Put up or shut up!

I think the point everyone was arguing over was that no dr will sign a script over 3grs a day nevermind 35.
The drs are the gatekeepers in the new system and they are adament about less than 5 a day.
Health canada isnt going to allow concentrates or edibles ever.

The doctors have signed for larger scripts before and will in the future. Right now the Colleges are telling the doctors 3 or less...wait till the colleges and doctors start getting visits from patients lawyers...

Regarding HC allowing concentrates or edibles...that's going to be the Supreme Court's call not Health Canada.
I thought we were talking about now.
My lawyer called my dr and it did sweet fuk all.
He simply said he will not prescribe over 3 grams.
But perk and anything else i ask for are limitless.
Going by the speed of which the last court case has taken i guess that means edibles and concentrates should be ok by 2020 or so.
I thought we were talking about now.
My lawyer called my dr and it did sweet fuk all.
He simply said he will not prescribe over 3 grams.
But perk and anything else i ask for are limitless.
Going by the speed of which the last court case has taken i guess that means edibles and concentrates should be ok by 2020 or so.

Glad you shared this....it is a big issue right now, and the shit is going to hit the fan soon.
Glad you shared this....it is a big issue right now, and the shit is going to hit the fan soon.
Make up your mind. Either we can get as much as we need or not. Can't have it both ways. But of course you have 0 experience accessing meds within the mmpr so you must be an expert on it. just like oddish.
I thought we were talking about now.
My lawyer called my dr and it did sweet fuk all.
He simply said he will not prescribe over 3 grams.
But perk and anything else i ask for are limitless.
Going by the speed of which the last court case has taken i guess that means edibles and concentrates should be ok by 2020 or so.

Regarding the edibles and concentrates....it might take some province to lay a charge and get it into court for that Federal change to happen
Read it again....a lot of people are mistaken on this issue.

What it means is that an LP can only ship max 150g per shipment, and as a patient you can only posses 150g max at any given time.
You can get multiple shipments per month though...so if you are 10g/d you would have to get two shipments per month from your LP.
The max script is 150g/d.
See no idea what you're talking about. None.
Make up your mind. Either we can get as much as we need or not. Can't have it both ways. But of course you have 0 experience accessing meds within the mmpr so you must be an expert on it. just like oddish.

I'm no expert, but I do know quite a lot about the MMPR
Make up your mind. Either we can get as much as we need or not. Can't have it both ways. But of course you have 0 experience accessing meds within the mmpr so you must be an expert on it. just like oddish.

There is a 150g/day max on the script.
I take that Oddish comment as a compliment, thank you.
My MMAR paper work does not mention gr per day.Only plant counts and dried quantity,how big i grow my plants is not specified...who care's how much i consume a day as long as i am under my counts...the thing is, am i in a small corner of my basement or have i rented a warehouse?thats part of the issue here i think...
my doctor would only sign for a max of 5 even though I said I was previously using at least a 1/4 per day to treat myself. When I was still buying from L.P's I had to supplement the rest from other sources. now I really have no limit as the CC 's don't seem to care what your medical document says. And the BM sure as he'll doesn't care about daily limits. better yet if you grow your own you can set your own limit. Oh the possibilities when you're free of the L.P system.
My MMAR paper work does not mention gr per day.Only plant counts and dried quantity,how big i grow my plants is not specified...who care's how much i consume a day as long as i am under my counts...the thing is, am i in a small corner of my basement or have i rented a warehouse?thats part of the issue here i think...

Recheck your paperwork...everything on the MMAR ie plants, storage ...is based on g/d.
Yep...no limits on size of plant...so long as the count is correct.