Portland area greenhouse grow


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to post pictures here, but at the moment I got a good thing goin. I can honestly say we are rocking in a similar boat, although my boat has elk and yours has napoleon.


Well-Known Member

im really trying hard to fit in. the grapevine told me "if you can't beat em, join em!"

so thanks for the handy advice.

also i was wonderin if you knew of a way to cool off a greenhouse. ive got one too and it looks like yours has a great divine wind.


Well-Known Member
if you have good air flow get a bee hive, I just got some this season. "Italian honey bees" super friendly little dudes. hardly need a suit at all, although you can drop a hive in the gh and put a suit on just for looks. plus honey...eventually my hives are slow I guess?


Well-Known Member
if you have good air flow get a bee hive, I just got some this season. "Italian honey bees" super friendly little dudes. hardly need a suit at all, although you can drop a hive in the gh and put a suit on just for looks. plus honey...eventually my hives are slow I guess?
i am incredibly allergic to bee stings.


Well-Known Member
um then dont do that..? haha
i've been stung walking around barefoot a couple times this year, it's no big deal if they sting my calloused foot. anywhere else though and i swell up like a fucking blueberry.

the ducks have also stepped on a few bees this year. i can tell because they limp for a day and a half after. poor things.


Well-Known Member
my dog also ate a bee the other day. started shaking his head wildly right after and running around. dropped some ice in his water bowl for him. he was a good sport about it.


Well-Known Member
yeah I was weirded out by them before owning honey bees, which are like little flying happy campers. knock on wood im 2 hives in, thousands and thousands of honey bees and not a sting yet.


Well-Known Member
mine have yet to flower, but I imagine it would make the honey that much sweeeter :) they are all over the blackberries right now like white on rice.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 wasps nest about 10ft from my plants ...I usually would knock it down but not this year.I hear they like buds worms and other little critters. Every once in a while I see them hovering over my plants so they must be doing their jobs :D I hate wasps but as long as I don't bother them they don't bother me.