Newbie needs advice

conor c

Well-Known Member
My theory is that our cat chased them and they accidentally flew in... They were scared to be in closed space so they started looking for the way out and one of them flew right into my plants, he broke the top of one plant and tore the leaves on the other one... I mean... WTF... I started with 14 seeds and now I have 6 and a half plants... I will be happy if at least one of them finishes...

Though I initially wanted to kill those SOBs... I actually feelt sorry when I saw how terrified they were... Luckily they managed to flew out...

I will leave the one with damaged leaves... I think she will be fine.
Maybe get some beads or netting something to hang on the inside of the greenhouse door so theres like two barriers that n the door it should make it less likely to ever happen again


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, does anyone know what is happening to my plant? I have no idea, the only thing that crosses my mind is that she might be burnt from the sun. Unlike my other plants, she has a lot of direct sunlight in the afternoon that is of course coming through the glass.20240609_125507.jpg20240609_125455.jpg


Well-Known Member
Do you have a fan blowing on them kinda looks wind burnt but I'm not a 100 %sure about that hopefully someone else will come by that will :hump: :peace:


Well-Known Member
Actually... There is a lot of draft in the "greenhouse". Two open windows and two doors... I mean, I keep telling my family members to chill out with making so much draft but they do not listen...And she is next to the window... Also... curtain fell on her... :???: But I can't believe that is the issue... I mean I will move it see what happens but I just hope the issue is not related to bugs or some pests


Well-Known Member
Actually... There is a lot of draft in the "greenhouse". Two open windows and two doors... I mean, I keep telling my family members to chill out with making so much draft but they do not listen...And she is next to the window... Also... curtain fell on her... :???: But I can't believe that is the issue... I mean I will move it see what happens but I just hope the issue is not related to bugs or some pests
Do you have a 1717936908958410216028.jpgif so look under the leaves and the only bugs that I know for sure is spider mites and that does not look like Spider-mite damage to me


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have magnifying glass. Will check on her later. I am also worried about that slight discoloration she has on some leaves...


New Member
Hey, Runa. . . . I am in alignment.

Spent five decades being corporate, husbandly, father to two, avoiding law entanglement, pretending to be part of the establishment. Paid off the last of my dues when my wife passed away last Feb. Now I'm picking up right where I left off in 1972, growing my own. The new tech and flood of information is great, ain't it?

Insert digit into soil two inches and note the sensation of, or lack of, moisture in my three gallon bags. I find I'm on a 2-2-1-1-1 watering protocol (the numbers are pints in a day looking at a week's effort.) Always with 1/4 of the recommended dilution of fish emulsion. My girls are very, very happy. Oh, yeah . . . . I also stream classical music in the grow room. No complaints from the ladies yet.


Well-Known Member
I just stick my finger in the soil to check how humid it is. :grin:

I actually have not added any fertilizer to the soil. I have replanted them maybe 2 weeks ago in a mix of flower potting soil (Ph 6.1) mixed with little coco fiber and perlite. I have no idea if I should fertilize them and when and with what. :???:

BTW, in the country I live in, today we are voting whether to legalize medicinal marijuana and growing at home... Finally. :grin: