Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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I seen on one of those zeitgeist documentary's, it said something like,

The truth is hard to accept as it is, which is the alternate of fiction, where fiction has to be somewhat "believeable".

Or something like that.

Oh the irony.

You know, I look at the general unrest of the Mid-East and I can more easily point my finger that way to tell you the truth, then at our own. It's just utterly unbelieveable.

I look to past evidence myself, of the Olympic athletes hostages of the past hijacked, Black september eh. I hate to use that as a reference, maybe that was a conspiracy too haha, and general character of those possibly involved. I just cannot and will not start to even comprehend your reasoning. In that respect, of conspiracy's, the tin foil will always boil water in anything over 212 degrees farenhieght. I hope those hurt by all this can find solice and hope in something in the world. And that even you sir, can find some kind of answer you are looking for someday.

A foreseeable past, you can almost smell it bro.
I have yet to any proof that warrents the spending of tax payer dollars to investigate this AGAIN.

This whole "911 Truthers" thing dishonors those that died in this event by marring this tradgedy with far fetched tin foil hat wet dream bull shit.
And we have yet to see from you any proof that the government story is true ... the only thing you have done is blow shit out your ass by making ridiculous statements with no backing what so ever. There is plenty of proof that warrants an investigation ... you are just far too stupid to see it ... and that's not our problem.
Dishonors those that died? ... tell that to these people.
Vote for Answers
So much for your "dishonoring" bullshit ... It is you that are dishonoring ... the families of those murdered who obviously want an investigation ... only the bushwhacked want to deny these people and the rest of the country the right to find out what happen. Only the bushwhacked would accept the bull shit commission ... which went out of it's way to cover the truth ... only the bushwhacked turn their back to the obvious crimes that have been committed. So once again you demonstrate that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.:dunce::sleep:Keep it up ... it's a absolute joy making you look like a fool.:clap:
You just keep obsessing about towers 1 and 2, you won't discuss #7 because it defies everything you can muster to explain.
You spend 70% of your posts attacking others, which makes you just the other fat mean kid no one wants to play with, hell you even attack your own supporters.

LOL @ 70% of my posts attacking others. Please demonstrate this lest you be labeled a liar and all you have said be stricken.

I have said several times that I like to move one thing at a time. There is still much left unresolved on 1&2. If you are wiling to concede the argument I will gladly move ahead full steam on 7.

Watch this video, it puts WTC 7 and another controlled demo building side by side for comparison, the both fall exactly the same, same speed starting from the bottom up. Explain that!

http://whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/wtc7_comparison.wmv now that looks exactly controlled, hard to deny it.

My explanation is the same as yours. "I wouldn't expect it to fall like that."

And don't give me that fire shit, we have already proven the 2 little fires could mnot have done that, plus the very small physical damage from debris certainly would not do it either, the combination of both would not even put a dent into it.

You haven't proven any such thing... you have stated it several times. Here is another example of you kids misunderstanding/misusing the terms "evidence" "proof" and "disproven". A statement does not "disprove" anything, even if it seems logical. For instance... "2 small fires wouldn't burn for 7 hours". There... have I PROVEN how the building fell? No. Neither have you.

BTW the fire fighters did not think the buildings were going to fall, if they did you wouldn't have 300 dead now would they? Fire commanders don't send firefighters into a building they think is going to disintegrate. Fire fighters do not make the big decisions, the commanders do.

The firefighters knew building 7 was going to fall because the back side was bulging between floors 10 and 13.

Yep telling people to go fuck themselves and calling them contradictory pricks, yeah that is civility in action right there. Quite sure I have been the one acting civil.

I said also that before I returned in kind, I was seeing how the moderators handled it. I was new. If you are going to attempt to attack me personally, I am going to do it better than you to discourage it. The time I have available, your individual demeanor towards me, and the leash I am given determines how I treat you. You will notice I have not replied with anything but respect to Huffy, who has, as of yet, not been insulting. You may also note that I stopped reading grow rebels posts 20 pages back. If you want to return jibes while we argue, I don't take issue with it... but grow a thick skin... and be aware that you bring it on yourself. I enjoy being insulting as much as the next guy, but I think it distracts from this argument, which I find important, so despite my enjoyment, I would prefer to remain civil... but really either way, I'm good.

Yep telling people to go fuck themselves and calling them contradictory pricks, yeah that is civility in action right there. Quite sure I have been the one acting civil.

The beginning is the FIRST PART not the second paragraph, not the second sentence the very first sentence. If someone told you to read them a book FROM THE BEGINNING, would you then go and start at the second chapter because its close enough? fuck no you would start at the sentence that began "It was a dark and stormy night."

"Meg Murry, her small brother Charles Wallace, and her mother had come down to the kitchen for a midnight snack when they were upset by the arrival of a most disturbing stranger."

Couldn't resist.

The FIRST sentence. If you are anti semantic then you are anti meaning of words, or another way to say it is, you try to convince others that the meaning of the word is somehow different than what everyone thinks it means.

I didn't say first. I said beginning. Meg Murray walked into her mothers lab where bunson burners were lit in the beginning of the book too as I recall. A tesseract is mentioned in the beginning somewhere as well...

I am glad to clear that up for you.

This is a forum, Semantics are extremely important, there is no way to tell sarcasm from seriousness as there is no inflection to a post. Words must have a common meaning and buddy let me tell ya, the beginning of a post is the first fucking sentence, not the second sentence and not the beginning of the second paragraph.

As I said, because you misuse the term, does not mean you have been mislead.

The reason I said "begin" is because over the last 40 or 50 pages your modus operandi has seemed to be in the following order.

1 Address a point with rebuttal.
2 Ask for a contrived answer to a question.
3 Drop an insult about my integrity or comprehension skills.
4 Address other point or points.
5 Close insisting that I am not answering your questions, not noticing the rest of the post doesn't address the one question I ask until some 10-20 pages later.

The speculative questions, which you lambaste me for for asking, generally happen in the beginning stages of your posts. When they occur is not the point of addressing them however... that they occur is. If my impression of WHEN they are dropped is not completely accurate by your understanding of the word, then I sincerely apologize that I somehow indicated that their position in your posts bore any relevance. I guess a better way to have phrased it would have been to say "Funny, since so many of your questions ask or insist upon the same thing."

Now let me give you an estimate on how much thermite, between 1 pound and 10 trillion, somewhere in there ok? I have never blown up a world trade center so I can't tell you, maybe your friend has experience with 120 story steel skyscrapers, if he doesn't he isn't an expert at it is he?

So there are no demolitions experts who can comment on WTC is all that means. No architects who have not built buildings that tall... no... well really nobody is an expert in anything to do with the WTC towers unless they applied their expertise TO the towers... and unfortunately they are all in on it. That sucks. Nobody knows anything about physics, demolition, or thermodynamics... well... except you and grow.

How long will the reaction last? as long as there is reactable material, in the case of WTC 3 months. Pretty hard for us to PROVE anything and as such it is pretty hard for you to PROVE anything either. The building is gone, all the steel was melted down and the rest was burried in a land fill. So you go ahead and keep making your bridge argument and we will keep ignoring it.

Of course you will ignore evidence which directly contradicts your dogma. That is how fanaticism works. Gas doesn't burn at 2000 degrees, steel looses half of its rigidity at 1000, the truck was consumed in the blaze bringing the flames to over 3000 degrees. Why WOULD you acknowledge it? It demonstrates that heat fatigue and the weight of 13 - 25 floors could result in collapse.

How about you address some lingering problems which plague your theory.

1. Why would the thermite reaction not happen due to the heat from the fires/impact explosion?

The only answer given is that the thermite was in the lower 75% of the building... which begs question
A) How did the building fall from the top down AT the point of impact?

2. Why is there no record of any building in history being demolished from the top down?

3. Alumothermite reaction time. "As long as there is combustible material." Combustable material being iron oxide and powdered aluminum oxide... how long does it take to vanquish itself? It creates very intense heat for a very short time. You are avoiding the answer in your answer. There is a formula from which one can derive the maximum amount of burn time of a given reaction based on quantity. Give me that time... then make up a quantity (starting to see where this is going? Science sure is annoying ain't it?).

4. Gravity is a problem with thermite.

Securacom's may had a contract end in 1998, BUT that doesnt mean they dont have to complete previous contracts

The problem with your theory and links lies in the fact that securacom didn't "do" the installations of aything. J.E. Electric Installations Co. ran all of the cabling, installed all of the cameras/computer lines/control systems. Securacom was a systems integrator. They were in charge of tying the redundant command centers together, and translation from video hardware to computer IO controlling and grouping... sophisticated video systems are a pain in the ass. Evidently securacom sucked at it. The WTC security director (John O'Neil) was also killed in the collapse. You are going to have to include port authority in your group of people "in on it". A minimum number I am still waiting on.

They were also "excused" from their contract because of fulfillment failures in 98, which is the last time they got a check. They had an active contract in pen only.

"security" was handled by its owners... port authority... which had, among other things, bomb sniffing k9s on WTC premises. Including poor Sirius who died on 9/11.

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

But now i shall call you something..... hypocrite!!

See above.
Besides... the Dick Cheney thing was funny. Who says "go fuck yourself" on the senate floor? I mean seriously... that's fucking funny.
And we have yet to see from you any proof that the government story is true ... the only thing you have done is blow shit out your ass by making ridiculous statements with no backing what so ever. There is plenty of proof that warrants an investigation ... you are just far too stupid to see it ... and that's not our problem.
Dishonors those that died? ... tell that to these people.
Vote for Answers
So much for your "dishonoring" bullshit ... It is you that are dishonoring ... the families of those murdered who obviously want an investigation ... only the bushwhacked want to deny these people and the rest of the country the right to find out what happen. Only the bushwhacked would accept the bull shit commission ... which went out of it's way to cover the truth ... only the bushwhacked turn their back to the obvious crimes that have been committed. So once again you demonstrate that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.:dunce::sleep:Keep it up ... it's a absolute joy making you look like a fool.:clap:

So I thought we wern't going to use personal attacks.. I guess your losing badly enough that its time to ad hominem, that is when you are losing a debate to attack the opposition..

Also if you re-read my posts you will see that I have provided more cites than anyone else on this post with the exception of What..Huh?, Its you that need to get your shit together. Don't come to me with a view point that a vast majority of Americans think is total bullshit. If you have a view point like that its you responsibility to lay out your arguement properly. So far all you have brought are arguements that in a court of law (the standard for arguements), would be laughed out of the court room. No my friend it s YOUR responsibility to present a coherent case, as you have not done.

If you do not understand how you dishonor those that died for our country and beliefs by shadowing their sacrifices with conspiracy theories. I mean if you had a smoking gun that would be one thing.. But what you actually have is a bunch of circumstantial evidence that points to nothing..
So I thought we wern't going to use personal attacks..
I never agreed to that ... and besides I'm merely showing that the shoe fits nothing more.

I guess your losing badly enough that its time to ad hominem, that is when you are losing a debate to attack the opposition..
Yeah ... you keep saying that as though if you say it enough it will come true ... it won't.

Also if you re-read my posts you will see that I have provided more cites than anyone else on this post
What you call "cites" is nothing more than you making a statement with no links to the source backing your statement ... or "cites" some info that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

with the exception of What..Huh?, Its you that need to get your shit together.
Well considering how fucked in the head you are ... it's easy to see you would have those kinds of delusions.

Don't come to me with a view point that a vast majority of Americans think is total bullshit.
Once again caught :spew: bullshit ... already been there and done that ... slam you with links to polls in a previous post... showing we are the majority ... but you have yet to produce one poll that shows the majority of Americans buy the government's bullshit ... put up or STFU on this one ... now watch folks at home ... this will be another post that he will ignore ... one of the typical bushwhacked tactic ... and he will fail to produce anything to support his lame argument. Watch now.:bigjoint:

If you have a view point like that its you responsibility to lay out your arguement properly.
Been there done that ... like I said ... it's not my problem that you can't comprehend the obvious. My only concern is to show the folks at home how :dunce: you deniers are ... nothing more.

So far all you have brought are arguements that in a court of law (the standard for arguements), would be laughed out of the court room.
I highly doubt that. The fact the government is avoiding a real investigation proves you're full of shit on this point too.

No my friend it s YOUR responsibility to present a coherent case, as you have not done.
Oh yeah ... I have ... along with others ... over and over again ... more than enough to warrant an independent investigation ... and most people on this forum see that. There is only a handful of bushwhacks, that are in denial.

If you do not understand how you dishonor those that died for our country and beliefs by shadowing their sacrifices with conspiracy theories.
Oh stfu ... you are the only one that dishonors those by trying to deny what took place on 911. It dishonors those that died in a illegal invasion, brought on with lies by the war criminals that are responsible for 911. The only "conspiracy theories" are the ones you and the government are putting out. Too bad most of us don't buy the bullshit ... must be frustrating for you.

I mean if you had a smoking gun that would be one thing..
We have far more than a smoking gun ... it is just you that are too :dunce: to see it ... from another scientist you can't dispute ...
Harrit: But the article may not be as groundbreaking as you think. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world, have long known that the three buildings were demolished. This has been crystal clear. Our research is just the last nail in the coffin. This is not the "smoking gun", it is the "loaded gun". Each day, thousands of people realize that the WTC was demolished. That is something unstoppable.

Harrit: You cannot fudge this kind of science. We have found it. Unreacted thermite.
It's very easy to prove you do nothing but blow shit out your ass ... so easy ...

But what you actually have is a bunch of circumstantial evidence that points to nothing..
Oh of course ... finding unreated thermite is only circumstantial evidence ... :roll: ... still more proof you're fucked in the head. All too easy.:bigjoint:
1. Why would the thermite reaction not happen due to the heat from the fires/impact explosion?

The only answer given is that the thermite was in the lower 75% of the building... which begs question

LOL i agree i threw out some BS there let me try alittle harder, hows this...

"The ignition temperature of thermite is extremely high. Therefore, traditional ignition methods like fuse, matches, and electrical igniters do not work. There are several ways to safely light a thermite mixture, the most common being:
Magnesium Ribbon"
Thermite - PyroGuide

We all seen magnesium ribbon in High School (at least my school)... remember how bright that shit was LOL

"Thermite reactions require very high temperatures for initiation. These temperatures cannot be reached with conventional black powder fuses, nitrocellulose rods, detonators, a suitable pyrotechnic initiator, or other common igniting substances. Even when the thermite is hot enough to glow bright red, it will not ignite as it must be at or near white-hot to initiate the reaction."
Thermite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jet fuel just doesnt reach these "white hot" temperatures required for thermite to react.

"Basic thermite preparations can be modified and augmented in various ways to change their properties. The fineness of the aluminum powder determines the speed of the reaction. The use of ultra-fine aluminum powder gives the reaction an explosive quality, resulting in 'super-thermites'. The addition of sulfur in preparations called thermates enhances the ability of the reaction to cut through steel.

Findings reported in Appendix C of FEMA's World Trade Center Building Performance Study seem to fit the thermite theory remarkably well."
9-11 Research: Thermite

"Evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intergranular melting, was readily visible in the near-surface microstructure. A liquid eutectic mixture containing primarily iron, oxygen, and sulfur formed during this hot corrosion attack on the steel."
9-11 Research: Forensic Metallurgy

2. Why is there no record of any building in history being demolished from the top down?

Like I said, it had to look like it collapsed, not like a traditional demolition or else no one would of bite....

The problem with your theory and links lies in the fact that securacom didn't "do" the installations of aything. J.E. Electric Installations Co. ran all of the cabling, installed all of the cameras/computer lines/control systems. Securacom was a systems integrator. They were in charge of tying the redundant command centers together, and translation from video hardware to computer IO controlling and grouping... sophisticated video systems are a pain in the ass. Evidently securacom sucked at it. The WTC security director (John O'Neil) was also killed in the collapse. You are going to have to include port authority in your group of people "in on it". A minimum number I am still waiting on.

They were also "excused" from their contract because of fulfillment failures in 98, which is the last time they got a check. They had an active contract in pen only.

"security" was handled by its owners... port authority... which had, among other things, bomb sniffing k9s on WTC premises. Including poor Sirius who died on 9/11.

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

Sorry but... you can take everything the 9/11 Commission states and wipe your ass with it, for its Gubbermint influenced!

You think the government has never lied to you or something?

The 9/11 Commission had interest in protecting the government from accountability. Reason being the denial of independent investigation. What ya got to hide huh?

"Having thoroughly researched every aspect of the attacks, the Family Sterling Commission provided the Commission with 400 questions that would need to be answered for the Commission to fulfill its mandate. After 18 months of proceedings and the release of the Commission’s Final Report on July 22, 2004, the Family Steering Committee determined that only 30% of its questions had been answered, leaving some 250 questions still unanswered. The validity of the Commission’s findings was further undermined by several factors, including contradictory accounts from the Federal Aviation Administration and the military, stonewalling from the Bush Administration, conflicts of interest among key personnel in the Commission, and the Commission’s failure to hold a single individual accountable for the numerous failures leading up to, on and after September 11"
NYC Coalition For Accountability Now

Do you honestly deep down inside believe the 9/11 Commission gave all accurate information and were not biased in any way?
Yea.. speed of light is not close to 500 mph but that does not mean the effect is nothing. I don't really know what the purpose of throwing out the speed of light is..

And if you do not understand how kinetic energy works I cannot help you there either. Tremendous amounts of kinetic energy were released when the planes impaced the buildings. If you truely think that little friction or kinetic energy was imparted into the building (heat) then we are at an impass. I am talking about something that is standard physics and you can only say, I don't know physics.. Well, your wrong.. Not going to get into a pissing contest about it but your wrong.

Kinetic energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Spacecraft use chemical energy to take off and gain considerable kinetic energy to reach orbital velocity. This kinetic energy gained during launch will remain constant while in orbit because there is almost no friction. However it becomes apparent at re-entry when the kinetic energy is converted to heat.
Kinetic energy can be passed from one object to another. In the game of billiards, the player gives kinetic energy to the cue ball by striking it with the cue stick. If the cue ball collides with another ball, it will slow down dramatically and the ball it collided with will accelerate to a speed as the kinetic energy is passed on to it. Collisions in billiards are effectively elastic collisions, where (by definition) kinetic energy is preserved. In inelastic collisions, kinetic energy is dissipated as: heat, sound, binding energy (breaking bound structures), or other kinds of energy.

Was it hot nuff.. is 2000 degrees enough?

Flame temperatures in room fires

There is fairly broad agreement in the fire science community that flashover is reached when the average upper gas temperature in the room exceeds about 600°C. Prior to that point, no generalizations should be made: There will be zones of 900°C flame temperatures, but wide spatial variations will be seen. Of interest, however, is the peak fire temperature normally associated with room fires. The peak value is governed by ventilation and fuel supply characteristics [12] and so such values will form a wide frequency distribution. Of interest is the maximum value which is fairly regularly found. This value turns out to be around 1200°C, although a typical post-flashover room fire will more commonly be 900~1000°C. The time-temperature curve for the standard fire endurance test, ASTM E 119 [13] goes up to 1260°C, but this is reached only in 8 hr. In actual fact, no jurisdiction demands fire endurance periods for over 4 hr, at which point the curve only reaches 1093°C. The peak expected temperatures in room fires, then, are slightly greater than those found in free-burning fire plumes. This is to be expected. The amount that the fire plume's temperature drops below the adiabatic flame temperature is determined by the heat losses from the flame. When a flame is far away from any walls and does not heat up the enclosure, it radiates to surroundings which are essentially at 20°C. If the flame is big enough (or the room small enough) for the room walls to heat up substantially, then the flame exchanges radiation with a body that is several hundred °C; the consequence is smaller heat losses, and, therefore, a higher flame temperature.

This is for a standard fire not one caused by thousands of gallons of fuel and no to mention the energy of impact hen the plane with the building..

Flames temperatures of open flames

For convenience, we can subdivide the turbulent diffusion flames from unwanted fires into two types: flames in the open, and room fires. First we will consider open flames.

The starting point for discussing this topic can be the work of the late Dr. McCaffrey, who made extensive measurements [4] of temperatures in turbulent diffusion flames. He used gas burners in a "pool fire" mode (i.e., non-premixed) and studied various characteristics of such fire plumes. He described three different regimes in such a fire plume:
  1. Slightly above the base of the fire begins the continuous flame region. Here the temperatures are constant and are slightly below 900°C.
  2. Above the solid flame region is the intermittent flame region. Here the temperatures are continuously dropping as one moves up the plume. The visible flame tips correspond to a temperature of about 320°C.
  3. Finally, beyond the flame tips is the thermal plume region, where no more flames are visible and temperature continually drop with height.
French researchers at the University of Poitiers recently made the same types of measurements and reported numerical values [5] indistinguishable from McCaffrey's. Cox and Chitty [6] measured similar plumes and obtained very similar results: a temperature of 900°C in the continuous flame region, and a temperature of around 340°C at the flame tips. The latter value does not appear to be a universal constant. Cox and Chitty later measured slightly higher heat release rate fires, and found a flame tip temperature of around 550°C. In a later paper [7], researchers from the same laboratory examined turbulent diffusion flames under slightly different conditions, and found peak values of 1150-1250°C for natural gas flames, which is rather higher than 900°C. The above results were from fires of circular or square fuel shape. Yuan and Cox [8] measured line-source type fires. They found a temperature of 898°C in the continuous flame region, and a flame tip temperature of around 340°C. This suggests that such results are not dependent on the shape of the fuel source.
In studying fires in a warehouse storage rack geometry, Ingason [9] found an average solid-flame temperature of 870°C. At the visible flame tips, the average temperature was 450°C, but the range was large, covering 300~600°C. In a related study, Ingason and de Ris [10] found typical flame tip temperatures of 400°C for burner flames of propane, propylene, and carbon monoxide fuels. Sullivan et al. [14] cite Australian studies on wildfire flames, finding that flame tip temperature corresponds to 300°C, while peak values around 927°C can be expected. Heskestad [11] adopts a criterion of 500°C rise as defining the flame tip temperature, i.e. an actual temperature of about 520°C. Taking all of the above information in account, it appears that flame tip temperatures for turbulent diffusion flames should be estimated as being around 320~400°C. For small flames (less than about 1 m base diameter), continuous flame region temperatures of around 900°C should be expected. For large pools, the latter value can rise to 1100~1200°C.

Note this is all in C? 1200 c = 2192 F

Cite: Temperatures in flames and fires

(Non political I might add...)

All the proof I will EVER NEED to debunk all you conspiranuts.

YouTube - "Death to America" chants in Iran

And the palestinians doing thier thing.

YouTube - Palestinians celebrating the fall of the twin towers on 911

But, possibly, the whole time we have been there, almost a decade now, plotted, mapped, gps's terrain.

We got to know the sand very well I think, if it pops off, we should be at the ready.

Axis country's now.

Trouble is not from within USA. NWO, FEMA Camps, Globalization. All Utter Crap.

We need to stand together, not divided.

A people divided is no people at all.

We need to stand together as a nation, a world, a people, White, Black, Hebrews, Islamics, China, Japan, UK.

They seem have one hope. A bomb. I know the rest of the country in iraq, iran, doesnt share the ideals of the tyrants running Arabia.

We have everything here with us, Freedom, Love, and Compassion for everybody and our nieghbors. Don't worry about the economy. I have to struggle as well some months, but I know, they are doing thier job at the Fed Res, they WILL NOT allow us to fail, and I will do my best not to fail my country and people and fellow growers alike.

Cmon, we need to stop fighting each other.

Stop the conspiracy, please, it's a fallacy. Think of the families and children of 2001. NEVER FORGET.

Here are a two of my cites and I explain how it relates to this arguement. Youtube viedos and interviews with people that have a vested interest (wrote a book, etc) in the topic are irrelavent.
"What you call "cites" is nothing more than you making a statement with no links to the source backing your statement ... or "cites" some info that has nothing to do with the issue at hand." Growrebel..

Really? The above deal with the matter at hand.. No only that they are unbiased sources. Much better than a propaganda source...
Here are a two of my cites and I explain how it relates to this arguement. Youtube viedos and interviews with people that have a vested interest (wrote a book, etc) in the topic are irrelavent.
Your kinetic energy bullshit don't wash since they found unreacted thermite at the site ... and because thermite was used explains the high temp. Just another example of your posts that doesn't explain the government's bullshit.:spew:
Wait.. Because they found some thermite at the site, my kenetic energy arguement is null? How does that work? You truely have no clue..
Wait.. Because they found some thermite at the site, my kenetic energy arguement is null? How does that work? You truely have no clue..
How does it work ... because there is no other way for it to have gotten there other than someone putting it there ... :dunce: ... It's you that doesn't have a clue ... but that has pretty much been established a long time ago. Kinetic energy ... yeah ... right ... bwaa ha ha ha ...
thermite burning - Google Videos

Here ya go. Evidence of thermite not burning for 6 weeks. Oh wait. You will just say bullshit and call me bushwhacked without actually responding to that evidence.

But why bother responding. Just say bushwhacked 50 times and you'll feel you're right.:)
Oh please ... you post a video of some kids playing with a small amount of thermite then ask why it's not burning for 6 weeks? ... ah well ... because they use an amount that fits into a small cup compare to tons that must have been used to bring down those building. Get real. What part of unreacted thermite found at the site don't you understand? :dunce: So now I have responded to your so called evidence ... and stated why it is bullshit ... any questions? Or would you like to go and find some more lame shit to put up that I can easy expose as the bullshit it is ... next.:hump:

Do you realize that the scientist you quote who found "nano-thermite" doesn't add up? Nano by definition is 1 billionth of a meter, so putting the dust under a microscope won't show you anything. You'd need a very high-powered electron microscope to pull that one off. Not to mention if the dust were that fine it would have ignited in the fire if not in the initial ignition of the thermite (powdered aluminum is explosive enough, I'd imagine nano-aluminum to be akin to flash powder). No thermite would be left un-reacted.

Also, if the government is so powerful that it can develop this unheard of technologically advanced thermite, run an entire operation to rig the buildings, and execute the plan, why do they suddenly drop the ball at the moment of truth? Anyone with that much intelligence could've easily executed the plan, or would've at least been capable of supressing any such talk as this. The government keeps a lot of things secret from us. If they wanted this to be a secret, I'm pretty confident this debate wouldn't exist. Riddle me this at least: if the destruction of the twin towers was a demolition, why did the government bother to make sure it came down in it's own footprint, seeing as how our lives obviously mean nothing to them? A messy collapse would've been much more convincing, and I find it extremely difficult to believe that the people who planned all of this out missed such a simple detail.

Also, you mention that the towers were constructed specifically to withstand the conditions thrown at it. That may be the case, but engineers say a lot of things about the stuff they design. Truth is, they didn't build an identical tower and crash a plane into it and set it on fire, so they have no empirical evidence of what it takes to design a tower that is plane and fire-proof.

Before you reply with insults about me being "bushwhacked" in the head or whatever, please keep in mind I support neither side yet.
How does it work ... because there is no other way for it to have gotten there other than someone putting it there ... :dunce: ... It's you that doesn't have a clue ... but that has pretty much been established a long time ago. Kinetic energy ... yeah ... right ... bwaa ha ha ha ...
Nononono. Im talking about one arguement that has no link to the other. How does one of these invalidate the other. They do not and that is a huge problem. They are not related items or arguements. Just because someone found trace amounts of thermite, how does that prove that kenetic energy was not imparted on the building resulting in more heat? It does not and that is what makes your arguements so assnine..

You keep going on and on thinking your winning this thing when your not. A does not affect b if they are not related.

Do you realize that the scientist you quote who found "nano-thermite" doesn't add up? Nano by definition is 1 billionth of a meter, so putting the dust under a microscope won't show you anything. You'd need a very high-powered electron microscope to pull that one off. Not to mention if the dust were that fine it would have ignited in the fire if not in the initial ignition of the thermite (powdered aluminum is explosive enough, I'd imagine nano-aluminum to be akin to flash powder). No thermite would be left un-reacted.

Also, if the government is so powerful that it can develop this unheard of technologically advanced thermite, run an entire operation to rig the buildings, and execute the plan, why do they suddenly drop the ball at the moment of truth? Anyone with that much intelligence could've easily executed the plan, or would've at least been capable of supressing any such talk as this. The government keeps a lot of things secret from us. If they wanted this to be a secret, I'm pretty confident this debate wouldn't exist. Riddle me this at least: if the destruction of the twin towers was a demolition, why did the government bother to make sure it came down in it's own footprint, seeing as how our lives obviously mean nothing to them? A messy collapse would've been much more convincing, and I find it extremely difficult to believe that the people who planned all of this out missed such a simple detail.

Also, you mention that the towers were constructed specifically to withstand the conditions thrown at it. That may be the case, but engineers say a lot of things about the stuff they design. Truth is, they didn't build an identical tower and crash a plane into it and set it on fire, so they have no empirical evidence of what it takes to design a tower that is plane and fire-proof.

Before you reply with insults about me being "bushwhacked" in the head or whatever, please keep in mind I support neither side yet.

Beacuse you do not think like GR, you are already the enemy...
Do you realize that the scientist you quote who found "nano-thermite" doesn't add up? Nano by definition is 1 billionth of a meter, so putting the dust under a microscope won't show you anything. You'd need a very high-powered electron microscope to pull that one off. Not to mention if the dust were that fine it would have ignited in the fire if not in the initial ignition of the thermite (powdered aluminum is explosive enough, I'd imagine nano-aluminum to be akin to flash powder). No thermite would be left un-reacted.
Well then where did the unreacted thermite they found came from ... or are you saying all those scientists are lying? ... and what makes you think these scientists didn't have the equipment necessary to come to their findings? Sorry but you fail to provide a valid explanation. Thermite was found ... it's an explosive ... nuff said.

Also, if the government is so powerful that it can develop this unheard of technologically advanced thermite,
What makes you say it's unheard of technologically?

run an entire operation to rig the buildings, and execute the plan, why do they suddenly drop the ball at the moment of truth?
What do you mean drop the ball at the moment of truth? Explain.

Anyone with that much intelligence could've easily executed the plan, or would've at least been capable of supressing any such talk as this.
I've provided plenty of post showing how desperate the government is to suppress this issue ... too bad for them it's not working ... and it never will ... people aren't nearly as stupid as they like to believe no matter how much bullshit propaganda they spew out.

The government keeps a lot of things secret from us. If they wanted this to be a secret, I'm pretty confident this debate wouldn't exist.
Like I said ... the government has gone way out of their way to stop any debate ... even going so far as having their propagandist put out a bullshit report that people who doubt the government has some kind of mental problem ... olsto put up some stupid shit like that.

Riddle me this at least: if the destruction of the twin towers was a demolition, why did the government bother to make sure it came down in it's own footprint, seeing as how our lives obviously mean nothing to them?
my quess would be property vaules ... certain areas they didn't want damaged ... but that something only the government officials who were involved can answer ... and that can only happen during a full independent investigation ... nuff said.

A messy collapse would've been much more convincing, and I find it extremely difficult to believe that the people who planned all of this out missed such a simple detail.
Oh I know they didn't miss out on that detail ... we just can't determine for sure what that is without a full independent investigation ... nuff said.

Also, you mention that the towers were constructed specifically to withstand the conditions thrown at it. That may be the case, but engineers say a lot of things about the stuff they design.
No don't even go there not with all the pictures of the construction ... those buildings were design to withstand what happen ... that's a matter of science not oppinion ... and I've provided links to back that ... what proof do you have other than a comment that engineers "say a lot of things" ...

Truth is, they didn't build an identical tower and crash a plane into it and set it on fire, so they have no empirical evidence of what it takes to design a tower that is plane and fire-proof.
Source? Link? If not this is what I call merely blowing it out your ass ... nothing more.

Before you reply with insults about me being "bushwhacked" in the head or whatever, please keep in mind I support neither side yet.
You know what is a real insult? Ignorant and stupid people trying to block an independent investigation so those families that lost loved ones can find justice and peace of mind that the people really responsible will be held accountable. And I tell ya what ... I have no problem what so ever insulting people like this because quite frankly they need to be ... Why do you think those families are signing a petition to force a new investigation? Because they are nut jobs? Nuff said.bongsmilie
Nononono. Im talking about one arguement that has no link to the other. How does one of these invalidate the other. They do not and that is a huge problem. They are not related items or arguements. Just because someone found trace amounts of thermite, how does that prove that kenetic energy was not imparted on the building resulting in more heat? It does not and that is what makes your arguements so assnine..
What part of they found unreacted thermite that you don't get ... it blows your kinetics bullshit ... and you just can't take it ...

You keep going on and on thinking your winning this thing when your not. A does not affect b if they are not related.
I don't think I'm winning I know I am ... and folks notice he didn't produce the poll showing the majority of American buy the bullshit government story? What did I tell ya? He keeps talking that shit, but when ask to produce ... nothing ... that's how the bushwhack operate ... we are on to your tactics ... your leaders may be allowed by corporate news to get away with outrageous lies ... but no way will I let you get away with that shit here ... no fucking way.:eyesmoke:
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