R.I.P. Silk Road! I can't believe it!!!

I think if it was just the drug charges he might have a chance with jury nullification. But his argument falls apart once he ceases to be nonviolent.

maybe you're right mre, like i said, law isn't really my forte, sitting on the internet flapping my gums is.. :D
maybe you're right mre, like i said, law isn't really my forte, sitting on the internet flapping my gums is.. :D
Jury nullifiication is tough, you have to represent yourself and basically say yes you did it but the law was wrong. NJ Weedman almost had it work for him on his last charge here. He ended up having the poss with intent charge thrown away and just got a simple possession charge for like a pound. Not many can claim that as personal use!
Jury nullifiication is tough, you have to represent yourself and basically say yes you did it but the law was wrong. NJ Weedman almost had it work for him on his last charge here. He ended up having the poss with intent charge thrown away and just got a simple possession charge for like a pound. Not many can claim that as personal use!

oh yeah, i remember the weedman.. he claimed it was for his religion or some crap didn't he?? and yeah, he was really close to getting the charges dropped, i had forgotten about him
dpr will not see daylight again unless under a cage, he mugged off the people in power for too long and earnt too much for anything less..........

makes you wonder tho bout atlantis??? did they really bail with everyones cash or know something dpr didnt? maybe even grassed on dpr???
i sure missed out, were they resonable priced
Depends, as Racer pointed out you pay for convenience and the review system. But you could get amazing prices on some things ordering internationally, many domestic vendors were just resellers of large international dealers. And if you live in a non medical state you could make a killing reselling pot from CO and the West Coast.
oh yeah, i remember the weedman.. he claimed it was for his religion or some crap didn't he?? and yeah, he was really close to getting the charges dropped, i had forgotten about him
He has several decent arguments for why marijuana should be legal. I'd say he did a great job even though he failed to get the jury nullification, dude had a pound and priors and got a fine and unsupervised probation or something like that.
dpr will not see daylight again unless under a cage, he mugged off the people in power for too long and earnt too much for anything less..........

makes you wonder tho bout atlantis??? did they really bail with everyones cash or know something dpr didnt? maybe even grassed on dpr???
Or DPR warned them to GTFO and agreed to take the fall as much as possible.
He claimed that he had accepted that he would very likely end up in prison for life. Let's see.
and hey mre, how do those money laundering charges work??
i still can't figure that one out.. is it simply because he was selling illegal drugs that he's being charged with laundering, or is it connected to the bitcoin thing, or how does that work??
i don't get it, what are you supposed to do, claim the sales of illegal drugs on your 1040?? but even that would only be tax evasion, no??
thanks.. just curious as to how that works is all..
Those I am much less sure about. It's going to be a very interesting case.
As far as the tax evasion you are supposed to pay taxes on money made illegally. It's how they got Capone.
I haven't read the court papers. They're long and he is fucked. With a cactus.
If he hadn't ordered hits this would be so different.
and hey mre, how do those money laundering charges work??
i still can't figure that one out.. is it simply because he was selling illegal drugs that he's being charged with laundering, or is it connected to the bitcoin thing, or how does that work??
i don't get it, what are you supposed to do, claim the sales of illegal drugs on your 1040?? but even that would only be tax evasion, no??
thanks.. just curious as to how that works is all..

Its laundering as soon as he cashed in a bitcoin, his profits were made illegally and if he ever cashed in some money
and moved it it would be considered laundering.
Its laundering as soon as he cashed in a bitcoin, his profits were made illegally and if he ever cashed in some money
and moved it it would be considered laundering.

thanks ricky, that's what i was leaning towards, but didn't fully understand, so thanks.. :D
ok so he made a website that earnt a lot of money selling drugs, it will be a very interesting case agreed, lets see if he gets the same kinda sentence as child killers etc which he will do and that is very wrong.......
If he had people killed then he deserves life. But the penalties he would have gotten just for the drugs are despicable.