Are you mad because you googled it and realized that I'm right? Throwin' a hissy fit because the research doesn't fit your preferred view of the world? Can't argue with the stats, can't argue with countless experts, so you use false equivalency to try to prove that you know better than just about every expert on the subject? I beg you to offer 1/10th the evidence I have already offered, in the form of actual studies, to support your point. All you have is "You are rude so you must be wrong", and your little holier than thou attitude won't win you this debate.
"In the meta-analysis, researchers Elizabeth Gershoff and Andrew Grogan-Kaylor from the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Michigan, respectively, evaluated 75 published studies on the relationship between spanking by parents and various behavioral, emotional, cognitive and physical outcomes among their kids. They found that spanking was associated with 13 out of a total of 17 negative outcomes they assessed, including increased aggression and behavioral and mental health problems as well as reduced cognitive ability and self-esteem."