opinions on gay marrage ??

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Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
just saying its what i think

beating him up and still holding a grudge says a lot . . . . no way that these people you dont like have much to do with your life . . which means you go out of your way to hate them, to me that makes me thin k your thinking about dudes butts in your hands all day, which makes you mad


New Member
lmao ok every ones opinion is there opinion i will say i am far from gay and they do not bother me that bad i saw this thread and posted my opinion with a little story to back it up and when i read the title then i thought about a dude with another dude and wrote my opinion. but think whatever you want you wont hurt my feelings lol


Well-Known Member
lmao ok every ones opinion is there opinion i will say i am far from gay and they do not bother me that bad i saw this thread and posted my opinion with a little story to back it up and when i read the title then i thought about a dude with another dude and wrote my opinion. but think whatever you want you wont hurt my feelings lol
What you reported was that you assaulted another human based on your opinion, and then you were unable to defend that opinion to us. Which basically means you harmed another human simply because you felt like it. When is that ever ok?


New Member
you missed a reply i said what he said about sucking dick while we were at dinner table and i told him he is sick he said something we argued and fought so no it was not because he was gay it was because he started a fight with after i exspressed my freedom of speech


New Member
What you reported was that you assaulted another human based on your opinion, and then you were unable to defend that opinion to us. Which basically means you harmed another human simply because you felt like it. When is that ever ok?
and no thats not ok to answer your question i went back and read it i did make it sound bad


New Member
wow i had just woke up when i wrote that i really did make it sound messed up i get y every ones ripping on me so bad, still dont like what they do but i am not sitting around hating on them. i agree i said stuff in there that was just messed up, now that im more awake and read it its not even true i didnt beat his ass i made that up we got into an arguement with a little pushing and i really havnt seen him since then though. and i dont think think they should all die either that was just being ann asshole cause i just crawled outa bed and was in bad mood thinking bout going to work. srry guys im sure you will hold this against me forever but its my own fault.


Well-Known Member
if they didn't act like one around me that would be just fine and if they didn't sit at xmas dinner with the family joking about who could suck dick better them or his sister then it would have been fine. i cannot sit there and eat while listening to that shit there's more that went on there than all i said he went on and on about it i said something he said something we fought and now that's the way i have felt since then
I have a gay uncle, and he's a great guy. I love him. And like scrog said, they don't all skip around, I'd pay money so see my uncle bust your ass up (not that way). OK, animal side aside, you're a dick man.

the fuck is wrong with you? What's hard to understand about people liking gays just as much as anybody else? We've grown more open minded and more intelligent, you seem to have been living under a rock.

And religion is behind this huh? Doesn't it say not to hate others? You clearly stated that you hate gays. And do you whip your black friend? Because the bible says you can go ahead and do that. The bible encourages you too.

And who the fuck cares if he's talking about sucking dick? Obviously your family is fine talking that way since his sister was going along. Why didn't you kick her ass too?


Well-Known Member
wow i had just woke up when i wrote that i really did make it sound messed up i get y every ones ripping on me so bad, still dont like what they do but i am not sitting around hating on them. i agree i said stuff in there that was just messed up, now that im more awake and read it its not even true i didnt beat his ass i made that up we got into an arguement with a little pushing and i really havnt seen him since then though. and i dont think think they should all die either that was just being ann asshole cause i just crawled outa bed and was in bad mood thinking bout going to work. srry guys im sure you will hold this against me forever but its my own fault.
No fucking shit.. Dude, you need to get better sleep or take anger management classes. The things you said were beyond a little wrong side of the pillow case (that sounds weird, I don't mean pillow case.. Eh fuck it)


Well-Known Member
To hate or dislike someone because they are gay is just insane! I don't see how it affects anyone if someone else is gay. I don't get it! Think about how stupid you sound to say ”I don't like you because of the lifestyle you live” its crazy! Who the fuck are you to judge? The funny thing is, its usually the people who believe ” thou shall not judge” that are always judging...go figure!


Active Member
Oh right, lets not talk about sucking dick.. disrespectful.. but I don't mind beating your ass in front of everyone while knocking stuff down.. Basic respect huh? You could at least ask the person to stop first.

Yeah, making good judgments is fine.. But beating someone up because they're gay isn't using good judgment.
i would assume it would go without saying that i would ask them to leave first..... as you pointed it would only be respectful to give fair warning before assaulting someone.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
just as a little side note I do not have anything against Bigots personally I just think its wrong and they should not be allowed to get married and/or raise kids. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i would assume it would go without saying that i would ask them to leave first..... as you pointed it would only be respectful to give fair warning before assaulting someone.
By the sounds of it, you don't exactly sound like you'd handle the dirty talk peacefuly. Nobody goes from "please stop" to ass kicking in front of the family.

Personally, I wouldn't kick someones ass just for talking dirty. I'd tell them to leave if they crossed the lines in my house.. but never an ass kicking.
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