POLL: Should rapist get the death penalty?

Should rape be punishable by death.

  • Yes (Make it a public event)

  • Yes

  • No

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There are countries with the death penalty for rape and they have some of the highest rates of rape in the world. There is no correlation between instituting the death penalty for a crime and reductions in that crime. "Scientific studies have consistently failed to demonstrate that executions deter people from committing crime any more than long prison sentences. Moreover, states without the death penalty have much lower murder rates. The South accounts for 80% of US executions and has the highest regional murder rate." As a matter of fact when states stop executing people, the murder rate goes down. Explain that.

The countries with the least drugs are indeed the countries where they execute you for using them. Try to get a nice bag of coke in Indonesia for instance, ain't happening. I completely disagree with their policy but brutality is unfortunately effective.
Well, ya know, there is that thing called due process of law... you can't just execute people the second they are convicted. Do you know how many innocent people we would wind up killing if we never gave anyone the chance for appeals?
I didn't say there should't be appeals, I don't where you seen that but is wasn't from me.
I don't think appeals should take decades though. How about cases where there's DNA evidence, a confession or on video. I see now reason to keep these people alive and keep them in prison for life. If the bleeding hearts out there think the death penalty is wrong or these people can be rehabilitated I purpose you pay for it.
No.... honestly if someone raped me or my daughter the cops would never find his body ...if they did arrest the person I'd rather see them die alone..old in jail..
For one he never as far as I know hit another dog. Shit I had it rough as a kid and I never harmed animals. That kids main source of punishment was to sit in the corner but seeing him do that to a dog meant he was going to get some corporal punishment. His parents both agreed.
It is not beating it is a spanking, what I got growing up was beatings, what I do is spankings. It is appropriate to spank children who misbehaved badly.
Children's brains do not understand the nuances of punishment. Even if he hadn't hit another dog before, I guarantee you that he was hit before. Hitting (of ANY form, spanking included) your child vastly increases the chance that they will act out violently themselves, because it teaches them the lesson that when someone or something does something you don't like, you can and should use violence against that person or thing. Children who are spanked become more likely to strike fellow students once they join school, and are more likely to beat their own spouse and children once they have a family. You are literally re-wiring the child's mind to use violence to express displeasure. People who are beaten as children wind up beating their children, and children who are beaten grow up more violent than children who are not. Furthermore, you teach them to ignore any form of non-violent authority, so they are more likely to break rules at school and break laws in general, because now violence is the only form of discipline their brains understand and respect. Studies have reaffirmed this connection again and again.
Children's brains do not understand the nuances of punishment. Even if he hadn't hit another dog before, I guarantee you that he was hit before. Hitting (of ANY form, spanking included) your child vastly increases the chance that they will act out violently themselves, because it teaches them the lesson that when someone or something does something you don't like, you can and should use violence against that person or thing. Children who are spanked become more likely to strike fellow students once they join school, and are more likely to beat their own spouse and children once they have a family. You are literally re-wiring the child's mind to use violence to express displeasure. People who are beaten as children wind up beating their children, and children who are beaten grow up more violent than children who are not. Furthermore, you teach them to ignore any form of non-violent authority, so they are more likely to break rules at school and break laws in general, because now violence is the only form of discipline their brains understand and respect. Studies have reaffirmed this connection again and again.

As a child I was not beaten but knew if I made the choice to do something I wasn't allowed a spanking could be the result of my own actions. .spanking a kid who acts like a dick by choice will teach them to think twice...not murder a dog and beat ur wife and kids..a child brought up in a violent environment gets more then an occasional spanking. .a child exposed to daily violence amongst the family is at risk of repeating the pattern. .
The countries with the least drugs are indeed the countries where they execute you for using them. Try to get a nice bag of coke in Indonesia for instance, ain't happening. I completely disagree with their policy but brutality is unfortunately effective.
You obviously have never been to Indonesia. I've spent a considerable amount of time there, and in just about every major city, just walking down the street you get asked "You want coke? You want weed? You want girls? Or boys? Whatever you want I can get it for you!" over and over and over, by the pimps and drug dealers who post up on the street corners. I literally had to threaten a pimp who wouldn't stop following me, trying to figure out what drugs or prostitutes I wanted. He wouldn't leave and eventually he actually grabbed my arm and I thought "enough is enough, you don't get to touch me" and I pulled back like I was going to hit him, and finally he ran off to the next mark. People are not discouraged by what will happen to them if they are caught, all they take into account is how likely they are to get caught. You can have all the penalties you want, if people think they won't get caught they will do it anyways.
As a child I was not beaten but knew if I made the choice to do something I wasn't allowed a spanking could be the result of my own actions. .spanking a kid who acts like a dick by choice will teach them to think twice...not murder a dog and beat ur wife and kids..a child brought up in a violent environment gets more then an occasional spanking. .a child exposed to daily violence amongst the family is at risk of repeating the pattern. .
Well, every study that has been done has reached a different conclusion than you did. The majority of studies have found that a single episode of spanking is enough to, in a statistically significant way, increase the chance of that child striking a classmate in school or acting out in other physically violent ways.
The Long-Term Effects of Spanking
A multiyear study shows spanking kids makes them more aggressive later on
"As many parents can attest, few disciplinary measures stop a child from misbehaving as quickly as a swift smack or two on the bottom. But in a new study published in Pediatrics, researchers at Tulane University provide the strongest evidence yet that children's short-term response to spanking may make them act out more in the long run. Of the nearly 2,500 youngsters in the study, those who were spanked more frequently at age 3 were much more likely to be aggressive by age 5."
"The reason for this may be that spanking sets up a loop of bad behavior. Corporal punishment instills fear rather than understanding. Even if children stop tantrums when spanked, that doesn't mean they get why they shouldn't have been acting up in the first place. What's more, spanking sets a bad example, teaching children that aggressive behavior is a solution to their parents' problems."
Well, every study that has been done has reached a different conclusion than you did. The majority of studies have found that a single episode of spanking is enough to, in a statistically significant way, increase the chance of that child striking a classmate in school or acting out in other physically violent ways.
Well I have a real kid..and was one who was spanked. .never been violent. .or hit anyone first...lol so I guess ur studies are flawed. .
The Long-Term Effects of Spanking
A multiyear study shows spanking kids makes them more aggressive later on
"As many parents can attest, few disciplinary measures stop a child from misbehaving as quickly as a swift smack or two on the bottom. But in a new study published in Pediatrics, researchers at Tulane University provide the strongest evidence yet that children's short-term response to spanking may make them act out more in the long run. Of the nearly 2,500 youngsters in the study, those who were spanked more frequently at age 3 were much more likely to be aggressive by age 5."


There needed to be a 'study' done on this subject?
The countries with the least drugs are indeed the countries where they execute you for using them. Try to get a nice bag of coke in Indonesia for instance, ain't happening. I completely disagree with their policy but brutality is unfortunately effective.

damn, socko. you got your facts all wrong.
Well I have a real kid..and was one who was spanked. .never been violent. .or hit anyone first...lol so I guess ur studies are flawed. .
Not violent yet. Also, if it makes 9 out of 10 kids more violent, one kid will still get hit and not become violent. Doesn't mean that the vast majority don't. You are using one anecdote about your life to try to counter a copious amount of research indicating the opposite. Do you really think that because you (might) have the exception, it somehow means all these studies were wrong? You really think you're that universal? Let me guess, you were spanked as a kid, now you spank your kid, and eventually your kid will spank her kids, and yet you don't see a perpetuating cycle, eh?

Also, even if your kid doesn't hit anyone, she is MUCH more likely to form relationships with people who will abuse her and her future children, so congrats, you've really set her up for success.
Well I have a real kid..and was one who was spanked. .never been violent. .or hit anyone first...lol so I guess ur studies are flawed. .

i don't think you can read a study. the study did not say that children who are spanked invariably hit others, it says they are more likely to.

lol so i guess ur reading comprehension is flawed. .
Not violent yet. Also, if it makes 9 out of 10 kids more violent, one kid will still get hit and not become violent. Doesn't mean that the vast majority don't. You are using one anecdote about your life to try to counter a copious amount of research indicating the opposite. Do you really think that because you (might) have the exception, it somehow means all these studies were wrong? You really think you're that universal? Let me guess, you were spanked as a kid, now you spank your kid, and eventually your kid will spank her kids, and yet you don't see a perpetuating cycle, eh?
I lack the body mass to intimidate air..study..shmudy..I speak of real life not shit some guy wrote ur quoting...