, lol so did the F.B.I. ... he thought he was too smart for the Feds. Fool, there are hackers ten times smarter than Ulbricht working for the feds
the dude was a fucking murderer and a criminal. IM glad its gone. Sorry, i you are getting good drugs from there . But we need to take a step back and fight for our liberty in the court system and through election process, not illegal activity that involves murder and extortion.
Its whack a mole time..drp is gone but you can damn well KNOW that another site is gonna step in,with better features and precautions,tighter security ect...the drug game allways has it 'droughts'..it'll rain again sure enough..untill then..find a good vendor NOW before they get sketched or too busy to get to you...

ugh no kidding. . . havent had to search for a goodvendor in awhile. oh well i know the routine.
Thinking your safe doing anything on the net is naive.
We know encryption methods have been cracked, TOR has been compromised
and is only as good as the software version being used by all TOR users.

Nothing is 100% safe.
you can live in paranoia if you like, but i choose a different route. i choose to educate myself on whatever it is i'm doing and decide whether or not it is safe. my silk road use was safe, i reaped plenty of benefits from my time using it. you were too scared and you missed out, sucks. the real rewards in life come with risk, not that 100% safe bullshit.
the dude was a fucking murderer and a criminal. IM glad its gone. Sorry, i you are getting good drugs from there . But we need to take a step back and fight for our liberty in the court system and through election process, not illegal activity that involves murder and extortion.
if only you knew how much murder and extortion silk road resolved..he didn't murder anyone so he is not a murderer. the majority of users on this site are criminals, including yourself; what is your point?

silk road had the potential to revolutionize the world even more than it already had. there are no positives in silk road being taken down, none, 0, zilch. i don't care what anyone thinks this is a terrible event and you are simply wrong if you think what happened today is positive in any way shape or form.
The potential to revolutionize the world is inside YOU. Not some hacker on the web that extorts and murders. Yes, paying for a hit on someone is murdering that person. I am not a criminal, I am an American. I obey the law and I would never pay for someones death. Thats my mother fucking point.

Positives: 1. One less murderer on the streets. 2. Criminal cartels are hurt badly. 3. Murder for hire is hurt badly. im busy but there are hundreds of other great reasons for shutting down a criminal enterprise that pays no taxes, and violates other peoples civil liberties in the name of liberty. Government control and regulation is NEEDED to prevent others from infringing on your right to private property and privacy.
The potential to revolutionize the world is inside YOU. Not some hacker on the web that extorts and murders. Yes, paying for a hit on someone is murdering that person. I am not a criminal, I am an American. I obey the law and I would never pay for someones death. Thats my mother fucking point.

if you grow cannabis, even with a card, you're still breaking the law, breaking the law... sorry, had to say it..


Im not paranoid, and most certainly lost out on nothing.
I didnt lose my bitcoins, I did not have any info seized in the take down.

Realistically, the writing was on the wall, the sites days were numbered no matter how
far down the darknet hole the site resided. The guy ran the site from the US, which gave the feds
all they needed to take him down. The US feds can and do take down international sites all of the time
just because they were registered with a dot com or one of the other domain extensions they claim ownership of.

Transmission, storage and domain extensions are easy targets for the feds.

Im well educated with computers, websites, programing and web security, that is why I stay away from sites like that
and try to help others see the potential and ease of getting busted.

There are too many injection points for LEO to get any information they want, it could be at the ISP office, (Which they are already doing and have been for a long time), it could be
intercepted anywhere between you and the ISP and routed directly to the police.
It could be malware injected to either the site, your pc, phone etc. It could also be in your modem or router, there are far too many variables for me to risk my freedom
by making transactions on a notorious website that is guaranteed to be watched.
I read an article that if the gooberment had enough machines running TOR they could track TOR users. Then about a week later there was a massive increase in TOR users ( I want to say 40% increase might be misremembering), some suspected a bot net. I suspected the US Government, I bet it's a little more sophisticated then he was ordering fake ID's. We're talking about a guy who ran a business based on trafficking illegal goods, he isn't getting caught because of the things he ordered.

The feds have something else, something they are hiding, they told forbes "oh yeah, fake id's out of Canada, standard customs interception" yeah right.

This guy was doing interviews jumping all over the internet, so he couldn't be found and he's going to send fake fucking id's to his house? nope don't buy it for a second. They knew he was at this public library how? I have a feeling they figured out who he was on silk road and the second he accessed that account his position inside the USA sent out a high priority alert and he was nabbed within minutes of logging on. That's all speculation, but I would put WAY more stock in that then him ordering fake id's from Evil Canada lol. Fucking Canadians always polluting good ol' america :)
I am pro drug legalization 100%. This will not happen if we, the drug consumers, continue to set up illegal black markets instead of getting involved in the political system. We will only continue to be put in jail and fined and put down. Silk Road was a stupid pipe dream. Our government is too powerful to allow that to exist so openly. We can take the power back through legal and political process
if you grow cannabis, even with a card, you're still breaking the law, breaking the law... sorry, had to say it..


Not in my county. Federal law has no authority to shut down my grow operation. Only the county and state does. The federal government powers are LIMITED TO the 17 Powers listed in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. I have read Article 1, Section 8 and there is nothing about growing weed in there. ALL POWERS NOT DELEGATED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ARE RESERVED TO THE STATE. ALL POWERS.
Figured this would happen. DPR is kind of a moron for doing this in the US. I always assumed he was in a different country where he couldn't be extradited. I would hope that this will inspire some skilled programmer to create a peer to peer system for listing items which like bittorrent might not present an easy takedown target. The Silk Road was not a pipedream, it was a somewhat flawed prototype.
fuck all you lil trolls who never had even had the bollacks to order from the road yet have a opinion???

some of us lost alot of money today and dpr his life so go fuck...........
fuck all you lil trolls who never had even had the bollacks to order from the road yet have a opinion???

some of us lost alot of money today and dpr his life so go fuck...........

i do feel bad for people who lost money of course, but idk how bad i feel for dpr, you don't get into a gig like that not knowing the possible consequences imvho..
fuck all you lil trolls who never had even had the bollacks to order from the road yet have a opinion???

some of us lost alot of money today and dpr his life so go fuck...........

Is it my fault you chose to go there and do business?
Im not trolling, Im explaining why people should be worried now that the site and server have been seized.
Im trying to help by explaining the ease of a bust and simplicity of injection, interception points.

I would rather be wise, than be in your position right now.

Hope it all works out for you.


On a side note, after the take down the bitcoin price tanked, so because of people
who dealt there, there are many bitcoin investors who also lost money today without ever having the "bollacks"
to do business at the silk road.
I live on HS forum man, I am no troll. I tried to use the Silk Road but it was too grueling of a process to get a bit coin for a poor lower class citizen like me. I think the bit coins were for the more affluent citizen with hundreds of dollars to spend on luxury drugs. I have to drink cactus sludge to get mescaline and grow my own weed for top shelf skunk...

I am really pissed to learn that Dread Pirate Roberts was involved in murder for higher and extortion. He was throwing his weight around as a drug dealer as much as any other drug dealer. I am not impressed with heroin and cocaine dealers at all. They only thing positive the SR was doing was selling LSD. Good LSD is impossible to find these days, that is the only bummer. But a smart hippy can still find some good L. So I am not trippin. Us hippies will always find a way to survive, especially in this great country that has laws against murder and thugs.