Well-Known Member
Your theory rests on the belief that there is a wellspring of heretofore unheard from silent majority who thirst for Trump's ineptitude. Even you must admit that an argument resting on an invisible and unmeasured and undetected "silent majority" sounds dodgy. Don't you?Replying to everyone that thinks the enforcement of the law will reduce his support.
I disagree, remember when they made the announcement that they redesigned the CHAZ barricades, there was a news article stating that now 5000 more residents could access their homes by car! That's insane. Regular taxpaying citizens like law and order and hate rioting which decreases their property values (investments) and threatens their business. The silent majority will be swayed to trumps side by the simple enforcement of the law nothing more. People can see that the democrats are more interested in creating an image and protecting individual groups of people (who they claim are so different from normal people they cannot manage to take care of themselves even with many many hands extended to help them, but I don't buy it because I'm not racist) than actually governing and doing what's right for the country and the people as a whole (taking a knee, etc.) Just my 2c.
Politics Podcast: There Aren’t Secret Trump Voters

Politics Podcast: There Aren’t Secret Trump Voters
A recent Monmouth poll showed that a majority of Pennsylvanians — 57 percent — believe there are “secret” voters in their communities who support Trump but wo…
The theory rests on the belief that polls in 2016 seriously undercounted Trump's voters because they were shy or reluctant to reveal to others that they held unpopular opinions. Oh the pain!!! The abused white man was hiding his preference for Trump because he was browbeaten and afraid. Like, when was that ever true? That theory is debunked here:

‘Shy’ Voters Probably Aren’t Why The Polls Missed Trump
Donald Trump won the presidential election despite polls that indicated Hillary Clinton was favored. One popular explanation for this is that some people were a…
if the theory is right, we would have expected to see Trump outperform his polls the most in places where he is least popular — and where the stigma against admitting support for Trump would presumably be greatest.
Turns out the opposite was true. Forecasts were best in areas where Trump was mostly unpopular. In other words, Trump's voters stuck out their chest and spoke the truth about their choice in 2016 in the most liberal areas. The errors in estimating Trump's results were in areas where Trump won with 60% margins. The fact of the matter is, there was a large number of undecided voters who broke for Trump at the last minute in a close election. It wasn't shy Trump supporters but people who simply couldn't decide between two awful candidates (awful to them). There isn't a large group of undecided voters this time around. Also, it isn't even close this time around. Also Biden isn't Clinton but Trump is most definitely more Trumpian than he was in 2016.
So, your argument rests on unsupported belief and not something that is likely to be true.