POLL: Should rapist get the death penalty?

Should rape be punishable by death.

  • Yes (Make it a public event)

  • Yes

  • No

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you're quoting yourself now?

this is getting pathetic, quick.

can you tell me what your previous username was so i can see your embarrassing flame out which led to your current sock puppet account?

And here u go again. ..attacking and antagonizing a person not debating or discussing any topic ...come on this shit is lame man.
And here u go again. ..attacking and antagonizing a person not debating or discussing any topic ...come on this shit is lame man.

we were discussing his now debunked claims that you can't get a bag of cocaine in indonesia, but he just started unraveling like a ball of twine, even to the point where he was quoting himself. i was just enjoying the trainwreck.
Maybe the kids who were spanked more frequently were the naughtier kids? That's why they were naughty later? It's like saying kids who go to hospitals are more likely to go to hospitals later. Yeah, they are kids who get sick more or have health issues. Kids who get spanked tend to have behavioral issues. Could be your way as well....
And maybe women who get raped were the hornier women who wanted it right? Read the study, then offer your stupid, uneducated opinions. Every factor was eliminated and controlled for other than spanking, and the overwhelming evidence points to spanking being the cause of the increased behavioral problems. But keep rationalizing your advocacy of abuse.
What would you suggest, a time out? Are the pimps in indonesia the result of getting spanked, or do you think maybe it has something to do with poverty and the estimated 18 million kids that live on the street? I think you're taking to it the extreme. Is anybody really in favor of beating kid's, there's a difference between beating's and the occasional swat on the ass once in a while.
The only difference between beating your kids and "the occasional swat on the ass" is the words you use to describe it. You hit your kids, you are an abuser, plain and simple. Nothing you say will change that.
Indonesia is about the highest level for the harsh countries.

Check this list tho, top 20 countries are all ones where drug use is treated as a medical issue. Bottom 20 or so, with a couple exceptions,
are capital offense countries. I should have used Singapore or UAE as an example.

When I was in the Saudi Arabia I didn't even see a drop of alcohol, let alone drugs. Maybe I just look like a square though lol.

You are conveniently forgetting to mention that many of the countries at the top of that list (Including the country at the VERY top of the list) are ALSO capital offense countries, so the evidence would suggest that capital punishment has no effect on reducing opiate use.
Top 20 countries for use, all liberal. Bottom 20, all strict. You see, once again you point at one piece of data. You want to put multiple points on like a line, and you know compare em and stuff. Maybe they have this in a coloring book I could link for you....
Yeah... Afghanistan and Iran and Russia and Pakistan and Kazakhstan, such liberal countries. So liberal that almost all of them are considered horrific human rights violators. That kinda liberal.
Yeah... Afghanistan and Iran and Russia and Pakistan and Kazakhstan, such liberal countries. So liberal that almost all of them are considered horrific human rights violators. That kinda liberal.
Lol another person who doesn't seem to understand how to look at sets of data. There is a distinct correlation in that data. Exceptions don't disprove a trend.

Arguing with people who refuse to acknowledge evidence is beyond frustrating, adding you to ignore rather than get in a name calling contest with a self righteous fragile cupcake.
Can you explain the name calling and smart ass remarks being made? Is that what your parents taught you? Are you teaching your kids that calling people stupid and uneducated makes them better than or superior to? You're making accusations when you know nothing about the people you're talking to. Some of you in this thread clearly don't have the ability to discuss a topic without being children yourselves. You're doing a fantastic job of proving a point, that no discipline as a child leads to adults who lack self control especially when hidden from view.
Can you explain the name calling and smart ass remarks being made? Is that what your parents taught you? Are you teaching your kids that calling people stupid and uneducated makes them better than or superior to? You're making accusations when you know nothing about the people you're talking to. Some of you in this thread clearly don't have the ability to discuss a topic without being children yourselves. You're doing a fantastic job of proving a point, that no discipline as a child leads to adults who lack self control especially when hidden from view.
Would you prefer I just hit them instead? We can have a civil discussion in person and then I can calmly beat their ass for not listening the way you advocate that parents do? I think you'll change your mind rather fast as to what constitutes abuse once I put my hands on you.
Would you prefer I just hit them instead? We can have a civil discussion in person and then I can calmly beat their ass for not listening the way you advocate that parents do?
I think when you're trying to say spanking a kid makes them violent adults you would be able to have a civil debate without name calling. Now you're the one resorting to violent threats remember the pot meet kettle comment a couple posts back? I haven't called you or anyone else in this thread names or been sarcastic to, so why the hostility and threats? It would appear to me you weren't raised very well, everything you're preaching you just contradicted and it didn't take anything more than someone disagreeing with you on the internet. Not a very good example to set for the kids.
Sometimes something is so broken that it needs to be destroyed. I am not a fan of the death penalty. All life is precious.
Really like the guy in florida that killed 49 people, boston marathon bomber, or the guy in cleveland that held 3 girls hostage for years raping and beating them? Precious huh? You should pay extra taxes to keep them alive then. I can think of one or two ways my tax money could be better spent. Those people are cowards who's life isn't worth a squirt of piss.

I know two of them are dead already
Would you prefer I just hit them instead? We can have a civil discussion in person and then I can calmly beat their ass for not listening the way you advocate that parents do? I think you'll change your mind rather fast as to what constitutes abuse once I put my hands on you.
I live in Boston Ma.