opinions on gay marrage ??

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Active Member
Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot, defined by Merriam-Webster as "a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance".[SUP][1][/SUP] Bigotry may be based on real or perceived characteristics, including age, disability, dissension from popular opinions, economic status, ethnicity, gender identity, language, nationality, political alignment, race, region,religious or spiritual belief, sex, or sexual orientation

well that covers a​bout 95% or the world......


Active Member
By the sounds of it, you don't exactly sound like you'd handle the dirty talk peacefuly. Nobody goes from "please stop" to ass kicking in front of the family.

Personally, I wouldn't kick someones ass just for talking dirty. I'd tell them to leave if they crossed the lines in my house.. but never an ass kicking.

respect!, i take my hat off to anyone who has managed to conduct themselves in a violent free way. Sadly some of us, you could say more primitive, people occasionaly find ourselves in situations in which our better judgment is discarded and we act rashly and possibly even vioently when the right points are pushed. And sadly i must admit that this is one case that if they refused to leave i would physically remove them. Shame on me, i know but i would still feel justified.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Bigotry is the state of mind of a bigot, defined by Merriam-Webster as "a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially: one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance".[SUP][1][/SUP] Bigotry may be based on real or perceived characteristics, including age, disability, dissension from popular opinions, economic status, ethnicity, gender identity, language, nationality, political alignment, race, region,religious or spiritual belief, sex, or sexual orientation

well that covers a​bout 95% or the world......


New Member
No fucking shit.. Dude, you need to get better sleep or take anger management classes. The things you said were beyond a little wrong side of the pillow case (that sounds weird, I don't mean pillow case.. Eh fuck it)

yea it is alot more than just wrong side of the pillow case lol, i hadnt taken my looney meds yet and i apologize again for making that shit up. i am bipolar and on meds for it but in mornings i do alot of fucked up things, im a nice guy when my meds are working. but like i said i would hate me to i didnt even know i wrote anything that fucked up till i went back and read it. sorry again


Well-Known Member
ok just like sunni said i stay far away from this type of bickering but i just have to ask. WTF ever happened to to each thier own? why are we as a society so fuuuuckin arrogant to the point that we think our single opinion in this pool of millions of people is the one that counts? this thread is funny to me, judgement judgement judgment. look ill say it, im a christian so no i dont believe in homosexuality.... FOR ME. thats somethin that pisses me off about "christians" alot of them dont get that while they are bitching about what everyone else should and shouldnt be doing they are sinning themselves by JUDGING. WHO IS ANYONE PERSON TO TELL ANOTHER GROWN PERSON THEY ARE WRONG?. we are people not capable of perfection. no one person has all the right answers. maybe if we all could just regain some class and shut the hell up about who we're fuckin, gay or straight, this wouldnt even be an issue. but im guilty too just by making this point.. i think im judging people who judge people lol. i dunno i just hate to see so much drama over something that shouldnt be a topic. let people be and do what they want as long as theyre not hurting anyone else. worry about your own life. smoke some weed
To hate or dislike someone because they are gay is just insane! I don't see how it affects anyone if someone else is gay. I don't get it! Think about how stupid you sound to say ”I don't like you because of the lifestyle you live” its crazy! Who the fuck are you to judge? The funny thing is, its usually the people who believe ” thou shall not judge” that are always judging...go figure!
Then no one should care if im a druggie or grow weed or shoot up all of that should be fine. Well its not fine. We stereotype those people as criminals.
Everyone judges; the government, your friends & family, everyone around you.
It even says in the bible it is a sin to be gay! You should know that after saying this----
thou shall not judge...?
So then dont judge me because I think its wrong to raise a family as a married gay couple.
yea it is alot more than just wrong side of the pillow case lol, i hadnt taken my looney meds yet and i apologize again for making that shit up. i am bipolar and on meds for it but in mornings i do alot of fucked up things, im a nice guy when my meds are working. but like i said i would hate me to i didnt even know i wrote anything that fucked up till i went back and read it. sorry again
Man you are loose upstairs...
ok just like sunni said i stay far away from this type of bickering but i just have to ask. WTF ever happened to to each thier own? why are we as a society so fuuuuckin arrogant to the point that we think our single opinion in this pool of millions of people is the one that counts? this thread is funny to me, judgement judgement judgment. look ill say it, im a christian so no i dont believe in homosexuality.... FOR ME. thats somethin that pisses me off about "christians" alot of them dont get that while they are bitching about what everyone else should and shouldnt be doing they are sinning themselves by JUDGING. WHO IS ANYONE PERSON TO TELL ANOTHER GROWN PERSON THEY ARE WRONG?. we are people not capable of perfection. no one person has all the right answers. maybe if we all could just regain some class and shut the hell up about who we're fuckin, gay or straight, this wouldnt even be an issue. but im guilty too just by making this point.. i think im judging people who judge people lol. i dunno i just hate to see so much drama over something that shouldnt be a topic. let people be and do what they want as long as theyre not hurting anyone else. worry about your own life. smoke some weed

Hey well said guy! Your very right. This is why I am nice to gay people and smoke with them...but I cant help to to wonder where that mouth has been and if it was washed but whos gonna ask that...I may be a asshole but im not that rude :-)
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