Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Yeah but.

I worked in the health field and you never speak out with unconfirmed data. He stepped on it.
You have to admit it was and is a fluid scientific topic and I remember experts nearly coming to blows! There were a lot of unreliable papers and data the public got conflicting and changing advice and doctors tried everything they could and depended on empirical data for awhile.


Ursus marijanus
You have to admit it was and is a fluid scientific topic and I remember experts nearly coming to blows! There were a lot of unreliable papers and data the public got conflicting and changing advice and doctors tried everything they could and depended on empirical data for awhile.
In such a situation it takes time for sober consensus to emerge, so I wait and check back.


Well-Known Member
Is DIY pushing more nutter doctors? Did anyone check if this guy is another of those Seventh Day cultists?

I lol @ the 'Fauci got things wrong too' bit, classic.


Well-Known Member
Is DIY pushing more nutter doctors? Did anyone check if this guy is another of those Seventh Day cultists?

I lol @ the 'Fauci got things wrong too' bit, classic.
Who's perfect? He made a lot of videos and a few documented errors. If anything he stepped outside his field a bit too much and is not deliberately peddling disinformation. Yes Fauci did make errors during this pandemic, everybody did. Errors are different than malicious acts that we are all familiar with. I posted a pretty blistering Wiki on the fellow that documented every mistake in probably more than 1000 videos on covid, not that many.


Well-Known Member
Insert any religion here. Pay your 10% and we have a place in heaven waiting on you.
Harvard and Yale started out as preacher farms, as did many leading universities, like Oxford and Cambridge. Adventists managed to somehow separate their nutty beliefs from their hospital foundations that train leading doctors in many fields and have been doing it for a very long time.


Well-Known Member
Harvard and Yale started out as preacher farms, as did many leading universities, like Oxford and Cambridge. Adventists managed to somehow separate their nutty beliefs from their hospital foundations that train leading doctors in many fields and have been doing it for a very long time.
One of my beloved neighbors was a Seventh Day Adventists. Also Mamma was a member of the World Wide Church of God, which used the old Jewish Sabbath, sunset Friday until sunset Saturday. If you are going to believe in the Bible, the oldest part of it says the seventh day is holy. I'm pretty sure it was land use issues at the temples that led most Christians to move to Sunday.

Anyway. . . . training doctors is a good thing, no matter who is doing it. Cuba has sent doctors all over central and south america. If they keep folks alive, what does it matter what the folks paying for the training believe?


Well-Known Member
One of my beloved neighbors was a Seventh Day Adventists. Also Mamma was a member of the World Wide Church of God, which used the old Jewish Sabbath, sunset Friday until sunset Saturday. If you are going to believe in the Bible, the oldest part of it says the seventh day is holy. I'm pretty sure it was land use issues at the temples that led most Christians to move to Sunday.

Anyway. . . . training doctors is a good thing, no matter who is doing it. Cuba has sent doctors all over central and south america. If they keep folks alive, what does it matter what the folks paying for the training believe?
Pierre Trudeau, Justin's father knew Castro and talked him into it and out of wars in Africa and being Russia's proxy there. Told him you catch more flies with honey than shit, there were a lot worse than Castro and considering how many times the Americans tried to kill him, he wasn't paranoid at all! :lol:


Ursus marijanus
One of my beloved neighbors was a Seventh Day Adventists. Also Mamma was a member of the World Wide Church of God, which used the old Jewish Sabbath, sunset Friday until sunset Saturday. If you are going to believe in the Bible, the oldest part of it says the seventh day is holy. I'm pretty sure it was land use issues at the temples that led most Christians to move to Sunday.

Anyway. . . . training doctors is a good thing, no matter who is doing it. Cuba has sent doctors all over central and south america. If they keep folks alive, what does it matter what the folks paying for the training believe?
I would not want the KKK training anyone in a care profession.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am not going to take medical advice from religious nuts pushing snake oils like Horse dewormer and spam propaganda to keep people unsafe as they scam the shit out of the public.
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