Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Why Oz has to be stopped. He’s a Maga.

Maybe Joe should bring them in for a little "counseling" before axing them, like let them crawl out of the oval office with blood running out of their assholes. Let them howl on twitter about it too, Joe can then release the transcript so we can all share in the fun! :lol:


Wow it is almost like masking up and social distancing, not working sick, not sending kids into rooms with 40+ kids in a old ass building works at keeping down highly preventable spread of disease.

Wellfuckthat, bring on the snake oil.

Oh and for your question about doctors perscribing the horse shit dewormer, it is because they are 1. radicalized idiots themselves, 2. con artists making money on the snake oils, 3. are sick of radicalized people being a danger to everyone and just say fuck it give them a placebo.

#3 is why we overprescribe medications like anti-bacteria pills for viral infections.

And lastly it is funny that you think all those rich folk you are trying to get sick around are not all vaccinated and just don't want to deal with the mentally unhealthy people who are proud to not have taken this highly effective and very safe vaccine. It is not a stretch to think that you are likely in areas that have 80+% vaccination rate and employers who are able to pay for vaccinated employees.
hi hanimmal

i am lost and can't follow the thread

here is a video that explains kidney disease . my personnel research seeks to find methods of eating properly organic diet and probably maybe even a liquid organic diet that is proper for kidney disease . all of my organs have disease but i will never go on dialysis . i prefer to live my life naturally and eat perfect food , eat medicinal plants . i fear dying in a hospital , more than i fear death.

god bless you and your friends . i hope this video will enlighten me and help others here that want to learn more about this important issue . 1 in 6 people in america have serious kidney disease .

enjoy and peace to everyone in the world .

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
3 more off work with covid :(. Went in for a meeting and no one masked up :(. Told one anti masker to step back or id kick him in the balls. He complained about harassment, I said he should be charged with attempted murder, so if there is an issue fire me, I have my lawyer on speed dial and a big fat retainer just waiting to be drawn on lol.


Well-Known Member
I spoke to my son and his girlfriend who are in Toronto this morning. They both have it. Mild symptoms so far. My sister and her family in Halifax all have it now too. So far mild symptoms for them too. My daughter is the only one in her class who hasn’t tested positive.

It seems unlikely she would be the only one so I’m pretty sure she’s had but was asymptomatic.

Seems like everyone is getting it.


Well-Known Member
I spoke to my son and his girlfriend who are in Toronto this morning. They both have it. Mild symptoms so far. My sister and her family in Halifax all have it now too. So far mild symptoms for them too. My daughter is the only one in her class who hasn’t tested positive.

It seems unlikely she would be the only one so I’m pretty sure she’s had but was asymptomatic.

Seems like everyone is getting it.
I guess if we all get stupid at once nobody will notice...
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