Police Kill 7 yr Old Girl in No Knock Raid

Warning shot? You guys are insane. Cops do not fire warning shots, ever. They only fire when they are fired upon or have someone take an aggressive stance with a weapon. I'm not saying that cops don't shoot people who don't have weapons, accidents do happen. But cops never fire warning shots. The only reason to shoot is to stop an attacker.

The woman was attacking the police officer and the gun ACCIDENTLY fired. Accident. Accident. Accident.

Raver, you sound like a very misinformed person. You can go ahead and defend your home if you wish to be killed.

You think it's strange that everything has cooled down and the media isn't reporting on it at all. Maybe because it was an accident and their was no negligence?

Oh and for you people who say it is a cover up, you really think that all media outlets would drop a coverup? It was an accident. Get over it. The officer is being punished.
Warning shot? You guys are insane. Cops do not fire warning shots, ever. They only fire when they are fired upon or have someone take an aggressive stance with a weapon. I'm not saying that cops don't shoot people who don't have weapons, accidents do happen. But cops never fire warning shots. The only reason to shoot is to stop an attacker.

The woman was attacking the police officer and the gun ACCIDENTLY fired. Accident. Accident. Accident.

why was the weapon not with the safety on???

its not an accident if someone was negligent... cop had his weapon in

Raver, you sound like a very misinformed person. You can go ahead and defend your home if you wish to be killed.

You think it's strange that everything has cooled down and the media isn't reporting on it at all. Maybe because it was an accident and their was no negligence?

Oh and for you people who say it is a cover up, you really think that all media outlets would drop a coverup? It was an accident. Get over it. The officer is being punished.

wait until the video is released...

and if i die defending my home then i did my job... grandma did her job... got up and tried to stop the gang from destroying everything.
cops did not do their job and lied about it later and are trying to cover their asses.... somehow that is cool with u.
investigation is still going on....

so.... defending my home is reason enough for the cops or u to justify my death???
according to you cops can come to the wrong house and kill those inside when they tried to defend/explain themselves ... and somehow cops are not wrong???
dude u live in america... not a police state
but i guess its all good as long as this is happening in low income housing and to brown people...
What do yo think happens if you attack the police?

lol you are such an idiot. You try to make me sound racist when I never even said anything like that. If you knew anything about law enforcement you wouldn't sound like such a dipshit.

I am a law student and you are an idiot.

im not attacking the police if they are entering my home without a PROPER warrant. im DEFENDING MY PROPERTY from what i would assume to be a home invasion.( regardless of where that house is (projects/hood/mansion) im still alloted the same rights others have. from the sound of it u are the type to just sit there and take punishment(even if u dont deserve it) rather than fight back. and that is fine.... for u. not for many people who hold our rights to be sacred and those of us who are willing to die to defend our home/family/freedoms. i was once a marine willing to die for the freedoms of the people of the middle east... now im a civilian willing to kill as many people as i need to keep my family safe.

mr law student...
the police might have had an accident ... and accident does not excuse u if u were negligent... (cop running around with a weapon off safety) (cop that threw the flashbang) (cops that did survaillance and FAILED TO GET USABLE INTEL)

name calling... sure i can be an idiot at times. u dont even know u are an idiot. and that is even worse

if u are a law student.... why did police throw a flashbang grenade into the home? knowing that there were others in the home. cops needed to be looking out for the safety of everyone in that block/house/city and even the criminals themselves. as as far as i can remember that guy they were looking for is innocent till proven guilty...
if cops are afraid to do their job by the book then they should not be walking that beat...

and u are a racist if u want to hold the grandma responsible for doing what ANY adult would have done. get up and tell whoever is coming in to fuck off.

cops are supposed to knock announce and if no answer after 3 tries they drop the door, secure the area and get what u came from...
i did that many times and know the drill

if they had followed procedure there might not have been a civilian death...
and its pretty clear that u are racist... have u not been reading your own posts?

damn you raverguy! everytime you quote the guy i have to read what he wrote LOL this ignore feature should be worked on IMO.

anyhow you just said a bunch of stuff that i was too lazy to write up. i agree on all fronts and were you once a cop or something?
damn you raverguy! everytime you quote the guy i have to read what he wrote LOL this ignore feature should be worked on IMO.

anyhow you just said a bunch of stuff that i was too lazy to write up. i agree on all fronts and were you once a cop or something?
was a marine and will not be a cop ever.... they are all corrupt or will be... its only a matter of time
You do not even have any of your info right. If you knew anything you would know it was a no knock warrant issued because an armed and dangerous murderer was at the premises.

Hopefully the police enter your home on a no knock warrant and you get gunned down because you value your property over your own life.

You continue to call me racist. I refuse to even respond to you anymore.
Warning shot? You guys are insane. Cops do not fire warning shots, ever. They only fire when they are fired upon or have someone take an aggressive stance with a weapon. I'm not saying that cops don't shoot people who don't have weapons, accidents do happen. But cops never fire warning shots. The only reason to shoot is to stop an attacker.

The woman was attacking the police officer and the gun ACCIDENTLY fired. Accident. Accident. Accident.

Raver, you sound like a very misinformed person. You can go ahead and defend your home if you wish to be killed.

You think it's strange that everything has cooled down and the media isn't reporting on it at all. Maybe because it was an accident and their was no negligence?

Oh and for you people who say it is a cover up, you really think that all media outlets would drop a coverup? It was an accident. Get over it. The officer is being punished.
No shit dude. That's what I've been trying to tell people. :?
I agree that the police probably didn't intend to shoot the girl. Cops aren't supposed to be firing warning shots into homes at 4 in the morning though. This is wrong and if a cop is that scared of the area they are working in or the job they are doing then they need to move or quit. It's that simple. This is the worst kind of fuck up for the police. It may have been an accident but that isn't going to bring that little girl back is it? This one really pisses me off. I have kids!:evil:

Warning shot? You guys are insane. Cops do not fire warning shots, ever. They only fire when they are fired upon or have someone take an aggressive stance with a weapon. I'm not saying that cops don't shoot people who don't have weapons, accidents do happen. But cops never fire warning shots. The only reason to shoot is to stop an attacker.

The woman was attacking the police officer and the gun ACCIDENTLY fired. Accident. Accident. Accident.

Raver, you sound like a very misinformed person. You can go ahead and defend your home if you wish to be killed.

You think it's strange that everything has cooled down and the media isn't reporting on it at all. Maybe because it was an accident and their was no negligence?

Oh and for you people who say it is a cover up, you really think that all media outlets would drop a coverup? It was an accident. Get over it. The officer is being punished.
If it was an accident, it was one that never should've happened.:joint:
jeff fieger is involved...there are 2 tapes...the cop tape...where they say the woman grabbed the gun......witch is the cover up..(never happened)
then the other tape..the one fieger is after that shows the guy outside the house shooting inside...no woman prestent.....More than a accident in my opinion....big dick cowboy cops need to be stopped...
officers that do there job,fine by me......big dick cowboy cops looking to make a name for themselves have no place in law enforcement
Is the cop being charged with manslaughter? How is pointing a gun at a window, taking the saftey off and pulling the trigger an accident. How is throwing a flashbang gernade through a window a accident. Warning shot." See what we did to that 7 year old girl, if you know what good for you, you will come on out". Now theres a warning!!!!
I have yet to see any proof.

evidence that the guy they were looking for is as dangerous as they are making it out to be?
evidence that the cops broke their own rules?
evidence that someone was hurt by negligent cops? and then tried to cover it up???

the guy from the tv crew gave the copy of the assault to his lawyer.... why do u think he is afraid? why not go to the police with the evidence??? oh right... he saw how crooked they were and thought to play it safe....

anyways u are right...

we have to see the video... not to see IF someone was lying.... but WHO and WHY...
This was MURDER. Reading some of these post that defend the actions of these Nazi's makes me sick. As a born & raised Michigander I'm not that shocked to see this happen. Unfortunately, shit like this happens all the time round these parts. I'm on the other side of the "glove", and it's just as bad.

Just last year a 20 year old college student was shot in the chest during a "no knock" search and clear. All because his room mate sold a WMIT narc a couple of grams of cannabis earlier that afternoon.


Don't get me wrong. I'm not hating on all cops, but these "no knock" searches are dangerous and should not be used. They knew exactly what they were doing and are complicit in the crime 100%.The cop who squeezed the trigger should go to prison for at the least manslaughter, if not murder. These pigs took an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States, what a joke.