Put up or shut up!

No westcoast you are missing my point completely. He and everyone else like to pull out the violin as if they are fighting for us sick patients.
Sick patients are usually financially stressed to the max. So regardless of whether the money is needed its just not available. If i had money to donate id have money to buy meds that help.
Dont be naive either. How much publicity has conroy or any o these other lawyers recieved as a result of trying to look like nice guys.if the did this entire case for free they would still make money on future cases. Also he is no spring chicken he has made plenty of loot robbing people in the past so dont go buying him tissues just yet.
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Anyone who thinks Mmar growers will be allowed to grow(grandfathered) while mmpr patients will not After a decision is made in March sometime just dosen't get it. It's all or none. If you have money to give great do it. If not don't worry the dg's who made millions off of the Mmar will fund this fight as they have been.
Anyone who thinks Mmar growers will be allowed to grow(grandfathered) while mmpr patients will not After a decision is made in March sometime just dosen't get it. It's all or none. If you have money to give great do it. If not don't worry the dg's who made millions off of the Mmar will fund this fight as they have been.
Fart ...there will always be those who let other's do the heavy work,,,but then later claim the spoils.
I've donated twice so far and will do it again. I'm far from well off by any means but will contribute what I can. But only to Conroy. Keeping my faith alive at this point.
Anyone who thinks Mmar growers will be allowed to grow(grandfathered) while mmpr patients will not After a decision is made in March sometime just dosen't get it. It's all or none. If you have money to give great do it. If not don't worry the dg's who made millions off of the Mmar will fund this fight as they have been.
If theres any grandfathering going on it will be plant counts.
Fart ...there will always be those who let other's do the heavy work,,,but then later claim the spoils.
I've donated twice so far and will do it again. I'm far from well off by any means but will contribute what I can. But only to Conroy. Keeping my faith alive at this point.
If you have it to give do it. But like torontoke says not everyone has that little extra to give.
Again, I have faith in the courts....I finally convinced myself it's not the SC, but Fed.Ct...I'm pretty sure that whatever happens will affect all and not just the injunctioned group...which is really my only concern as far as how much we will be ble to grow....there will have to be exceptions though because of those 89 or so that 150g/ day scripts....interesting times he'd for sure....
I know, not possible for some....But at the same time some won't donate anything because they know someone will for them. I'm not stupid and know perfectly well what people are like. Excuses are still excuses.
Even a dollar counts as having contributed. If we win enjoy the freebie.
I can't really afford to donate either but have done what I can.
Fuck them, change your address. Do it like the old days, fax them a hand written piece of paper with your MMAD number with personal info to verify yourself. Old address -> new address. Done this twice never a issue. Even one time i made a request for a call back from a actual HC rep (old call centre days) they mentioned the note on my file. At that time you were to send in the fax confirmation with your new form A.

edit. I miss mmar talk :(
i wish i could. the person who's land/space we will use won't go for it until they can be covered/protected. if it was my own place, it'd be lit up already.
I've donated a hundred bucks. That's what I could spare. No free ride here hippy.
Awesome Gmack...your a good guy and have every right to claim some ownership of this case. $100 is a more than a fair contribution and we all owe you a thanks as all donaters are owed.
If everyone even gave a dollar it would help. Donating gives you a feeling of joining the fight and being part of the solution. If I didn't donate and we lost I'd feel ...." shit I shoulda helped ". If we win I'll feel " ya, and I was part of the win "
So let me get this right.
Health Canada and the Conbots took away our right to grow because of some lame reasons, and we as Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients are letting little old Conroy fight our battle.

We have to support this fight better. Conroy needs donations and a legal team.
Why does Conroy need our donations? I'm willing to bet the majority of medical marijuana patients are in a worse financial situation than he or any other lawyer is.
Awesome Gmack...your a good guy and have every right to claim some ownership of this case. $100 is a more than a fair contribution and we all owe you a thanks as all donaters are owed.
If everyone even gave a dollar it would help. Donating gives you a feeling of joining the fight and being part of the solution. If I didn't donate and we lost I'd feel ...." shit I shoulda helped ". If we win I'll feel " ya, and I was part of the win "
You're fighting to keep your grow. I'm fighting to be allowed to grow. We have a common goal but a diffent perspective of the fight. And torontoke don't worry about it half my donation was for you if that makes you feel any better. Not having anything to donate should get you down or worked up.
I suppose that makes me the guy looking for a free then?
No worries tho i wont join in the celebration in 2016 or whenever its finally done.
Hopefully i will be busy working in my long established garden.

Sorry for being broke as fuk.
WE need to win so that those who can supply themselves can do so reasonably. and those who can't can find a reasonable alternative. The MMAR systems was the best and could have been tweaked even better than it was.
for instance a registry to put DG's together with patients. No reason we couldn't have a bulletin board to place patients with growers. Instead it was so restrictive that many got bad DG's and were fucked around. But it didn't have to be that way. HC could have had a list of honest approved by track record DG's.
There was lots of ways to improve the MMAR and it was the BEST system.