opinions on gay marrage ??

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Well-Known Member
As an older, straight man, with grown kids:
I don't understand the whole gay thing. But, I will say that it doesn't matter to me who anyone else sleeps with if I'm not involved. It's none of my businesses. It's none of the governments business either. The closest thing I have had to gay sex was a doctor visit that included a prostate exam. Not terrible, but not fun at all. No. I don't get it. But, if you do, that's ok with me.
As for gay marriage... I guess I understand why the want the right to get married, but I think you will regret it when you do. Because, then when you break up, a judge can divide your shit for you. Divorce can be part of the hay lingo.... Not a fun word. But hey, each to his own.
As a freedom loving Libertarian I say, "do what you want to do, and i will too".
This is the exact perspective people should have.

It does not affect you in any way, so why should you give a fuck about it?

People who do hold some sort of skewed moral obligation toward society that they feel responsible to uphold, because their idiot God told them so, when he actually didn't.

These retards stopped reading at Deuteronomy, and completely forgot about the NT.. Otherwise, you'd see completely bearded motherfuckers who don't eat shellfish. But you don't, hmm... wonder why!

Sexuality doesn't need to be understood by those that don't share the same view, you like what you like, I like what I like, regardless, it's none of your fucking business. Get bent for thinking it is and go fuck yourself for trying to implement it in government. The only thing that proves is that you're too self conscious about your own sexuality to admit it. Grow the fuck up and shut the fuck up because none of us in the real world give a damn you're too insecure to admit you like guys, none of us give a damn if you do! It's in your head, instilled in your upbringing, but the times have changed and you won't be persecuted for it, accept it, admit it, and stop playing fucking games with other peoples lives because you're too insecure to confront it.

You're gay, accept it. It's not a big deal unless you and idiots like you MAKE it a big deal. Acceptance is inevitable. Get on the bandwagon or go under it, it matters NONE to the rest of us because your support doesn't mean shit.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
yea man, if your worried about gay people and how they raise children youve really gotta find something better to do.

be worried about 16 year old pillhead mothers who suck dick in the next room from her kids..thats a little bit more fucked up for the kids.


Well-Known Member
just as a little side note I do not have anything against gays personally I just think its wrong and they should not be allowed to get married and/or raise kids.

With some statements you effectively remove yourself from any sort of informed discussion. If you are able to utter this sentence without noticing the conflict then you have put less time into thinking about this than you have writing about it. Sort through your own mind before you subject us to it's ugly state.

I do not mind opposing opinions when they are based on reason. This is based on an uninformed, insecure, half baked maladaption of reality. Your failure to define your principals on integrity rather than knee-jerk gut feelings is your problem, not ours. As long as you choose to live in the shallow end of life you will always feel threatened by deeper concepts. You remain scared of choppy waters and find comfort in hollow bigotry.

Is this the great example you would set for children? A cowardice fool?


Well-Known Member
I don't like gay people either. Every single solitary gay person I've ever known has been pretty fucking awesome. I think saying that I really like them is a more appropriate description.



New Member
i am very against all the gays, i dont think mens assholes are made to be poked, and theres a reason guys dont get pregnant. all fags should go to hell and die in my opinion. just telling it how i feel. i got a fag uncle and i beat his ass at xmas when he told family he was gay and its been 10 years since then and we have never saw or heard from him again he could be dead for all we no and care.


Well-Known Member
i am very against all the gays, i dont think mens assholes are made to be poked, and theres a reason guys dont get pregnant. all fags should go to hell and die in my opinion. just telling it how i feel. i got a fag uncle and i beat his ass at xmas when he told family he was gay and its been 10 years since then and we have never saw or heard from him again he could be dead for all we no and care.
So assault, cruelty, hate and savagery are fine with you, but you draw the line at homos. Very well thought out stance you have there. :roll:

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i am very against all the gays, i dont think mens assholes are made to be poked, and theres a reason guys dont get pregnant. all fags should go to hell and die in my opinion. just telling it how i feel. i got a fag uncle and i beat his ass at xmas when he told family he was gay and its been 10 years since then and we have never saw or heard from him again he could be dead for all we no and care.
wow . . . . . .i hope your hate consumes you


i am very against all the gays, i dont think mens assholes are made to be poked, and theres a reason guys dont get pregnant. all fags should go to hell and die in my opinion. just telling it how i feel. i got a fag uncle and i beat his ass at xmas when he told family he was gay and its been 10 years since then and we have never saw or heard from him again he could be dead for all we no and care.
i hope this isn't true.

enjoy the rest of your days because the afterlife will not be kind to you.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
ya, there are lots of things i dont like or hate, i dont beat them up and cast them out like exiles . . you learn to deal with yourself, and your feelings, so you are not more animal then man

what does your dislike, an ddistrust and hate do for you . . . .except classify you with a group of individuals throughout history that raped, killed and terrorized those they persecuted . . . . . might as well be a serial killer . . i mean the logic is the same, i hate i want i need to validate my negative feelings/actions . .VS treat those unalike to you like people just like you prefer to be treated


New Member
i would never rape anyone and hate even the thought of it all rapest should be locked up for life. and yea i do got way to much hate ill admit that.


Well-Known Member
just the way i feel cant help it thought we were telling the truth here, im a dick when it comes to people i don't like, just my opinion wasn't pointing fingers.
Interesting use of vocabulary when talking about yourself in this context. Closet much?


Well-Known Member
Dont you think its wrong to be allowed to get married and raise a family if your gay? I think its stupid that people would raise a child to think its normal or okay to be gay. If it were for gays you and I would never be here. Shit gay people dont make babies, straight ones do! I have nothing against you if you want to screw someone of the same sex but dont raise a child in that environment, now thats just wrong. You wouldnt teach a kid that its okay to fuck animals would you? Now why would you think its okay to raise him/her thinking its okay to screw the same sex!?

No one was born gay or a different sex internally then they are externally. The people that turn out that way were either traumatized earlier in life somehow or just have way to many screws loose upstairs. Come on people how is our society going to thrive with gays!? It wont! The purpose of man & woman is to create life! Thats why we are here lets just be STRAIGHT forward about it! The more we over look being gay the more society thinks its acceptable and the more gays we have!

I guess on the good side is that if you are gay at least we know you wont be spreading your foul sissy genes thru out the world. No breeding for you :cuss:

-one love
WOW! I'm almost speechless...first of all, your an idiot! Everything that comes out of your mouth is foul and offensive. Why are you even here? I'm at a loss for words, other then to say your an idiot! Your parents must be so proud of you!!! Go away from here.


Well-Known Member
disturbed, Slayer. i know a fag who would bust you all up. they don't all skip and sing show tunes.......lol. i'm straight, but i wish happiness for all.


Well-Known Member
i would never rape anyone and hate even the thought of it all rapest should be locked up for life. and yea i do got way to much hate ill admit that.
Where do you draw the line between violence and rape? Is your uncle suppose to conform to your arbitrary sense of morals? If you can not even define your principals then why should another human being be assaulted based on them? On your description of events, by all accounts in which we measure humanity, it is you who have failed, and not your uncle.
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