Popo's Seed Strain, 1st grow!


Well-Known Member
After a 12 hour nap, the plants got 6 minutes on the first 12 hours of light on the Metal, turned it off, and cool down. Swapped in the HPS . Now we good.

Got a little high and totally forgot, but ("6 minutes, 6 minites doggy dog your on") is all they got, so no biggie.........:joint::peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking really healthy. It seems to have slow down in height growth, but growing more bushy like. The plants seem to be drinking water fast. The temps have got a little higher, and these plants are out growing there pots. But there forced to stay in there pots, as I don't want them to grow any higher then they already are.

So I think higher lumen's, more heat, large plants in 3/4 gallon pots are due to having to feed more often. Not to mention the soil is draining off faster since its been watered so much.

As far as sex, I took a look, and my guess is for sure one female, 2 males, and one not sure of. Most likely to early to tell, as it has only been 24 hours on 12 cycle.

I'm sure in 2-3 more days I will be certain. How many days into flowering does it take a males balls to let its jiz out?


Well-Known Member
Date: 6/17 –10:00AM
Flowering Day 2 –Total days 58

Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W HPS) ON 12/12 (10am to 10pm)
Distance from top of Growing Medium 28"

Temperature – 79.8F
Humidity - 51%
Room/Light vent running-
YES - 24/0
Small room fan 12/12

Nutrient Solution:
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Tiger Bloom® Liquid Plant Food (2-8-4)[/FONT]

Notes: Plants are totally changing there look. Color looks good and growth in the bushy area increasing. Any day now should be able to rip out the males and go from there. Will Post pic tonight.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm predicting 2 females 2 males. Which is fine for me. Going to clone 4 plants once I know for sure. I know I am not supposed to clone during flowering, but I really don't want to cut up my small plants just yet. Plus there all I got and I want a harvest off of these.

Also going to purchase some good seed here in the next month. I want a strong Indica and a strong Sativia. Any particular strains?

All I know, is I have tried white widow, and it was the strongest I have smoked. So that one is on my list.


Well-Known Member
I think its still to early to tell, Dam I need a Magnifier. What do u guys think. One def looks female. I also played with the settings for Sharpness/brightness/contrast on these photos, so don't pay attention to the color if it seems off a bit.:peace:



Well-Known Member
too early too tell from what I can see. you won't need a magnifying glass.

the color on that last pic is cool.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I'm 100% Positive I will be able to tell first thing in the AM tomm. It will be the start of the 5th cycle of the flowering 12/12.

Wish me luck. I think my one and only adult is a female, if so, I will clone 7 off her.(already counted all the nodes after the 4th one.)

If I get 7 clones off one mother, and either veg her again, or most likely will flower her all the way. That way I have plenty of clones and plenty of bud.....

Sound like a good plan?


Well-Known Member
True, I thought about that, right after I posted. If I can get 7 clones, I will focus on the 7th one, and fimm the shit out it for a while and maybe some LST, and get lost of shoots for more clones.......


Well-Known Member
We have one female confirmed so far :). Its like presents, ya never know what your going to get.
yeah, but presents usually aren't so bad you throw them in the trash ... and even if they are, at least you didn't spend any money on them. males are pretty heartbreaking.


Well-Known Member
OK, I know for sure now I have 2 females, and sure I have one male and maybe the last one a Hermie. Still not sure on the males 100% Here are the pics.

First three plants are the younger ones, the oldest and tallest being the one and only adult that made it. That is the one I think might be a Hermie. Maybe it was female, then I burned it with acid, and it became a Hermie?:roll:


Oh yea, I found this huge spider living in the grow room. This guy was fat, must be living of all the bugs and protecting my grow op. I love this guy, so decided to let him stay!



Well-Known Member
Yea, they are growing really well, and starting to spread out very nicely. The 2 for sure females are from the new bunch. I think I will just clone 3 off each one tonight, and then veg them for a month or so, then move them into flowering room. I kind of need the room. Well, actually when I rip out the males, I should have plenty of room.

How long does it take the males to start spreading pollen from start of flowering? Just to be safe incase I don't rip them out by today, Might need till sat night.