Police: Pot might be factor in Montana killing

Sounds like you are trying to convince yourself that death is fitting for thieves. That's not even eye for an eye. That's eye for a finger. It would be one thing if this guy just caught someone in the act and killed them (even with out a warning) but he set up a trap.

What did he use for bait...a locked house?
Sounds like you are trying to convince yourself that death is fitting for thieves. That's not even eye for an eye. That's eye for a finger. It would be one thing if this guy just caught someone in the act and killed them (even with out a warning) but he set up a trap.


He didn't setup a trap, he put up alarm sensors and a video camera, which to my knowledge is not illegal at all, nor has it ever been illegal to do that. Also not illegal to leave a garage door open.

Did he camouflage the floor after he dug a deep pit and filled it with Punji stakes Ala Bucky? You know what Punji stakes are right? Sharpened wood stakes covered in human excrement.
Some people only steal food.
If they need to steal food, they can rob a store.
If they need money, they can rob a bank.
If they need a TV, they can rob a Best Buy.
If they need something that's in my house, they can get shot.

Point being, they know the risks that they are taking. They know that by entering a private residence, things might not turn out so well. They know that there is a risk of death, yet they still do it. Why should I care more about someone than they care for themselves?
So you're not even familiar with the event and yet arguing that this person is justified in a planned homicide. I bet you hope someone breaks in to your home so that you can legally kill them.
Breaking into someone's home isn't like stealing something out of a car in the parking lot. Burglars cross a threshold that will undoubtedly create fear for life, regardless of their reason(s) for being there.

Does it matter if they are ready for the burglar, or if caught by surprise? Should it matter?
If they need to steal food, they can rob a store.
If they need money, they can rob a bank.
If they need a TV, they can rob a Best Buy.
If they need something that's in my house, they can get shot.

Point being, they know the risks that they are taking. They know that by entering a private residence, things might not turn out so well. They know that there is a risk of death, yet they still do it. Why should I care more about someone than they care for themselves?

Castle Doctrine. Banks dont shoot back, neither does the grocery store. Maybe thieves should get smart before they get dead.
So you're not even familiar with the event and yet arguing that this person is justified in a planned homicide. I bet you hope someone breaks in to your home so that you can legally kill them.
Would those two idiots still be alive if they hadn't broke into his house?
My point has nothing to do with what is legal.

My point is that some people just want an excuse to kill someone because property means more to them than life.
What did one thief say to the other thief just before breaking into a house?

"Don't worry, they can't shoot us...that's against the law."
I'm not arguing about the law. One should be justified in using deadly force to protect themselves and families. They should even be prepared to do so for property. But in a case like this, it is clear that the man just wanted an excuse to kill someone legally.
My point is that some people just want an excuse to kill someone because property means more to them than life.

It isn't about property, and never will be. Its the presence of an intruder in your home, a threshold that was crossed. Why they are there is meaningless.

Do some people want an excuse to kill? Maybe. So maybe thieves should take not only the scared people that will defend themselves into consideration, but also they should think about the crazy ones who want them to break into their homes just to try out killing someone.

A life that goes around stealing from other people via breaking into their homes should wake the fuck up before someone ends their current worthless existence.