Popo's Seed Strain, 1st grow!


Well-Known Member
T5s just won't match up to HPS for budding. They're great for conserving electricity when you can get away with less lumens, like for maintaining mothers. They still don't match the efficiency of HPS, and the spectrum just isn't as good. For bud production, HPS is the right choice.

If i remember correctly, aren't you in FF? Which kind? I know they add some lime in there, so it's hard to believe that you're getting such crazy pH swings. What's your water pH at?

New pics?
Not sure what is FF? But I always PH the water to 6.1-6.5 and then add my Fox Farm Nutes. I guess the nutes really cranked it back up. I will have to play with it when I feed again.

I used that soil but never tested the runoff since I have using the wat4er that was PH'ed, just never checked. I figured with the bag of soil-less mixture that said it was PH'ed, and I was using organic nutes from fox farm and the water was properly PH'ed I was fine. I guess I need to check run off more often and pay more attention.


Well-Known Member
Not sure what is FF? But I always PH the water to 6.1-6.5 and then add my Fox Farm Nutes. I guess the nutes really cranked it back up. I will have to play with it when I feed again.

I used that soil but never tested the runoff since I have using the wat4er that was PH'ed, just never checked. I figured with the bag of soil-less mixture that said it was PH'ed, and I was using organic nutes from fox farm and the water was properly PH'ed I was fine. I guess I need to check run off more often and pay more attention.
Oh, for some reason I thought you were in fox farm (FF) soil. What's in the soil-less mix? Surprising it's pHing so high. I would have assumed the same as you, honestly. Sometimes things in soil-less can make pH go up or down, peat, for example. That's one good thing about soil, is that it has some buffering capability.

How are they looking?

D port Growth

Well-Known Member
what up sheep lol (inside joke) hows ur gurls doin i just posted some new pix
but sounds like ur havin a ph prob eh u still usin that same chicken poop soil with a bunch of mulch in it that might be whats makin ur ph unstable but just a guess hook us up with some pics pimp out


Well-Known Member
Naw, fuck that shit. I changed it out with a local soil-less coco called Royal Gold. Its the blue bag.

Royal Gold Coco Compost

The plants like this better, but I think it comes with at a High PH. No biggy. No that I know. I will post an update tonight. But 3-4 out of the 12 are not looking good. The leaves are curling up and shrinking.


Well-Known Member
Got RIO water, ph'ed to about 5.5 and flushed till the run off came to the range of 5.9-6.5. only the last 4 plants I did, I recycled the runoff cause I ran out of fresh water.

Which was stupid, cause any build up in the salts, I prolly poured right back in them.....


Well-Known Member
The worst one is in that batch. The other ones don't look too bad. What do you think from the pics?


Well-Known Member
Dude, my plants look like there almost dead. Well at least one does, but others are looking worse. The others are starting to look the same. I think this whole process shocked and killed them.

I flushed 4 of the worst looking ones again with pure RIO water PH'ed to 6.5. The run off was cloudy and Ph was 7.5. It was not cloudy the first time. What should I do. Let them dry out? I can't help but to try something. Fuck, prolly going to loose half my crop and then loose another half after sex shows.FUCK. I should have left them they way they were. Nice and perfect. I just had to fuck with things.......


Well-Known Member
well, 5.5 is too low for soil or coco. you want to be at 6.5. It does not surprise me that the plant is shocked by this sudden change in pH.

give the ones you flushed long enough to react to the 6.5 . you're probably going to need to bring them all back up to that pH.

as a quick check without watering, you can take a sample of the medium, mix it up with your pHd water and test the pH on that.

have you calibrated your pH pen? 10-11 seems really high to me. coco is usually in the 5.5-7 range.


Well-Known Member
oh and another thing - take a breath. until the leaves are on the ground, the plants are not a lost cause, as you've witnessed. you have the advantage of the quick response time of coco on your side, so they can pick up quickly.

update when anything changes.


Well-Known Member
Well, the only reason I used 5.5 was during the flush to get it down faster with less water. So should I let them dry completely then flush again to 6.5? Or do it asap?

I am getting my PH Pen tested and adjusted today.

Here is my theory of what is happening. The Ph was so high in the pots, that is why I saw them slowing down in growth. When the PH gets that high, the soil begins to build up salts. So the first 4 plants, I did not recycle the run off, on the other 5-6 I did. So those are the ones that are having the biggest issue.

So part of my theory is that when I recycled the run off and keep the run off at a PH of 6 range, it was really high in salts or PPM. I don't have an EC or PPM pen, but soon I will.

So with a combine added salts and huge difference in PH, the plants freaked out.


Well-Known Member
When you get your pen adjusted, I would test the soil as-is. If it's that bad, or if the ones you did flush with 6.5 look much better, then flush the remainder out. Coco drains well.


Well-Known Member
When you say Test the soil, Do I get a cup of RIO and PH it down to say 6.5, then add soil and check PH?


Well-Known Member
gotcha. then yes. if you're always watering with 6.5, i can't imagine having that much pH fluctuation. that's just nuts.


Well-Known Member
I know. I have always water close to that range. Even after I flushed them from 10 to 6, today's run off was back up in the 7.5 already. And that was on my worst plant. Must be all the salts.

I think I am going to wait 3 days, then flush again with clean pure RO @6.5 till the water runs clear. That way I know the salts and junk is out.


Well-Known Member
I forgot, the worst plants leaves are so dry and curled up, I touched them and they fall to the ground. :(