You have managed to drag me away from my original point. Congrats.
Like I said before, there is a particular political disposition which apparently correlates with valuing property over life. It makes this sort of case into a polemic discussion.
You want to focus on legality of killing intruders, but if you had ever killed anyone you would know that the law doesn't absolve you.
In this case however, it is clear that someone killed someone else and the dead person becomes the threat he could have been. No thought is given to the FACT that it was actually an unarmed dumb kid.
Instead you focus on the legality because you think I am arguing that guns should be taken from free people. This guy just wanted to legally kill someone, and I know all about ass holes like that. In hindsight it is already a fact, beyond debate that this kid was not armed yet you still can't express that this is regrettable.
Maybe that's why you joined the Marines yourself. So you could kill.