Popo's Seed Strain, 1st grow!


Well-Known Member
The soil is still soaked on all of them.

Yea, my dumb ass recycled towards the end cause I ran out of water, and I was simply just trying to get the PH down.

The run off would get higher and higher in PH, then I would add PH Down, and re-use it.

I went through 10 gallons in 2 days trying to flush them down, and towards the end, It was late, ran out of water, and used run off to get the last 5 plants down in PH.

I will post another pic tonight for an update, but there not looking good at all. :(

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
sorry man thats probly the prob. but live and learn. u can always start over if they dont pull through but they should if u flush with just fresh water and keep PHed and a litte tlc time.


Well-Known Member
Im wondering since the leaves are drying up, should I spray PH7.0 on the leaves when the lights out for more humidity?


Well-Known Member
Here are some new pics. Thanks god I started 3 new seedlings a few weeks ago. Maybe I should start a few more....

Anyways, you guys be the judge. Leave them till they dry and feed with fert? Or flush more and get them in the 6.5 range? Any tips at this point to save them will help me tons....:peace::peace::peace:

P.S. At least the tips still look good for future growth right?



Well-Known Member
yeah man, don't trip. they'll make it. keep givin' 'em that 6.5 water and they'll pull through. you get your pen checked?


Well-Known Member
I got off today late. First thing on my list in the AM. I think I will flush them all again tomm. after the pen gets checked. I think I will get them all at 6.5, and get the salts and junk out till the pee clear.........


Well-Known Member
Dude, I'm fucking pissed. This PH meter has to be off. I get home with 14 gallons of RO, and one tank I add a good amount of PH down cause Im working with 7 gallon containers. And it reads 5.9 and I am like fuck, I put too much, let me check the container with out any PH down. It read 6.4 so I was like perfect. I dump about a half a gallon on my worse plant, and check the run off and it reads 8.4.

Then I continue to flush another gallon and it read 9.1. WTF? So I stopped everything, and will wait till I test the meter in the AM. Keep ya posted.......


Well-Known Member
I have only had the Meter for about a month and a half. Took into the shop, and it read 11.3 from the 7.0 solution. So it was way off. I upgraded to a better meter. They were really cool and gave me a credit for the other one and I picked up some solution.

Well, the plants were actually at 2-3 in PH. Holy shit....Now I am currently flushing to 6.4 for now to get them back were they were.

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
WOW that is on hell of a nute lock out theres ur problem now back on track with me brotha. 2-3 wow they would have died soon enough just in time


Well-Known Member
Dude, all because of a stupid fucking PH Pen. I guess I should have bought the calibri juice and tested it more often. I got a better one now.

I have been using Baking Soda to bring the PH back up. And OMG, its like pour baking soda on an old battery terminal. Its fizzing and bubbling up. And the soil is raising. Its all making the sizzling sound. I hope there going to make it. Well see.

My guess, they wont make it, and if they do its going to take some time to recover. Not to mention I have to wait a while before flowering for sure now. Need another 2-3 weeks at least for new growth if any will come out of this.

But I have 3 babies about 3 weeks in. There doing fine. Guess I will have to clone the shit out of what I have to start a new batch. Only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Oh I forgot, the guy at the shop could not calibrate the unit. He adjusting as much as possible and it did not even get to the test solution. Crazy, the unit just took a shit on me and my plants. Fuck in A bro! I need to go buy a sack.


Well-Known Member
The plants are not looking any better today. But on the positive side, the leaves are not as crispy to the touch. So maybe after there 6 hours of total darkness, they will show some signs. As for now, I don't think there going to make it. There total on on an acid trip. I have learned that everything that could have gone wrong on this first grow has gone wrong.

From here on out, "I should be bullet proof in growing" now.......


Well-Known Member
wow man. I am glad you figured out the problem. I got some solution in my grow and my pen was off too...


Well-Known Member
Well, there all dead but 2 out of the 10 adults. Oh well. If the 2 come back alright, I can clone off them, harvest a small amount, and harvest the 1 or 2 of the other babies there are doing great. Will post an update in 2 days w/ pics.....


Well-Known Member
I always try to have 2 ph testers! Live and learn...or not! GL with your horticulture experiment bro, farming is not always easy hu? I have taken some hard knocks before, and it looks like you are in the middle of one! Stay cool though, I think if you get it together now, your plants may have a chance at recovering from atleast this problem..