Please state your Obama Lies here

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I watched everything about Obamacare on Cspan

wait, is this thread about Obama lies or Chesus lies?

no, you didn't watch everything. How'd those big pharma "concessions" come about? How about the union exemptions?

the lobbyist thing is a whopper. Politifact is a very left leaning website that graded Obama's promises giving him the benefit of the doubt most of the time before calling it an outright lie. They also have a compilation of the biggest lies told ABOUT him too. If your interested
IRS didnt come after them for selling weed and not paying taxes
The IRS came after them for taking deductions for tax purposes on the sales of marijuana which is still a federally illegal drug.

I also dont think it helped shoving it in the feds face with a tv show

No it didn't help. These guys just figured that since they had been operating openly for some time, that everyone would be thrilled and overjoyed at their.... antics. And yes, we agree on the particulars, the IRS came after them for taking illegal deductions - deductions that in any other industry are not illegal. Then when they were slapped with a huge bill for those no longer deductable deductions, they were stuck. My point is that if it is legal in a state to do business, then it is the state's right to say what a legal business is. If that is the case then the Feds, if they are to adhere to what Obama promised, should honor that state's decision.

Here is how it goes. I attempted to mount an attempt to establish a dispensery. I wanted to do it utterly legaly. I hired an attorney - a very very good attorney. We talked, he was excited. I needed a business license but there is the first problem. No dispensory in california that we knew of at the time held a legitimate business license. What you do in order to get a license is look down a list of businesses with numbers attached. It is a long list and it is not a very specific list. 100234 - retail apparal 1002655 - retail herbs ok? Now if there isn't a provision for your particular business you pettition the concil members and they put a new item on the list. Except that they won't put "retail marijuana sales" on the list and they won't accept "retail herbs" as a general category even though I could sell shoes or blouses or underwear in my "retail apparal" store without a problem, I don't need to get a business license for blouses and another for shoes.

So the lawyer said that we could go through every avenue in attempting to get the license and then after we were through (and only then) we could begin legal proceedings in the county or city of my choice. So, for the grand total of about $40,000 I could get a business license that cost a few hundred for any other store - but the lawyer would have won a landmark case, that is why he was so happy.

If I didn't want to do that, he would represent the landlord as a part of my fee as the landlord would eventually be approached either by the county or the feds, and he claimed that many savy landlords know this so they charge extra, unless I paid for their representation.

It was an expensive lesson in local politics. I wasn't about to plunk down 40k just to see if I could do something that no one else had done. C3, rather than go this route, simply paid the city $1000 in fines every DAY. In the end the Feds got him. His lawyer insisted that the city had actually extorted the guy with the fines because the city never intended to give him a license, but never intended to close him down either as that 1k a day was some nice incentive to leave things in place. It was the fact that he WAS making that kind of money that got the Feds involved in the first place.

So you see what happens when the laws that folks pass in with the best of intent turn very sour.
wait, is this thread about Obama lies or Chesus lies?

no, you didn't watch everything. How'd those big pharma "concessions" come about? How about the union exemptions?

the lobbyist thing is a whopper. Politifact is a very left leaning website that graded Obama's promises giving him the benefit of the doubt most of the time before calling it an outright lie. They also have a compilation of the biggest lies told ABOUT him too. If your interested

Union exemptions?
Oh you mean the same exemption from one part of Obamacare that went to over 900 companies most of which are non union and is only in effect for one year
It usually is after the 6th or 7th time you ask for it Like George Bush did "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a Sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. ...Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here'. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and Grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." SENATOR BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, MARCH 2006
"It usually is after the 6th or 7th time you ask for it Like George Bush did" Translation: If you're a Republican, it is, but Democrats get a pass.
"It usually is after the 6th or 7th time you ask for it Like George Bush did" Translation: If you're a Republican, it is, but Democrats get a pass.

Bush asked for a debt ceiling raise 7
Kept the cost of the Iraq war off the books for 8 years
Got a trillion dollar bank bailout pushed thru the goverment with no strings attached
Bush asked for a debt ceiling raise 7 Kept the cost of the Iraq war off the books for 8 years Got a trillion dollar bank bailout pushed thru the goverment with no strings attached
Translation: If you're a Republican, it is, but Democrats get a pass.
after the "fiscal cliff" how much you want to bet GITMO gets massively scaled back or shut down in the next year?

I will make fixing immigration my top priority! No the dream act wasn't a fix before you libs tard out.

Awesome find.
It is happening in the next 6 months
Are you going to be screaming bloody hell when it happens?

This should be a fun thread to add to. Looking back at Cheezy and Buckie giving every excuse in the book and trying their hardest to defend the biggest liar that's ever occupied the oval office is quite entertaining.
Wow, what a difference a year makes.

Now it is common knowledge that the most transparent administration ever, is, in actuality, the exact opposite.

This just goes to show that truth always trumps fiction.

In other words, who could ever make up anything resembling the current administrations total crash and burn in less than a month?
He lied when he said that he had that the Israeli people backs regarding Iran getting nuclear weapsons and he lied when he said he'd enforce a “red line” in Syria?

Didn't he say he would 'never rest' until we caught the evil that killed our ambassador and three other Americans in Libya?
LMFAO......I love a good it turns out, lying is all this fraud knows how to do. And to make matters worse, he has other people now lying FOR HIM ( who shall burn in hell ) to avoid the full brunt his transgressions. Great find beenthere !!!!!
“If we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am president, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home, we will end this war. You can take that to the bank.”

In Obama’s campaign, he promised to “eliminate entirely” income tax for seniors making less than $50,000. Yet another blatant lie right to your face.

About the primaries
GREGORY: But Senator you have not demonstrated that you can decisively put the nomination away. You have also not demonstrated that you can win some of the big states that’ll be important in a general election. California, New York, Ohio.

OBAMA: Well David we’ve won Michigan and Georgia and Illinois and Missouri. (I'm from MI he lied he lost MI and Il)

The only involvement I had with Acorn was doing some stuff with the justice department.

“My father served in World War II”

Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk
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