Put up or shut up!

Read it again....a lot of people are mistaken on this issue.

What it means is that an LP can only ship max 150g per shipment, and as a patient you can only posses 150g max at any given time.
You can get multiple shipments per month though...so if you are 10g/d you would have to get two shipments per month from your LP.
The max script is 150g/d.
Read it again....a lot of people are mistaken on this issue.

What it means is that an LP can only ship max 150g per shipment, and as a patient you can only posses 150g max at any given time.
You can get multiple shipments per month though...so if you are 10g/d you would have to get two shipments per month from your LP.
The max script is 150g/d.
Or call docs that sign. None are signing for over 5g a day. It's a defacto limit. Sorry but you're wrong. The only people with larger scrips are mmar patients that switched over to mmpr.
I wish i already had a garden hippy or i would be spending my time doing that....
I wasnt in a position to get everything in order before the switch over and then it was too late.
Doesnt matter where i live i assure you that after paying my rent and bills im left with 100$ per month.
I have to decide food, gas or bus for dr appointments and thats it.
I understand ur position on it but please dont think im claiming to be broke because i think it makes me look or feel any better.
I live my life ashamed of how downhill my life has turned the last thing i need to have to prove is poverty

"The amount of dried marihuana you can possess is the lesser of thirty times the daily amount stipulated by your health care practitioner or 150 grams. For example, if your health care practitioner recommends 3 grams per day, you would be allowed a maximum of 90 grams at any one time (30 days X 3 grams). However, if your health care practitioner recommends 6 grams per day, you would be allowed to possess a maximum of 150 grams at any one time, which would therefore be less than a 30-day supply."
and what about those with the scripts for over 150g/day...they are just hooped.
what if you have one for 35g/day...you can't go for a holiday for over 4 days because you run out and have to go back home or trust your home to someone to ship it to you. it should be a "daily amount multiplied by something" not just "one size fits all"
And do you think that's a valid amount or just a scam to grow hundreds of plants legaly?
no idea but i wouldn't want to be one of those people. must be in a ton of pain to need that much.
i also think that's a lot. how can you consume that much even through edibles.
it would be interesting to ask one of those folks how they do it
no idea but i wouldn't want to be one of those people. must be in a ton of pain to need that much.
i also think that's a lot. how can you consume that much even through edibles.
it would be interesting to ask one of those folks how they do it

You can hit that amount if you juice a lot. It requires a lot of material...no "high"...I do know a couple of patients that grow their own and juice 2-3 times a day, not sure how many grams are involved...but it is a lot for sure.
It takes a lot to concentrate as well....why does everyone assume that anything over 5g/day is excessive? So if you take 30mg of morphine and work your way up when you get to the end is the too much as well? Tolerances people...you keep shoving hot sauce into your mouth and pretty soon it's not going to be so hot now is it?
I think the point everyone was arguing over was that no dr will sign a script over 3grs a day nevermind 35.
The drs are the gatekeepers in the new system and they are adament about less than 5 a day.
Health canada isnt going to allow concentrates or edibles ever.
most people i know have over 14/day
I think the point everyone was arguing over was that no dr will sign a script over 3grs a day nevermind 35.
The drs are the gatekeepers in the new system and they are adament about less than 5 a day.
Health canada isnt going to allow concentrates or edibles ever.
Owen Smith is going to the SC about it a date hasn't been set but BC SC said it's allowed!