Portland area greenhouse grow


Well-Known Member
Get an extension cord that plugs into a 30-60amp plug and hook the wires to the fence...then when they touch it they'll shit there panties..haha
my neighbors also touch that fence. no dice.

i'll be erecting an electric fence inside the greenhouse later in the season.

i said erecting. lol.


Well-Known Member
heh heh heheheheh...hey beavis he said erecting heh heh heheheheh..ya ya ya, erecting boiiiing yoing yoing..heheheheheh


Active Member
buck, have you thought about getting one of those motion activated trail cameras hunters use? you could put it in the gh or on a tree or fence post or even the house... depends on your setup... but that way you could document the trespass and theft from your property.
doesn't sound like a bad idea now...


Well-Known Member
so tonight will be interesting. wife is away seeing family for a few days, so that leaves me and the dog. the spoiled pup is not fond of leaving the bed. he came out with me at 8 am this morning when the wife left and could only manage to give me 20 minutes or so of extra sleep. so i am on about 4 hours of sleep right now.

pup is currently curled up in bed but i'll be bringing him out with me around 4 or 5, whenever i decide i can't stay up any longer. i really hope he can adjust to the hard ground like i have, because i do plan on having him out there with me come fall.

i'm thinking we may have to revert to tethering him, but we'll see.

damn fucking kids.


Well-Known Member
just had my neighbors over for a bonfire. AWESOME NEWS.

i know exactly who stole my plants. apparently, one of the thieves made a facebook post that read "stolen plants #goodbud" which showed up on the facebook feed of my neighbor's son.

i have pictures of all of them, know their names, and exactly where they live.

how to proceed?

my first thought was to knock on their parents' doors and have a little talk.

my second thought was to take their pictures to the police and to tell them that my neighbors and i caught them on my property the other day.

my third thought was to play some elaborate, trollish prank on them that leaves them scarred for life.

oh, glorious day.

how would you proceed?
oh defanately option three, plan it well though, if u reach a confrontation point, try and make it out like there in alot of trouble with the cops, and there gonna end up serving serious time, say its like 15 years for growing illegally, and thats not including the the theft, and sound sure of it. most kids have not the slightest clue of the law. get them all worked up, and sickened, thinking there going to jail, wishing they hadnt done what they did, hoping they could take it back. idk youll figure something out. also what kinda retard posts up, "stolen plants" after they recently stole their neighbors plants, might as well put a sign on ur front lawn,


Well-Known Member
oh defanately option three, plan it well though, if u reach a confrontation point, try and make it out like there in alot of trouble with the cops, and there gonna end up serving serious time, say its like 15 years for growing illegally, and thats not including the the theft, and sound sure of it. most kids have not the slightest clue of the law. get them all worked up, and sickened, thinking there going to jail, wishing they hadnt done what they did, hoping they could take it back. idk youll figure something out. also what kinda retard posts up, "stolen plants" after they recently stole their neighbors plants, might as well put a sign on ur front lawn,
yes, option three for sure.

option one may happen, but i need my neighbors with me to help. option two is pretty much out the window. the cops never returned my plants. thus they are not my friends since they let my stolen property go to fuckall.

just to update, i took clones yesterday, had to do them one by one after 20 minutes because clones can simply not handle full sun for too long. they were given BT about a week ago, and neem is up next, right after their first veg feeding tomorrow.

solstice is upon us shortly, and my bitches are huge. even the runts are way ahead of last year. feels good, mon.


Active Member
Just stop them one of the times they walk by your house, say You know what they did and you have a screenshot of what they posted on facebook as well as the cops coming to you about the first ones they stole so the cops are aware of them aswell. If they dont run off after first sentence & hear it all I bet you wont see them around again. tell them you're legal and can tell their parents and the police. haha.


Active Member
Just stop them one of the times they walk by your house, say You know what they did and you have a screenshot of what they posted on facebook as well as the cops coming to you about the first ones they stole so the cops are aware of them aswell. If they dont run off after first sentence & hear it all I bet you wont see them around again. tell them you're legal and can tell their parents and the police. haha.
That actually would probably work, but certainly not near as much fun as fucking with them though.


Well-Known Member
Less grass, more weed. Nice. Looks like the work of chickens. cn
you'd be surprised, actually.

i've been bringing the baby chicks outside during the day to acclimate, taking them in at night when it's too cold for them. they stay in a little pen, which i move around the yard.

you can tell where that pen has been because there are squares that are mainly devoid of dandelions. chickens are good at pulling weeds, it appears.


Well-Known Member
and good luck to the kids if they think they can yank one of these out of the ground and walk down the street with it.


Ursus marijanus
you'd be surprised, actually.

i've been bringing the baby chicks outside during the day to acclimate, taking them in at night when it's too cold for them. they stay in a little pen, which i move around the yard.

you can tell where that pen has been because there are squares that are mainly devoid of dandelions. chickens are good at pulling weeds, it appears.
Back when I still lived with chickens, I was impressed with their capability to denude an area of soil. beats the **** out of Round-Up. cn


Well-Known Member
just thought of a great idea to enhance the security a bit. mirrors.

from where i sit, i can monitor two sides of my greenhouse, but not the sides that were hit are absconded from view.

a couple of well positioned mirrors would allow me to survey 100% of the perimeter from my kitchen table vantage point.

i think i know what my next purchase will be (save my regularly scheduled beer and groceries run).


Well-Known Member
Aren't webcams as cheap, and more versatile? (Of course mirrors never have firmware issues.) cn
ya know, that is yet another great idea.

i was holding off on surveillance for the cost/deterrent ratio, but webcams are cheap. i could even hide or disguise the webcam so that any potential thieves would not feel the need to cover their faces, and i could store the data on my computer pretty easy, i suspect.

combine that with a motion activated floodlight and a cheapo fence to keep the ducks from setting off false positives, and we have a pretty cheap but ingenious and effective deterrent.

fuck the mirrors, i have other things to buy now. best part is i get to build stuff, too.

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to cannabineer again.


Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
That's rough, UB.

One option you can consider is putting a motion sensor inside of your greenhouse, and wiring it so that instead of turning on a light at the sensor, it will turn on a light or a buzzer inside of your home. This way you can be alerted of their presence, but they will remain unawares.
They might actually sell these someone without you having to do any wiring, but you can jerryrig a regular motion detector if you cant find one.

Then the beatdown can ensue!


Well-Known Member
That's rough, UB.

One option you can consider is putting a motion sensor inside of your greenhouse, and wiring it to that instead of turning on a light at the sensor, it will turn on a light or a buzzer inside of your home. This way you can be alerted of their presence, but they will remain unawares.

Then the beatdown can ensue!
what is it with everyone needing to get violent? it fixes nothing and would be horrible news for re-legalization. "pot grower violently assaults teenager, story at 11".

there's already a motion sensor in the greenhouse, you can see it on the left side of the photo between the back two plants. there is also a contact alarm on the door, which i sleep right in front of. if anyone tries to get in, i will know and can either prevent or detain any thieves, which is sufficient for my purposes.

we all did stupid stuff as kids, and i bet we're all happy to be here talking about to each other still.


Well-Known Member
i really see no point in it besides some determent. and for the price tag, the determent doesn't seem worth it to me because they can beat it too easy (ski mask).

i'd think a better way to spend about $100 or so on determent would be an electric fence. i've already made the damn thing a fortress with wood slats every 6'' or so. chicken wire comes next. then the electric fence. they would need a razor to cut the plastic, a saw to get through the wood, and rubber handled clippers for the chicken wire and electric fence. that seems tougher to beat than simply donning a ski mask in my opinion.
Nah man, you're thinking about just being able to know who it is. It's not just about knowing who is coming onto your property, but knowing that someone is coming onto your property in the first place. I bought my set on newegg on sale for $100 plus shipping, it came with the DVR and 4 cameras, all nightvision. Not only could you place one near the front of your house for the entire neighborhood to see you have cameras, but you'd also have a good view of the street during both the day and night. Even if these people do have ski masks on, imagine how much more smoothly things would go if you saw them all coming down the street with your night vision cameras? You'll know about the problem before it happens in some cases and this is invaluable. And not only this, if you put a hard drive in the DVR you can set it to constantly record so that should anything happen you have video evidence of exactly what went down, also invaluable.


This is the one I got, 15% off offer ends today but even at $130 it's a pretty good deal. Another $50-60 for the hard drive and you're then able to record evidence.

I know that's pretty pricey and it's probably what you spend on soil for your set up, but I promise that if you had your night vision cameras set up with motion sensors then you probably would have already caught these guys. This is definitely worth the investment and the best part is the cameras have built in IR sensors so that you're able to see them at night, as I've already explained. However if you feel that the light on there isn't sufficient enough, simply supplement it with one of these like I do.


There are 2 benefits of going with IR lighting as opposed to flood lights. You'll have to be careful where you place the lights as they can mess with your cycles as I'm sure you've already considered, I'm not sure if IR lighting will have the same problem but I assume that it will just to be on the safe side, if someone knew more about that I'd be grateful for more info concerning this. Anyway, the other negative about the flood light is that once it's on, you and the intruders have the same vision. However when it's just IR lights, only you can see them from your camera/cell phone/computer, the only thing they will see is a slightly glowing red ring. Some people say this red ring sucks because it lets everyone know you have the cameras, however most people don't know what it is, so naturally they look up at the light to see what it is. Maybe they'll know, maybe they won't but the point is that they'll have looked straight into the lens, hopefully providing you with the face shot you need for evidence.

It's you vs the thieves and clearly they seem to know your yard and it's not a random thing anymore which makes it much more dangerous as they can make plans to be more efficient. So in order to trump this, you gain more information then they already have by setting up cameras and knowing that they'll be hitting your house when they're down the street.

Sorry if this was too long but I hope it helped, I love my cameras and haven't looked back at all.