problem with seedlings


Active Member
Ok, I had four seedlings - growing them in soil and sunlight as I am waiting for my lights. They were all going strong until a couple of days ago when 2 of them went really floppy (leaves and stem) till the point they couldn't hold themselves up. Judging from the extensive research I have been doing over the last couple of weeks I think I may have over-watered them. What do you think?


Active Member
Ok, I had four seedlings - growing them in soil and sunlight as I am waiting for my lights. They were all going strong until a couple of days ago when 2 of them went really floppy (leaves and stem) till the point they couldn't hold themselves up. Judging from the extensive research I have been doing over the last couple of weeks I think I may have over-watered them. What do you think?
could be. or if u dont have enough sunlight in ur area, they will stretch, and become more unstable. try to lean em up againts a stick or somethin and water when the top inch of soil is dry


Well-Known Member
It sounds like your leaves are drooping and that happens when you overwater and if they're pretty lanky for what they should be then they're stretching for light. I water my seedlings when the top inch of my soil turns dry.


Active Member
Cheers guys - I thought it could be the over-watering, just me mothering them too much I guess! Although, it has been very cloudy for the last 2 days whereas it was really sunny before - could that be having an impact?


Active Member
Cheers guys - I thought it could be the over-watering, just me mothering them too much I guess! Although, it has been very cloudy for the last 2 days whereas it was really sunny before - could that be having an impact?
yes it could very well be.