I spoke to my son and his girlfriend who are in Toronto this morning. They both have it. Mild symptoms so far. My sister and her family in Halifax all have it now too. So far mild symptoms for them too. My daughter is the only one in her class who hasn’t tested positive.
It seems unlikely she would be the only one so I’m pretty sure she’s had but was asymptomatic.
Seems like everyone is getting it.
Blood type does she have O?
Chinese study of 2,153 people: People with Type A had a higher risk of COVID-19 infection, and those with Type O had a lower risk. Danish study of 473, 654 people: People with Type O had a lower risk of getting infected with COVID-19. But there was no association between blood type and hospitalization.Jan 20, 2022
Guess we found out what happens when your mask and distancing are no longer required.