POLL: Should rapist get the death penalty?

Should rape be punishable by death.

  • Yes (Make it a public event)

  • Yes

  • No

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i spend alot of time in the ghetto.
its interesting that every girl ive met (and obviously gotten to know, not like i jist talk to random people about this) has been raped..
most multiple times
i know the world i come from has skewed my thoughts..
but rape is hardly the worst of crimes, not deserving of death imo or life sentence .. i mean no case is equal, the younger the victim the worse that kinda deal etc

but yea
Do you think serial rapists qualify for the death penalty.
People on death row have it far better than their victims did.
I didn't blame him at all after I was told he may not be a rapist. When I thought he had raped someone I loved I was enraged.

Basically just saying rape allegations aren't always true, and people should control their rage because of that. Cops and courts are better than lynch mobs for that reason.
You're right for some reason the rape part didn't register in my head.
I am merely pointing out your own hypocrisy. Why do you feel the need to perform acts of violence against children? Why is it okay for you to hit a kid for doing something you don't like, yet when I suggest I follow the same behavior which you advocate, it is somehow not okay? Why the double standard? Why is it more okay to commit acts of violence against the most defenseless among us? What is it about their inability to fight back that makes it more moral in your mind?
You're full of shit. The only hypocrites in this thread are you and buck. The truth is you were making smart ass comments and calling names before i posted anything. Way to deflect responsibility and backpedal. You can come up with the all bullshit you want to try justify your actions. Word everything to the extreme to make it sound worse than it really is. Beatings, acts of violence against the most defenseless among us, they can't fight back c'mon a little dramatic and exaggerated don't you think. Is a slap on the ass and beating the fuck outta of a kid the same thing? It may be by definition, nobody is advocating beating kids with a garden hose because they left their shoes on the floor. It's like comparing a match to a forest fire. They're both fire and they're both hot, but not quite the same in my opinion. You could blame marijuana for most addicts drug problems because thats most likely what they started with. Can you blame weed for heroin addicts or do you think maybe there could be an underlying issue that has nothing to do with weed? If a 14 year old watches friday the 13th doesn't mean he's gonna be a serial killer. If a kid touches a hot stove doesn't mean he's going to be an arsonist, but I'd bet he won't touch a stove again. If you change your mind about coming to boston let me know I'll pick you up at the airport.
yep, your anecdotal experience totally trumps the scientific studies that produce the same result time after time after time.

Most results concluded by studies are actually opinions of those who wrote them..like the real results would see the light of day...ur not that dumb are u? guess ur right I'll eventually beat my child and husband because I was disciplined when I was bad... next ur gonna argue that frequently hugged kids will turn into predators because dad touched u too long....I'm guessing ur obsession with always needing to be "right" at anyones expense is explained in one of ur studies.
You're full of shit. The only hypocrites in this thread are you and buck. The truth is you were making smart ass comments and calling names before i posted anything. Way to deflect responsibility and backpedal. You can come up with the all bullshit you want to try justify your actions. Word everything to the extreme to make it sound worse than it really is. Beatings, acts of violence against the most defenseless among us, they can't fight back c'mon a little dramatic and exaggerated don't you think. Is a slap on the ass and beating the fuck outta of a kid the same thing? It may be by definition, nobody is advocating beating kids with a garden hose because they left their shoes on the floor. It's like comparing a match to a forest fire. They're both fire and they're both hot, but not quite the same in my opinion. You could blame marijuana for most addicts drug problems because thats most likely what they started with. Can you blame weed for heroin addicts or do you think maybe there could be an underlying issue that has nothing to do with weed? If a 14 year old watches friday the 13th doesn't mean he's gonna be a serial killer. If a kid touches a hot stove doesn't mean he's going to be an arsonist, but I'd bet he won't touch a stove again. If you change your mind about coming to boston let me know I'll pick you up at the airport.
Are you mad because you googled it and realized that I'm right? Throwin' a hissy fit because the research doesn't fit your preferred view of the world? Can't argue with the stats, can't argue with countless experts, so you use false equivalency to try to prove that you know better than just about every expert on the subject? I beg you to offer 1/10th the evidence I have already offered, in the form of actual studies, to support your point. All you have is "You are rude so you must be wrong", and your little holier than thou attitude won't win you this debate.

"In the meta-analysis, researchers Elizabeth Gershoff and Andrew Grogan-Kaylor from the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Michigan, respectively, evaluated 75 published studies on the relationship between spanking by parents and various behavioral, emotional, cognitive and physical outcomes among their kids. They found that spanking was associated with 13 out of a total of 17 negative outcomes they assessed, including increased aggression and behavioral and mental health problems as well as reduced cognitive ability and self-esteem."
Are you mad because you googled it and realized that I'm right? Throwin' a hissy fit because the research doesn't fit your preferred view of the world? Can't argue with the stats, can't argue with countless experts, so you use false equivalency to try to prove that you know better than just about every expert on the subject? I beg you to offer 1/10th the evidence I have already offered, in the form of actual studies, to support your point. All you have is "You are rude so you must be wrong", and your little holier than thou attitude won't win you this debate.

"In the meta-analysis, researchers Elizabeth Gershoff and Andrew Grogan-Kaylor from the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Michigan, respectively, evaluated 75 published studies on the relationship between spanking by parents and various behavioral, emotional, cognitive and physical outcomes among their kids. They found that spanking was associated with 13 out of a total of 17 negative outcomes they assessed, including increased aggression and behavioral and mental health problems as well as reduced cognitive ability and self-esteem."

Bullshit any kid can be born a psychopath. .that has been proven. environmental factors "can" influence who u become. .they don't define u unless ur unstable enough to begin with. If the studies u swear by had any validity 3/4 of the population would be abusing and beating up their kids...mental disorders are not brought on by spankings...ur born with them unless ur subject to severe beatings which is not a spanking. .use whatever dramatic words u want to make it sound like something it is not but spanking a child 1 time for behavior they know is wrong and keep repeating regardless of the words u toss at them is not beating a child...shall we discuss the study results of verbal abuse..or better yet parents who don't hold their kids responsible for their actions...bet all the subjects involved in these studies are model citizens. .
Bullshit any kid can be born a psychopath. .that has been proven. environmental factors "can" influence who u become. .they don't define u unless ur unstable enough to begin with. If the studies u swear by had any validity 3/4 of the population would be abusing and beating up their kids...mental disorders are not brought on by spankings...ur born with them unless ur subject to severe beatings which is not a spanking. .use whatever dramatic words u want to make it sound like something it is not but spanking a child 1 time for behavior they know is wrong and keep repeating regardless of the words u toss at them is not beating a child...shall we discuss the study results of verbal abuse..or better yet parents who don't hold their kids responsible for their actions...bet all the subjects involved in these studies are model citizens. .
All that typing and you still can't cite a single study that supports you. What a surprise.
All that typing and you still can't cite a single study that supports you. What a surprise.

Ya some people live life...others read about it and think they're smarter because they quote what someone else's thinking. ..well done you've finally mastered the fine art of copy and paste...bet ur mom gave u gold stars for shit like this...
Well look what I found ...I can also copy and past a study ...

Cause and the effect
Despite the fervor of anti-spanking experts, the scientific evidence that spanking does cause behavioral trouble later in life is thin. While spanking has been associated with a wide range of negative effects, such as increased aggression, decreased self-control and adolescent depression, the studies can't prove that these effects were caused by spanking. For instance, it may be that aggressive kids with poor self-control get spanked more because their behavior makes their parents angrier. Or it might be that aggressive parents with poor self-control spank more and are also more likely to pass on to their kids genes linked to aggression and poor self-control.

And many of the studies tend not to differentiate between parents who spank frequently and forcefully and those who do so occasionally and moderately. So results get lumped together, with different definitions of "spanking" carrying the same weight.

Such studies only prove that nothing was proved, say Diana Baumrind, Ph.D., of the University of California, Berkeley, and Robert Larzelere, at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, in Omaha, both of whom have been critical of the wide-ranging conclusions reached by many studies of physical punishment. Baumrind, in fact, has conducted research suggesting that "moderate" spanking has no effect on kids' well-being.

Happy pumpkin? ?
I had a girlfriend when I was in my early 20's tell me she was raped when I got jealous she was hanging out with another dude. Sent my through the rough. I instantly believed her and seriously there was nothing but murder on my brain after that.

Her friend told me about a week later that they had actually dated, and that she wasn't raped but panicked when I got upset. I almost killed a kid, seriously I was naming bullets for the guy, I had a fucking pile of tires and a hole dug. I'm so lucky that girl had the guts to tell me the truth. Would have been the end of my life and that kids.

Life is complicated. Prisons have innocent people in there and yet there are still rapists getting away with it. You can't kill people on a word vs word case. I think you have a point, although it does go down some un PC avenues.
For real that shit happens all the time. This one girl screamed rape on my brother because her mother found out she lost her virginity cops and teachers even questioned me I'm just like " I don't know I didn't think he would" then a couple days later she's all like "I wasn't raped" and straight begged my brother to hook back up with her. Lol

Then same thing happened to another friend.

This one guys wife told the police he molested his kids but he never got charged only questioned and the kids were old enough to testify. So I think it was bullshit but I would never let him anywhere near my daughter. Lol
When I was 13 my "friend " told people at school that my brother tried to rape her..he is very gay..always has been. .so I just laughed and told everyone he denied her ..everyone knew she lied because it's very obvious my brother luvs cock..lol but I was soooo angry that someone would say that out of anger...anyone willing to destroy a reputation over anger should receive the punishment they wished upon their victim..Bitch is huge..single and can't even get raped if she begged for it now. .
Most results concluded by studies are actually opinions of those who wrote them..


i'd ask for some citation or proof or evidence of that, but if that study existed it would just be the opinion of whoever wrote the study.

congrats, you have now single handedly made all research everywhere worthless in perpetuity throughout the universe.

we're all fucked now.
All that typing and you still can't cite a single study that supports you. What a surprise.

i read a study that said that studies are just the opinions of whoever did the study.

Are you mad because you googled it and realized that I'm right? Throwin' a hissy fit because the research doesn't fit your preferred view of the world? Can't argue with the stats, can't argue with countless experts, so you use false equivalency to try to prove that you know better than just about every expert on the subject? I beg you to offer 1/10th the evidence I have already offered, in the form of actual studies, to support your point. All you have is "You are rude so you must be wrong", and your little holier than thou attitude won't win you this debate.

"In the meta-analysis, researchers Elizabeth Gershoff and Andrew Grogan-Kaylor from the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Michigan, respectively, evaluated 75 published studies on the relationship between spanking by parents and various behavioral, emotional, cognitive and physical outcomes among their kids. They found that spanking was associated with 13 out of a total of 17 negative outcomes they assessed, including increased aggression and behavioral and mental health problems as well as reduced cognitive ability and self-esteem."
Your cut and paste skills are wonderful. Your reading comprehension needs some work. I didn't call you rude and i don't have "little holier than thou attitude." Again trying to insult people instead of stating fact. All i'm doing is pointing out your and buck's behavior is similar to the bold type "facts" you're posting. What do your studies say about kids being raised
in homes with drug addicts and criminals who grow drugs. You're so concerned with safety and mental health why do you subject kids to that type of criminal behavior? Those studies mean nothing do they? You're so concerned with being right you're blind to how much of a hypocrite you are. That's really is my only point. You act like a spoiled child that can't get his way. Keep making your assumptions, insults, and threats it's wonderful example for people to follow. The truth is your studies could be %100 fact, I wouldn't know I've never hit a child because I don't have any. Sometimes people that like to preach need a mirror held up for them to have a look in.
Your cut and paste skills are wonderful. Your reading comprehension needs some work. I didn't call you rude and i don't have "little holier than thou attitude." Again trying to insult people instead of stating fact. All i'm doing is pointing out your and buck's behavior is similar to the bold type "facts" you're posting. What do your studies say about kids being raised
in homes with drug addicts and criminals who grow drugs. You're so concerned with safety and mental health why do you subject kids to that type of criminal behavior? Those studies mean nothing do they? You're so concerned with being right you're blind to how much of a hypocrite you are. That's really is my only point. You act like a spoiled child that can't get his way. Keep making your assumptions, insults, and threats it's wonderful example for people to follow. The truth is your studies could be %100 fact, I wouldn't know I've never hit a child because I don't have any. Sometimes people that like to preach need a mirror held up for them to have a look in.

so the main takeaway from this as far as i am concerned is that you have a tiny penis.