POLL: Should rapist get the death penalty?

Should rape be punishable by death.

  • Yes (Make it a public event)

  • Yes

  • No

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Easy Google.
Here ya go

There's tons of other data sets as well. Like I said I don't approve, but if you've ever been to the Middle East like Saudi Arabia or to an Asian country like Singapore I think you'd notice the difference right away. People are terrified to break the law.

so you've gone from "just TRY getting good cocaine in singapore!" to "well, there are LESS people doing cocaine in singapore".

as part of my effort to always lose in debate as per april, i will say that your argument is solid, not unraveling rapidly, and certainly does stand up to direct observational evidence made by other members.
Maybe the kids who were spanked more frequently were the naughtier kids? That's why they were naughty later? It's like saying kids who go to hospitals are more likely to go to hospitals later. Yeah, they are kids who get sick more or have health issues. Kids who get spanked tend to have behavioral issues. Could be your way as well....

you are making a convincing argument and in no way come off as a retarded and oafish sock puppet.

you're welcome, april.
Yeah, wait until there is absolutely no possibility that the child's mind will understand. Make everything as damaging as possible. Way to go! I hope one of your kids beats you when you're too old to defend yourself.

I have 2 kids both out of the house and thriving in the careers they picked. They have well surpassed me when I was their age so I'd say I didn't do that bad of a job for being a "savage" who "beats" their kids.
so you've gone from "just TRY getting good cocaine in singapore!" to "well, there are LESS people doing cocaine in singapore".

as part of my effort to always lose in debate as per april, i will say that your argument is solid, not unraveling rapidly, and certainly does stand up to direct observational evidence made by other members.
The original statement was harsh drug sentences don't work. I said they unfortunately do work. The data obviously says they do.

Direct observational evidence is not data. I can see now why you are so confused. You think with your feelings.

Try to find data showing that drug use is equal in countries with harsh penalties and countries with lax penalties. I'll wait :)
Try to get a nice bag of coke in Indonesia for instance, ain't happening.

so you say that you can't even obtain drugs in one post, then your next post shows that at least 5 million people in that nation have done opiates in the last year.

i don't even have to bother refuting your claims, you refute your own. april would be proud of you. she thinks the goal of debate should be to prove yourself wrong, and you have certainly done that.
Try to find data showing that drug use is equal in countries with harsh penalties and countries with lax penalties.

so you argument has now gone from "you can't even FIND drugs in indonesia!" to "well, about 5 million people are doing opiates alone in indonesia in the last year" to "well, it's not the same as it is in some other countries!".

well golly, aren't you just the prize at the bottom of my crackerjax.
so you say that you can't even obtain drugs in one post, then your next post shows that at least 5 million people in that nation have done opiates in the last year.

i don't even have to bother refuting your claims, you refute your own. april would be proud of you. she thinks the goal of debate should be to prove yourself wrong, and you have certainly done that.
Top 20 countries for use, all liberal. Bottom 20, all strict. You see, once again you point at one piece of data. You want to put multiple points on like a line, and you know compare em and stuff. Maybe they have this in a coloring book I could link for you....
so he didn't rape but that legless twit from south Africa committed murder and was proven guilty.
judge took a payout other wise how else can you only get less than half the minimum sentence for murder..ffs maybe we do need the death penalty...judge quoted that the dickhead is not a risk of reoffending....
Top 20 countries for use, all liberal. Bottom 20, all strict. You see, once again you point at one piece of data. You want to put multiple points on like a line, and you know compare em and stuff. Maybe they have this in a coloring book I could link for you....

iran has the death penalty for drug traffickers and is #4 on that list.

are you purposely trying to be wrong?
iran has the death penalty for drug traffickers and is #4 on that list.

are you purposely trying to be wrong?
Yup one vegan gets a heart attack, therefore being vegan isn't good for your heart. Do you really think like that? You can't be this dense.
Iran is next to Afghanistan.....heroin is like 10 cents there, only reason.

you're quoting yourself now?

this is getting pathetic, quick.

can you tell me what your previous username was so i can see your embarrassing flame out which led to your current sock puppet account?
you're quoting yourself now?

this is getting pathetic, quick.

can you tell me what your previous username was so i can see your embarrassing flame out which led to your current sock puppet account?
New account, it's twats like you why I generally don't use these sites. Arguing with fools has no purpose.