Popo's Seed Strain, 1st grow!


Well-Known Member
Fuck I hope man. Thanks. All cause a fucking PH pen. Out of all the adults, I think only 2 are going to make it. Only have 3 in there now, besides the 3 small ones with all the green in them. Oh well.

I do have 2 clones what I am waiting to see roots on. Not sure if of there sex. Well have to see.


Well-Known Member
Dam, I have been trying to get a sack(not trying to hard) and had not smoked in like 6 weeks. Finally asked this guy at work, cause I knew this gangsta could get some, but dam he got me some purple Haze from what he said and I was like, dude, 4 sho.

Gave him 60 for an 8th, and got it the next day at work, This shit was soo purple and smelled like a fucking skunk sprayed me. Came home, and put it in my desk at home, she came home 30 min later and said, the plants out side smell like weed! And htis shit was in a sealed bag. It stank good!

Just lit it up on the vaporizer, and took about 5 hits, It felt like I inhaled menthol or something. Like it was vapor rub or or mint like. Kind of hurt my lungs from the big hits. And it finally went away and I was feeling the cotton mouth. So I grabbed a beer! Anyways, just thought I would share that while I now actually fell better after seeing all the plants die in the last few weeks. :) Peace.


Well-Known Member
i am so shocked and appalled. I'm really sorry, man. That coco gives you a little less room for error. Is your tap water really that bad ?


Well-Known Member
Weed was great. Very Skunky smell

I use RO water. It was perfect, from the source, but my meter said it was not. Fucked it all up....But I'm doing good now.


Well-Known Member
Im glad to see my strongest adult plant make it. All colas have growth. The second adult Im not really seeing any addition growth yet, so its hard to say if it will make it. And the 3rd died.

So down to 2 of the original 10.

The thing that sucks, is the chance of my strongest one will wind up being male with my luck.

Im sure I will only wind up having one female out of all the plants I have right now. But that one mother should provide me with enough clones to get back into the game......


Well-Known Member
OK, I let the one and only plant dry out completely. Its has since shown a good come back and showing growth.

I gave it about 1/2 strength Big Bloom and Grow Big, as I want to flower it in 1-2 weeks.

Will let it dry up, feed pure water, then put into 12/12. I need to sex it soon so I'm not wasting my time with it.

Also, one of of 2 clones showing roots through rockwool. So I at least saved 2 . But not sure of sex. So I pretty much have a total of 6 plants. (1 adult, 3 new from seed, and 2 clones. I'm sure I will have at least 2 females out of this whole mess. Then I want to kill the rest, focus on creating some new clones, and start flowering what I have to get a small harvest. Will post up pics in 4 days, should be better this time around........


Well-Known Member
For one out of the whole bunch. Week 4 i think for the smaller ones. The adult is actually coming back really well now.

Some other veggies I am growing to make time pass by faster.....Anyways, next week putting them into flowering mode.



Well-Known Member
I just wished I had more plants. I thought about starting more from seed, but then that would take more time to harvest then just to snip a few clones of the mothers. I should be able to tell sex with in a week and a half.

6 more days, and its flower time. Going to feed pure water on next watering, then with the flower juice the night before the 12/12 comes in to effect.

My cones didn't make it. They weren't really clones anyways. They were the main top I accidentally broke off about 3 weeks ago will LST'ing.

So all I have is 4 plants :(. Crossing my fingers at least 2 are female.


Active Member
wow dude.
i drop of the face of the earth for two weeks and this shit happens?
i'm way sorry about your plants.
hopefully, you'll have a good female to clone from!!!


Well-Known Member
OK, since the 3 smaller plants were getting to there size where I needed to start putting them into flowering, and since the only surviving adult is now healthy, Its time for the Flowering Cycle.

Turned the lights to 12/12, and feed them there Tiger Bloom Juice for the first time. Now we will be able to tell who is Male & Female. I guess its that time to cross my fingers for the next 3-4 days. Wish me good luck guys!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Dude, I forgot to tell you guys, Read post #102. That shit was called Cat Piss! And it is killer bud. So fucking strong in THC. So I asked the guy for more, and he got me some really good Old School Purple Kush. Now that guy says he has Lemon Sour Diesel. Its like a new flavor every week. This is killing my budget, but its dame good quality.

I gots the hook up. Going to try and get some of that Lemon.

I hope to god to find a seed one day of any of these strains. Anyways, I just thought I would share that. A few new types I have not tried yet, but love.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I forgot to tell you guys, Read post #102. That shit was called Cat Piss! And it is killer bud. So fucking strong in THC. So I asked the guy for more, and he got me some really good Old School Purple Kush. Now that guy says he has Lemon Sour Diesel. Its like a new flavor every week. This is killing my budget, but its dame good quality.

I gots the hook up. Going to try and get some of that Lemon.

I hope to god to find a seed one day of any of these strains. Anyways, I just thought I would share that. A few new types I have not tried yet, but love.
nice. they're looking happy. my last grow was bagseed catpiss. awesome buds.


Well-Known Member
Bag seed huh? Nice to find those seeds in a bag. All the stuff I get never has seeds, I guess thats a good thing if you just smoke, bad if ya grow... :( PM me if you still have some () () ()