Police Kill 7 yr Old Girl in No Knock Raid

These should be on the thing-to-do list of police reform: "gross negligence, civil rights violations, failure to supervise, excessive force, deliberate indifference to medical needs, false arrest, and emotional distress."
Attorney: Video of Detroit raid contradicts police version of how Detroit girl was killed

AP News

May 17, 2010 17:01 EDT

An attorney for the family of a 7-year-old girl who was killed by a police officer's bullet during a weekend raid at their home said Monday that he saw video of the raid that contradicts the police department's version of what happened.

Attorney Geoffrey Fieger said he watched three or four minutes of video that showed police fired into the home after lobbing a flash grenade through the window. He said this contradicts the police department's story, which was that the officer's gun discharged during a struggle or collision inside the home with the girl's grandmother.

"There is no question about what happened because it's in the videotape," Fieger said. "It's not an accident. It's not a mistake. There was no altercation.

"The gun was fired before anyone goes through the door. There are lights all over, like it's a television set."

A camera crew for the cable television crime-reality series "The First 48" was at the raid, although Fieger declined to say whether the video he watched was shot by the crew.

A&E spokesman Dan Silberman said neither he nor anyone else from the network would comment about the case.

Fieger said more than one camera was recording at the scene.

"It demonstrates conclusively, beyond a shadow of a doubt, what happened in this case," the attorney said. "The pictures don't lie. It's got sound and everything."
I want to see the video. Once again this is someone saying what they saw. This is not evidence this is hearsay.
Balzac, even if everythis is how the police say, and the grandmother did struggle with them, you still have the unavoidable:
Police (trained professionals) unable to handle a grandmother
Police (trained professionals) unable to handle firearms and kill innocent by-standard

Thats on the police squad team alone, and the whole concept in the first place of a no knock raid, flash grenades and paramilitary raids is just wrong in itself, especially for a family with children If its means putting innocent peoples lives at risk to catch an accused murderer, is that even worth it?
multiple witnesses watched this guy gun down a 17 year old kid.
That doesn't justify killing of a 7 year old girl. What you are basically saying is the cold blooded murderer of a 17 year old is on the same levels as our nations police force. Is that comforting?
That doesn't justify killing of a 7 year old girl. What you are basically saying is the cold blooded murderer of a 17 year old is on the same levels as our nations police force. Is that comforting?

Your logic is flawless.
I didn't ever say that. My point is that she was shot on accident and there is no coverup.
The officer who fired the shot is going to be puinished either way. I just doubt the level of negligence that the family and lawyer are claiming. Why would they fire at someone in the house two seconds before a flashbang went off. Sorry but no person would have been looking into a room that a flashbang was abotu to go off in.
ok, well what your sayings is the official story that the police gave. But you still can't fully argue how a paramilitary no knock raid on a family with children with full weapons arsenal is a safe thing. In this situation, if someone dies is it really just an accident? If I point a gun at a police officer and he shoots me, is that an accident? If I drive my motorbike at 130 mph on the freeway intoxicated and die, is that an accident? Is it an accident when civilians die in Iraq and Afghanistan due to "collateral damage"?

Here's how the officers punishment works:
He gets his gun taken away immediately and gets put on paid administrative leave (read: paid vacation).
The police department, which will be liable for damages in case of wrong doing, gets to do the investigation on their colleague and come up with the response if wrong doing had occured. Witness testimony of the grandmother will likely be thrown out and only the police testimony considered. In a bad case scenario, the officer is found to have acted inappropriately, and may be terminated from employment.
The officer who fired the shot is going to be puinished either way. I just doubt the level of negligence that the family and lawyer are claiming. Why would they fire at someone in the house two seconds before a flashbang went off. Sorry but no person would have been looking into a room that a flashbang was abotu to go off in.
them fucking cock sucker cops will most liklycallit justified..
The police that raid houses are not the same people who conduct investigations. I doubt the entire department will fall behind the one officer who discharged his weapon.

In one of the articles one of the family member states that the woman had never even beern arrested, the one who reportedly confronted the officer. That leads me to believehe woman may have confronted them especially if she has never had this kind of thing happen. They alsosaid that the flashbang burned the little girl.

Idk about you but I could see a woman attacking a police officer after a flashbang landed on her child or grand daughter?
The police that raid houses are not the same people who conduct investigations. I doubt the entire department will fall behind the one officer who discharged his weapon.

In one of the articles one of the family member states that the woman had never even beern arrested, the one who reportedly confronted the officer. That leads me to believehe woman may have confronted them especially if she has never had this kind of thing happen. They alsosaid that the flashbang burned the little girl.

Idk about you but I could see a woman attacking a police officer after a flashbang landed on her child or grand daughter?

hel i would fuck a cop up even if they shot my dog for no reason..
Heres a possible scenario: The flashbang grenade burned the little girl, the officers entered, saw that girl was burned and realized a possible lawsuit. They kill the girl to remove a lawsuit, and claim the grandma (lol) was intimidating them and fored them to shoot the girl ??? that doesn't even make sense in the last part
fuck all this shit i'm moving to the uk were they just have the night stick things lol



of corse I'm not saying it will be easy or that I would even know what to do but the more exposure these screw ups get the faster it will happen maybe?