Well-Known Member
You should quit listening to racist logic. Because just because they say something doesn't make it true.It is truth. It has been 20 years of no child left behind with endlessly falling test scores. In my age if you were violent and disruptive you would be expelled (segregated from those you are harming, preventing from learning), but this doesn't happen anymore. This causes disruptions in class - a ten minute disruption in each class each day results in a full year of missed studies.

They are speaking english, what you have a problem with is the way they speak it. And your lack of understanding what keeps the city segregated is lacking if you think everything is as easy as racist logic makes it seem to people who want to believe their bullshit.No, clearly anyone can learn english. If they want to be segregated, that's on them.
Why not? Does it make them a better employee in a manual labor job? Sure if I was looking for someone to fill a job in public speaking or making pamphlets I would look for someone with a much more nuanced grasp of prepositions, but how people talk is not a barrier to their work ethic or ability to handle tasks. Nor their ability to do things like solve math problems.What I mean is that I would never hire someone who doesn't know the difference between their they're and there. If you want to integrate, learning english must be important and not 'acting white'
Yeah, so when grandparents were kept out of being able to achieve a good education and were subjected to living in a area with underfunded schools and racist police and public officials and teachers, do you not see how it would be difficult for their children to have the tool kit to help their children achieve the best results.It's called MULTI generational change for a reason.
It seems you understand 'multi-generational' impacts on societies. How do you dismiss that these communities are still dealing with those multi-generational issues that our nation has imposed on them through government and economic institutional racism?
Yeah when you have the option of not working in a completely underfunded school with far too many students for them to handle, having some poor tired hungry kid who has been shaken up like a bee and released into the classroom can be very difficult. Especially if like me they only had one parent who had no clue what they were doing outside of what they had done to them as a kid.Want to talk about the exodus of teachers from nyc because they are handcuffed in terms of dealing with their classes and unruly students. Noone wants to teach in an inner city neighbourhood and it's not the danger or low wage, it's the fact their hands are tied and they cannot do what they became a teacher for - to help people improve and learn.
Fortunatnly I know from experience the racist logic you are using is bullshit, because once I was out on my own and was able to go back to school I succeeded and thrived as a student. Even though I was that kid that school was my only actual escape and I acted out a lot. I had a handful of white friends that were like that too. Fortunately I got into playing sports and didn't drop out like they did when we got to high school.
The problems racists seem to have is they are unable to understand that much of what they link to racial issues is really a issue of systemic poverty that was intentionally imposed on huge communities of people for no reason other than racism.
So we will murder your entire race until there are too few to scare us anymore, and if you want to survive, fall in line and be like us, or it is your own fault?Investing in the communities is the number one way to help their culture and peoples survive and flourish, with dignity, as equals, and to give them a future in our society. If natives don't integrate they will go the way of Tibet and it will be their own fault.
Right, fuck that. Let us live up to our treaties with these native nations and move forward from there.
Posting here is much the same thing. Any other websites you post on too. All your shit is being collected and recorded. And any friends/family you have on those platforms are still under the attack being perpetrated by the Russian military too. It sucks, but you are better off assuming you are getting spammed with propaganda.i find the easy way not to be attacked on twitter or facebook is to not have an account with either