POLL: Should rapist get the death penalty?

Should rape be punishable by death.

  • Yes (Make it a public event)

  • Yes

  • No

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I believe you're talking about Making a Murderer. Great documentary, almost as good as The Jinx. Did you watch the whole thing? If so, how would you feel if they executed Brendan Dassey (The nephew)? He "confessed", but we know that the crime didn't happen at all in the way he described it, and it is pretty clear (especially if you look up the full interviews) that his confession was coached and forced in a similar way to the confession was coerced from Jessie Misskelley in the West Memphis Three case. Have an authority figure interrogate a person with sub par intelligence for long enough and you can get them to say just about anything to get it to stop. False confessions aren't that uncommon, and just knowing what I know about them I think I would need more proof than that to execute someone.
Let them all live put them up in the hilton, but you pay for it. If an innocent person gives a confession and is put to death for it, tough shit for him. Look up some stats on innocent people being killed by police everyday! The odds of innocent people being put to death are slim to none. You'd have better chance of winning the lottery and getting struck by lightning on your way to pick up the check. There might not be so many folks with "sub par intelligence" in this country if we built more schools than prisons, paid teachers more than taxi drivers, or letting kids that want to go to college go without being in debt tens of thousands of dollars. How many people that have never committed a crime die daily because they can't afford health insurance. The sad part is the people convicted of murder, rape, kidnapping you name it have access to all of it free of charge, what an investment.
There is all this discussion about pain and suffering and how to kill someone painlessly. I am really surprised that we dont suffocate people. Not like a pillow over the head, just put them in a room and pump out the oxygen and let them fall asleep. No pain, no cost and you can make sure they are really really dead so no mistakes.
Nitrogen asphyxiation is supposed to be the least painful. Because the air we breath is already like 78% nitrogen you don't realize you can't breathe in 100% nitrogen so you just kinda get sleepy and then pass out forever without ever feeling that panicky "why can't I breathe" feeling. In a world where people refuse to get rid of the death penalty, it's a better alternative than the electric chair, hanging, shooting, gassing, or lethal injection.
Let them all live put them up in the hilton, but you pay for it. If an innocent person gives a confession and is put to death for it, tough shit for him. Look up some stats on innocent people being killed by police everyday! The odds of innocent people being put to death are slim to none. You'd have better chance of winning the lottery and getting struck by lightning on your way to pick up the check. There might not be so many folks with "sub par intelligence" in this country if we built more schools than prisons, paid teachers more than taxi drivers, or letting kids that want to go to college go without being in debt tens of thousands of dollars. How many people that have never committed a crime die daily because they can't afford health insurance. The sad part is the people convicted of murder, rape, kidnapping you name it have access to all of it free of charge, what an investment.
Well, most of that could be fixed by people actually supporting healthcare and welfare expansion. But the same people who want the death penalty are also usually against universal healthcare and welfare. What a surprise. But you keep saying that letting criminals live is the expensive option, and the fact is it's not. Killing them is, in the real world, the vastly more expensive option, and giving them life in prison is the much cheaper alternative.