On Wealth Redistribution(Socialism)

If you had a chance to go to outer space, would you? I would, but it would depend on who's doing the flying. Did you find the beignets?

Hell, I hope we colonize Mars, so I can go, even if it means being a janitor I'd go. Just because that'd be the kind of opportunity that would be fairly rare. To be among the first to go to a new world, and live there.

Of course, I'd probably have to sign a contract stating that I'd work for whatever company paid my way for a certain amount of time, but hey, that'd be worth it.

Especially since any colony on Mars would be more or less independent, or would become that way.
I skipped the pages in the middle so I'm sure the topic has shifted but I have to ask, why is wealth redistribution ok when the money is taken from those who have less (most taxpayers) and given to those who have squandered and failed (big business, AKA bailouts)?

It seems that if you want someone who has plenty to give over to someone who has less, that is offensive. Yet the same people who have plenty, are asking for those who have less to hand over to their "company". How is that NOT offensive?
I skipped the pages in the middle so I'm sure the topic has shifted but I have to ask, why is wealth redistribution ok when the money is taken from those who have less (most taxpayers) and given to those who have squandered and failed (big business, AKA bailouts)?

It seems that if you want someone who has plenty to give over to someone who has less, that is offensive. Yet the same people who have plenty, are asking for those who have less to hand over to their "company". How is that NOT offensive?

It IS offensive and should not be tolerated by the American people. These bailouts originated at the feet of government officials who are now blaming private businesses. This leaves only one place to look for the money ... the suckers ... you and me.

The problem with redistribution of wealth via Govt. is you are ending the free market system. The only known system to have checks and balances with which to address the human condition of greed and risk. Once the tenants of the checks and balances have been removed you are left with a SELECTIVE system with which arbitrary taxes can be applied by political popularity. Think there is corruption now? You haven't seen anything yet...

out. :blsmoke;
The problem with redistribution of wealth via Govt. is you are ending the free market system. The only known system to have checks and balances with which to address the human condition of greed and risk. Once the tenants of the checks and balances have been removed you are left with a SELECTIVE system with which arbitrary taxes can be applied by political popularity. Think there is corruption now? You haven't seen anything yet...out. :blsmoke;

^^^ And that folks, is it in a nutshell. :hump:

but weren't those automakers upset when flying in on their private jets was frowned upon, sounds like the only thing that has been so far is the CEO's "regulating" all the profits straight into their personal bank accounts.

I still believe that in the name of capitolism they should sell off all of their personal assets FIRST and pump that money back into their companies. They had no problem dining at the trough of profits during the good years you know. Then they can also take a pay cut and chop down their expense accounts. Hell here's a crazy idea, let's eliminate those expense accounts.
but weren't those automakers upset when flying in on their private jets was frowned upon, sounds like the only thing that has been so far is the CEO's "regulating" all the profits straight into their personal bank accounts.

I still believe that in the name of capitolism they should sell off all of their personal assets FIRST and pump that money back into their companies. They had no problem dining at the trough of profits during the good years you know. Then they can also take a pay cut and chop down their expense accounts. Hell here's a crazy idea, let's eliminate those expense accounts.

Okay, here is an idea I've been spinning in my head the last few days.

The CEO's do understand business very well, although there has been plenty of poor execution.
Now Bankruptcy makes the most business sense and I think these guys know this darn well. Bankruptcy allows them to nullify existing contracts (unions, suppliers, etc.) and reorganize without previous debt.

But they can't come out and say this to anyone!! The political carnage would be HUGE!! So, what do they do? Why they fly in on private jets and hokum smokum, they are sent packing. Next they drive in hybrids and say they'll work for a dollar a year. Everyone now laughs and thinks these guys should not get a dime. :-? Politicians are now getting the cover they need so the unions can't blame them. At the same time GM lets it "slip" that they need 4 Billion bucks just to go one more month...... oops.

:lol: I don't know if this is a high percentage idea, but I just wanted to jot it down for yah...

Either way it's a win/win for the big 3 free cash or contract cancellations. :evil:

out. :blsmoke:
Okay, here is an idea I've been spinning in my head the last few days.

The CEO's do understand business very well, although there has been plenty of poor execution.
Now Bankruptcy makes the most business sense and I think these guys know this darn well. Bankruptcy allows them to nullify existing contracts (unions, suppliers, etc.) and reorganize without previous debt.

But they can't come out and say this to anyone!! The political carnage would be HUGE!! So, what do they do? Why they fly in on private jets and hokum smokum, they are sent packing. Next they drive in hybrids and say they'll work for a dollar a year. Everyone now laughs and thinks these guys should not get a dime. :-? Politicians are now getting the cover they need so the unions can't blame them. At the same time GM lets it "slip" that they need 4 Billion bucks just to go one more month...... oops.

:lol: I don't know if this is a high percentage idea, but I just wanted to jot it down for yah...

Either way it's a win/win for the big 3 free cash or contract cancellations. :evil:

out. :blsmoke:
you are right on the money..the big three cant support the welfare state the unions snookered em into...so they are going to file bankruptcy on it..it will be very painfull in the economy for some time..all those UAW workers losing their retirements and health care plans...the dems are trying to bail out their non competitive buddies in the unions that cant compete in a free market economy ...and even after the congress chokes up billions in bail out money...they are still going to have to file bankruptcy...25 billion isnt going to last them to long...the 6 trillion dollars our governmentand federal reserve has spent in the last 4 months or has went straight into paying for more bank loss's..they would have been better off if the federal reserve had issued every family in america a check for around 45K dollars..that is the amount of money they have spent proping up the bankers..if they had given everyone a check..it would be spent on cars and banks and homes..of course..most people are too damn stupid to ever think where the money is going to come from to pay back the 45K..they will wake up when they are broke one day..MAYBE..then they are to damn stupid..10% of the population is on food stamps ...the wife went to the store yesterday..and all the shelfs were empty...and she asked the store clerk..what the hell is going on? she said..oh..its the first of the month..food stamps ..she looked around..and the whole store was full of mexicans..spending food stamps..oh yea..and one lady my wife hates..she carrys a four hundred dollar coach purse and spends food stamps at the check out line..these people just bought the election with our money..if you are middle class america you are FUCKED TO DEATH by everyone above you...and everyone bellow you..you pay for it all.the banker...and the illegal allien..matter of fact..these leech;s are bleeding us dry..let me take another hit..so i calm down...bongsmilie
Something I don't get is they say auto sales are down, people can't get credit to buy. The car lots where I live have big red sale tags on their windshields. The auto makers can't sell anything so they can't pay their people, so how is making more cars that people still can't afford or buy, going to help anything?

I know those people jobs are important to their local economy, but really is making more cars to sit around on lots not being bought going to help anything?
Occasionally in free markets there are blood baths to correct overages. This may be one of those times. That's why it's best just to let them go into receivership and get a start over. We need them to perform, but not on our dime. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
If you had a chance to go to outer space, would you? No, I have no interest in space travel, too cold and the lack of oxygen scares the hell out of me. I would, but it would depend on who's doing the flying.
Did you find the beignets?
No, they were rising besides an open fire in your front room, remember. I thought I mentioned they sounded delicious, and like down home NOLA cooking. I like spicy and sweet food, they on the other hand don't like me so much, Diabetes. I still eat the spicy stuff though, and sweets way too much.
Occasionally in free markets there are blood baths to correct overages. This may be one of those times. That's why it's best just to let them go into receivership and get a start over. We need them to perform, but not on our dime. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
It's funny how the "bloodbaths" always seem to affect the workers most.. Let's figure this out. The scumbags on wallstreet make billions then declare bankruptcy, the scumbags in the Bush administration, (For that is what is bailing them out) give them 350 unanswered billion with another 350 billion in waiting, credit dissapears, along with 750K jobs, the automakers come flying in on their private jets and are rejected and rebuked, they come back with a "plan" and are put on hold while 3 million jobs are on the line, I'll bet Bush can hardly wait to run and hide from all this chaos. Yeah, righties, let the automakers fail and put another 3 million jobs out to pasture. here's a plan, since all outstanding stock of all 3 auto makers is less than the 35 Billion, why doesn't the government just buy them and fire the management and hire some bright, out of work, engineers and management types and limit the top salaries to no more than POTUS, 400K? Then if they start to make a profit, "God forbid", we could put that towards payback and the national debt. The government could assume the current company liabilities and change employees over to government retirement and health care, Yup that's right, nationalize them. then on to the oil companies, socialism on the march. Capitalism (In the present model) has proven in the last 6 months that it just doesn't work. It needs either modification or elimination. Greed was allowed to run rampant in the system with not enough real checks and balances, IE no protection for the commoners. All you righties smoke up, but this is the future. I hear in Haiti there is real hard core Capitalism, start packing. HAHAHAHAHEHEHOHO.
Did you hear on the news today that Merrill Lynch is planning to lay off 20% of their workforce, yet the CEO is crybabying because he thinks he still deserves a bonus. I don't know how much the bonus is, but it needs to be in 1 dollar bills so someone can shove it right up his ass !!!

K found it, someone found him some tissues and he's changed his mind about it.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Merrill Lynch's chief executive John Thain has reportedly dropped his request for a $10 million annual bonus after being blasted by New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo
If Med man could match his accuracy with his furor , he might actually get somewhere. It must be frustrating..... extra bong hit is my prescription.

Let's clear up something right now.... about bonuses.... it ain't your business.

Get it? Unless you are a stockholder in the "corp.", it just isn't your business. Other peoples private business salaries are not something for gossip and slander or kudos for that matter.

Only positions supported by taxpayers should be your concern. Like oh I don't know, the top fed dogs who whisk around on our dime in limos and jets and junkets with nary a word from Joe Plumber......

One need only drive through the oh so very chic neighborhoods outside Washington D.C. to see that the economy tanking has had NO effect on these people. They continue to piss our money away and get the easily misled (I could name names) to point and at OTHERS and say see, they are the problem.:roll:

So the Govt. whacks out our real estate which dominoes into credit, and I'm sorry, the only folks who can now save us is the Govt.?

Now that is professional spinning......

P.S. Oprahs salary skews any other C.E.O's out the window .. where's the media? I'll hold my breath and wait for honesty in politics... uh huh.:cuss:

out. :blsmoke:
If Med man could match his accuracy with his furor , he might actually get somewhere. It must be frustrating..... extra bong hit is my prescription.

Let's clear up something right now.... about bonuses.... it ain't your business.

Get it? Unless you are a stockholder in the "corp.", it just isn't your business. Other peoples private business salaries are not something for gossip and slander or kudos for that matter.

Only positions supported by taxpayers should be your concern. Like oh I don't know, the top fed dogs who whisk around on our dime in limos and jets and junkets with nary a word from Joe Plumber......

One need only drive through the oh so very chic neighborhoods outside Washington D.C. to see that the economy tanking has had NO effect on these people. They continue to piss our money away and get the easily misled (I could name names) to point and at OTHERS and say see, they are the problem.:roll:

So the Govt. whacks out our real estate which dominoes into credit, and I'm sorry, the only folks who can now save us is the Govt.?

Now that is professional spinning......

P.S. Oprahs salary skews any other C.E.O's out the window .. where's the media? I'll hold my breath and wait for honesty in politics... uh huh.:cuss:

out. :blsmoke:
Yup, it's all governments fault, wait, isn't government owned by the corporations and the rich elites, yup, that's the case. I guess you forgot about that little detail, eh? When the government starts asking me what to spend the money on, then you can start blaming liberals, but so far they haven't uttered one word to me. It's the lobbiests that tell the government where to spend the money, or next time they need some campaign money, tough bananas. Also, when a senator or congressman is defeated, they go to some private firm they made rich and get a job lobbying for them, as they are well known in congress. It is the peak of corruption and is definently controlled by the rich. Again I must say, it is no longer a republic, but an oligarcic plutochracy.