R.I.P. Silk Road! I can't believe it!!!

The potential to revolutionize the world is inside YOU. Not some hacker on the web that extorts and murders. Yes, paying for a hit on someone is murdering that person. I am not a criminal, I am an American. I obey the law and I would never pay for someones death. Thats my mother fucking point.

Positives: 1. One less murderer on the streets. 2. Criminal cartels are hurt badly. 3. Murder for hire is hurt badly. im busy but there are hundreds of other great reasons for shutting down a criminal enterprise that pays no taxes, and violates other peoples civil liberties in the name of liberty. Government control and regulation is NEEDED to prevent others from infringing on your right to private property and privacy.
no, paying for a hit on someone is not murdering someone. iirc you were the one who said charles manson is a serial killer then admitted he wasn't when i explained to you why you were wrong. same logic behind both situations.

you are an american criminal. go read some of your posts i'm not going to bother digging them up it is obvious you partake in illegal activities, therefore you are a criminal. please stop kidding yourself.

1. silk road closing creates a domino effect. as i've mentioned on this thread before, gang activity will increase, thus more murders will take place. not to mention the people who have probably been murdered today by the gangsters they owe money to.

2. the cartel is strengthened by silk road's closing. i don't even understand how you could think they are hurt by this.

3. did you even use silk road? murder for hire was against the rules. you couldn't even sell weapons on the site anymore. the tor network has not been taken down, all murder for hire on the deep web has 0 to do with sr's demise.

it's good that you are busy because i'd hate for you to waste your time trying to defend your opinions on this. you really don't have the slightest clue as to what you're talking about and you're better off just leaving this subject alone.
LOL i admitted to you? where ? you fool. Fuck the Silk Road! how about that? Fuck SR and Fuck anyone dumb enough to get caught with bit coins on it. Go VOTE. complain at the polls. CCC mints im pretty sure you are fucking 12 anyways... you get into it with everyone on here
I grow weed and take mescaline. I can legally do both of these things. I do not sell either. I am 1/8th native american and part of the Native American Church. I can drink all the San Pedro I want.
LOL i admitted to you? where ? you fool. Fuck the Silk Road! how about that? Fuck SR and Fuck anyone dumb enough to get caught with bit coins on it. Go VOTE. complain at the polls. CCC mints im pretty sure you are fucking 12 anyways... you get into it with everyone on here
I grow weed and take mescaline. I can legally do both of these things. I do not sell either. I am 1/8th native american and part of the Native American Church. I can drink all the San Pedro I want.
i would not argue with mansons clan. hes not a serial killer.he was innocent . i was kidding. never mind me man, i just smoke weed and take psychedelics ... im not one of the pigs man

i think you're just mad because you're too damn stupid to get bitcoin and never got to use silk road like you intended to. your incapability of getting coin has nothing to do with you being a "poor lower class citizen".
Ive been taking my cactus supply for granted, i think im going to try growing shrooms after the new year. i dont want to run put of mescaline! its a good feeling to know I am only a nasty tea away from heaven on earth
well if you're not a criminal now you sure have the intentions of being one. i don't see the difference between the two.

run along child.
Shitake mushrooms are bomb.im gonna grow them. Now excuse me, I just had some legal Cherry Pie Chronic delivered to my home. Im gonna go blow hits on my cactus and laugh at you cause you can't get your coke and heroin
i know this isn't my section and all, but can we please try and keep it civil??

name calling and what not does nothing to contribute to the thread and subject at hand imo..
i know this isn't my section and all, but can we please try and keep it civil??

name calling and what not does nothing to contribute to the thread and subject at hand imo..
it's ok i think impman has embarrassed himself enough now. i have nothing else i wish to say to him.

let's carry on with the discussion.
Here is how they tracked the packages, so easy: Set up a deal, have package tracked back to its original facility. You can track the package all the way back to where it was dropped off. You study the package carefully, cameras are then set up at every mail drop off in that town. Every single mail drop off point is monitored. You order the drug again, you then wait and watch and easily pin point the day the package was dropped off. Then you simply have every video taped examined carefully to find packages that look exactly like the one you studied previously, or if the packages are always different you study every detail of every person dropping off packages the day the drugs are dropped off. Eventually you now have patterns that will easily indicate whom is dropping off the dope and when. Then you easily catch that person and it is a trickle down effect. CAMERAS MAN. ITS THE MOTHER FUCKING CAMERAS. We are all being watched. But like Imp has Said before and I will say it again: The man cannot take away our Frogs, our cactus, our plants, and our shrooms, it is impossible....and ide like to think there are vats of L laying around too ...
The murder for hire really fucks his chances. I really think the dude could have pulled off jury nullification if there was never any violence. That was the whole fucking point!
The murder for hire really fucks his chances. I really think the dude could have pulled off jury nullification if there was never any violence. That was the whole fucking point!
well it looks like he fucked up then didn't he...are you saying without violence he had a chance at getting off clean? i never even knew that was a possibility.
i herd on reservation that might void fedreal law ?
i have no idea i haven't looked into it to be honest with you.

actually, on second thought, i think in order for drug use to be legal for native americans you have to partake in the accepted substances in a ritualistic setting. you can't just munch on mushrooms in the comfort of your own home simply because of your race.

..i could be wrong though.
The murder for hire really fucks his chances. I really think the dude could have pulled off jury nullification if there was never any violence. That was the whole fucking point!

man, i'm far from a pro, but what lil i do know is that if the us gubment wants to make an example out of you, they'll hang you to the wall, and even without the violence thing, i'm sure they were after dpr for quite some time and are primed and ready to make an example out of him..
imo, he's not got a snowballs chance in hell..
i know this isn't my section and all, but can we please try and keep it civil??

name calling and what not does nothing to contribute to the thread and subject at hand imo..
Thanks for trying. I don't know what's been getting into people in this section recently.
man, i'm far from a pro, but what lil i do know is that if the us gubment wants to make an example out of you, they'll hang you to the wall, and even without the violence thing, i'm sure they were after dpr for quite some time and are primed and ready to make an example out of him..
imo, he's not got a snowballs chance in hell..
I think if it was just the drug charges he might have a chance with jury nullification. But his argument falls apart once he ceases to be nonviolent.