bud bootlegger
Well..it sucks also for curious informed users who can't seem to find their drug..a lot of fun substances were waaaay more prevalant than you'd find on the street..and well documented as far as purity and dosage..regardless of personal beliefs,you gotta admit it was a safer way to get drugs as far as health concerns go..I.e.: no cut shit,and 100% certainty of the substance you are buying..personally it affects me little,other that the knowledge that if I ever couldn't have axcess to a chem,I could get it there..an ace up the sleeve if you will..but I'm smart enough if I want something ill find it..lol
That's the point cc was trying to make earlier.. and I agreed.. love it.or hate it, sr kind of made buying drugs a bit safer in the aspect of getting what you paid for, cutting out the gangs and thugs that were many people's only option before..
I mean no did drugs because they were available IMO.. if you never tried smack before and saw it on sr you.wouldn't think to yourself .. gee, I'm going to try some smack today.. ime, you were already getting it from the local ghetto and risking life and limb every time you scored..
All shutting down sr did was force more people to be unsafe about their drug usage , and I don't see how anyone could think that's a good thing..
Idk.. I'm rambling I know..