opinions on gay marrage ??

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New Member
disturbed, Slayer. i know a fag who would bust you all up. they don't all skip and sing show tunes.......lol. i'm straight, but i wish happiness for all.

if they didn't act like one around me that would be just fine and if they didn't sit at xmas dinner with the family joking about who could suck dick better them or his sister then it would have been fine. i cannot sit there and eat while listening to that shit there's more that went on there than all i said he went on and on about it i said something he said something we fought and now that's the way i have felt since then


New Member
it started out as a little bit of a joke just fucking around except for the uncle thing and that they are all going to go to hell. i go to church every sunday and i have learened that since a child they will all burn in hell


Well-Known Member
i love them.............and blacks and whites and russians and inuit and bushmen and................................................


New Member
anyways i will say i srry for hurting every ones feelings i didn't no it was going to be that big of a deal and srry for bringing it up, why the hell is this thread even up anyway. somone should go get an admin to ban me


Well-Known Member
it started out as a little bit of a joke just fucking around except for the uncle thing and that they are all going to go to hell. i go to church every sunday and i have learened that since a child they will all burn in hell
Ahh and now you fall back on something that was pulled out of the ass of ancient, ignorant men for whom a wheelbarrow would have been considered emerging technology. That should certainly add strength to your position. :roll:
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