Police Kill 7 yr Old Girl in No Knock Raid

I haven't seen any video of the actual event have you? Post it if you have it. What are you suggesting? They shot a little girl as they threw a flashbang in the window? Officers won't enter the house until after the flashbang has fired? This list of events makes no sense.
It shows how brilliant you are when I present a logical explanation and you have no response but insults.
ballsac learn to read dude. The article has been posted in this thread already. The video has not gone public yet as the police are trying to prevent that from happening. Howevr a very high profile lawyer has seen the video and he has been on the news talking about what the video shows. Which is a police officer throws a flash bang through the window from the front porch and then fires a shot into the window. It is the only shot fired during the whole encounter and it is the shot that killed the little girl. The little girl was also very badly burned. Apparently from the flash bang being thrown directly onto her body while she was sleeping. You should probably read the entire thread before posting more stuff that makes you look stupid.
It's called an ongoing investigation. The video won't be released until they conduct the investigation and decide whether or not they will file charges against the officer.
The lawyer is being paid to do this and with Detroit PD involved means that this could be worth millions in settlements. I have yet to see this in the mainstream media so I call bluff.

Does that not make sense?
The police won't lie because if they get caught lying everyone that played a role in the cover up will be terminated and will serve prison sentences. Seriously why would they all put their jobs and lives on the line for one cops mistake. Only one person pulled the trigger.


Ahhhhh what it is to be so niave......