Put up or shut up!

Hey Toke.....just donate a dollar or two...maybe a fiver...it's not how much you donate....it's just standing up to HC and harplter and saying fuck you. I'm fighting you bastards and here's my buck. A buck gets you in the right Army....Everyone has a dollar to spare.
Yes Gmack I'm also fighting for your right to grow. It's only fair the we are all allowed to.
Yes same fight....different divisions of the same army
WE need to win so that those who can supply themselves can do so reasonably. and those who can't can find a reasonable alternative. The MMAR systems was the best and could have been tweaked even better than it was.
for instance a registry to put DG's together with patients. No reason we couldn't have a bulletin board to place patients with growers. Instead it was so restrictive that many got bad DG's and were fucked around. But it didn't have to be that way. HC could have had a list of honest approved by track record DG's.
There was lots of ways to improve the MMAR and it was the BEST system.
The biggest problem with the dg system is the strict number of patients they were limited to. The good dg's filed up quickly.
Agree Manc....the coalition gets no more money from me. I only gave them a small amount anyway. I have LOST faith in wilcox...he weaseled
My hopes are that the lawyer's will abide by their code to serve their clients exclusively and with full diligence.
Agree Manc....the coalition gets no more money from me. I only gave them a small amount anyway. I have LOST faith in wilcox...he weaseled
My hopes are that the lawyer's will abide by their code to serve their clients exclusively and with full diligence.
My hopes also but once the privacy suit hits the court room or settlement theres going to be some heavy cheques being cashed by these lawyers. They are asking for 20-100% of all proceeds, ofcourse a option but it doesnt start off small.

Being realistic, maybe 10-15k(lets call it 12.5k) people signed up on the coalition site. 12.5k x 1200$ (20%) your looking at a cool 15,000,000$ on the lowest donation level listed.

Question is, do they see the 15,000,000$ or a silly letter that violated my privacy? i think its the one with the all the 0's.

Pledge form http://www.mmarcoalitionagainstrepeal.com/pdf/Pledge.pdf

The 15,000,000$/12.5k people donating is being fairly conservative as theres 40,000 patients.
i think we'll get about $1k each.
i thought i saw the amount of $$ put for it was $40 million for 40,000 patients. i can't find a link to support it so i hope you are right bigmanc
I suppose that makes me the guy looking for a free then?
No worries tho i wont join in the celebration in 2016 or whenever its finally done.
Hopefully i will be busy working in my long established garden.

Sorry for being broke as fuk.
If you got a garden,,,you can spare a fiver. Unless you live on the corner of Young and Bay St. you got a fiver....come on toke....we ain't buying the broke thing.
But if you don't agree with the basics of the case, then for sure I wouldn't donate either. I respect a person may not want to support the case.
But if you want the outcome to go in favour of patients and all their various wants and needs, then this is your case too.
Come on shoot the Grey Hair toker a buck or to and join the Army of the defiant.
So Torontotoke your saying Conroy should just donate his time to the cause? Have you any idea how much paperwork and time is involved in a case like this? Take a look at the evidence, affidavids and everything else they have to put together for this case, would u spend hundreds of hours on non paying work that took u away from paying work? Don't think so. How do you know that out of this court case the government might be forced to allow home grows again along with the Lps? Lawyers cost a lot of money, most good ones are 500 per hour. That adds up big time especially when the case in feb alone is 3 weeks long.

Alan Young has done a lot of pro bono work for the cause. It is not unheard of for lawyers to do this, of course there are ulterior motives...torontotoke touched on them...
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The biggest problem with the dg system is the strict number of patients they were limited to. The good dg's filed up quickly.
Well if the pickle up HC's, the Gov's and society ass in general would slip out a bit, it could have been fixed.
But we live in a country where the DICKtator hates weed and anyone sick or not who uses it.
Agree Manc....the coalition gets no more money from me. I only gave them a small amount anyway. I have LOST faith in wilcox...he weaseled
My hopes are that the lawyer's will abide by their code to serve their clients exclusively and with full diligence.

Speaking of, what's the point of this website http://www.mmarcoalitionagainstrepeal.com , to show off the donation icon? Why do we need to scrounge around the inter-tubes to get info on the case.? If someone has built and is updating the Cannabis In Canada website with the case info, how hard is it to update the MMAR Coalition one?
There is no 5g/d cap under the mmpr
Lol ok.
Marginal note:Possession limit
An individual who obtains dried marihuana for their own medical purposes or for those of another individual for whom they are responsible must not possess a quantity of dried marihuana that exceeds the least of the following amounts:

  • (a) in the case of dried marihuana obtained from a licensed producer, 30 times the daily quantity referred to in paragraph 129(1)(d);

  • (b) in the case of dried marihuana obtained from a hospital by or for an out-patient, 30 times the daily quantity referred to in subparagraph 65.2(c)(iii) of the Narcotic Control Regulations; and

  • (c) 150 g.

"The amount of dried marihuana you can possess is the lesser of thirty times the daily amount stipulated by your health care practitioner or 150 grams. For example, if your health care practitioner recommends 3 grams per day, you would be allowed a maximum of 90 grams at any one time (30 days X 3 grams). However, if your health care practitioner recommends 6 grams per day, you would be allowed to possess a maximum of 150 grams at any one time, which would therefore be less than a 30-day supply."
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