opinions on gay marrage ??

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Well-Known Member
Then no one should care if im a druggie or grow weed or shoot up all of that should be fine. Well its not fine. We stereotype those people as criminals.
Everyone judges; the government, your friends & family, everyone around you.
It even says in the bible it is a sin to be gay! You should know that after saying this----
thou shall not judge...?
So then dont judge me because I think its wrong to raise a family as a married gay couple.
How does a gay couple affect you personally?


Well-Known Member
Hey well said guy! Your very right. This is why I am nice to gay people and smoke with them...but I cant help to to wonder where that mouth has been and if it was washed but whos gonna ask that...I may be a asshole but im not that rude :-)
Deep down, you're still a scumbag, and if any gay person ever knew your true feelings, you'd likely get justifiably knocked on your ass.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You guys ever feel as though some people don't deserve to smoke weed?
It seems his trolling goal (I may be wrong) is to hit a thousand posts in this thread (he's at 934 right now). I would love to see all of his efforts go to waste when this thread gets deleted. I would laugh. Hard. LOL
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