I thought this was funny. I have some Remote Control airplanes that use Nano servos. its just a really small servo, but it sure as fuck isn't 1/billionth of a meter, more like 3/4" across. Just because the name is nano does not mean that it must be that small, nano in this case just means really really fine, unlike something you would normally be able to get. It takes some special equipment to grind aluminum and iron to very small particles and then mix them in ideal amounts with other components. Not something your cooking up in the basement of your moms house.
If they had made the buildings fall over there would be so much damned evidence they would get busted. They had to make sure the buildings were totally dust and thats what they got. Then all the debris was efficiently carried away and buried and all the steel was melted down, before the 911 commision was finished with their investigation. WOW the Federal police sure are dumb, they didn't secure evidence nor the crime scene, just another fucking blunder by the gubbermint that day?
Fuck man, our government is stupid. Instead of these really fucking expensive cruise missile we use to take out buildings, they cost like a million each, why dont we just load people with parachutes into planes and have them fly the planes at the buildings. Holy shit we could save so much money the economy would be fixed. Buildings would disintegrate in our path, none would resist our superior imperialism!!!! Just think, you could level a city the size of Tokyo with just 27 airplanes!! Why stop there, we must have thousands of old airliners in graveyards in the desert. We could level any city we wanted on a whim without ever having to launch a nuclear weapon and getting all that nasty radiation all over everything.
They market those servos with names like nan because they are small. Look up nano, better yet follow this link...
LOL the secret to nano thermites. [Archive] - JREF Forum
Crazy Chainsaw
7th July 2007, 08:29 PM
Nano super thermites, can be very energetic but there is a ration of Aluminum to Aluminum oxide that must be maintained to keep them so, Chloride in any form upset the ratio.
They are highly reactive to Chloride, you can make them less reactive to chloride by increasing the Aluminum oxide content, and decreasing the energetic fuel the Aluminum.
However if you do that you can not even get them to light a match.
They just loose to much energy, nano thermites are simply nano particles of Aluminum with thin aluminum oxide layers, the thiner the layer the more Chloride effects them.
Nano thermites can be excluded by simple tests which are easily conducted with Nano Aluminum particles to recreate the condition of 9/11/2001.
I would recommend evaporating aluminum with an electrical arc in an oxygen deprived environment. the particles then can precipitate out on a medium with only a small amount of oxide present.
Be careful though they are highly energetic and highly reactive especially to Chlorides.
It has taken me years to figure out how to make them, but I finally succeeded and tested them as I thought they react much like thermites only faster especially chemically faster.
Controlled Demolition with Thermites-Nano thermites is not possible, it is fallacy.
PS. I just felt that I needed to say that after all the work on the spheres and thermites even if no one really cares.
Rahne Everson
7th July 2007, 08:34 PM
Hey I care!
Very cool work Chainsaw, as always. Good to see you.
8th July 2007, 06:36 AM
Chainsaw, you're as crazy as ever
Could you do me a favour if you have some spare time, Max Photon is making the claim that thermite was poured into perimeter columns through bolt access holes in order to heat up said columns and make it appear as though they were warped by fire. I think however that thermite would probably burn through the thin steel at the base of a perimeter wall section in seconds and wouldn't produce the effect he is prescribing to it. I'm sure you're the man to find out
8th July 2007, 09:05 AM
Nano super thermites, can be very energetic but there is a ration of Aluminum to Aluminum oxide that must be maintained to keep them so, Chloride in any form upset the ratio.
They are highly reactive to Chloride, you can make them less reactive to chloride by increasing the Aluminum oxide content, and decreasing the energetic fuel the Aluminum.
However if you do that you can not even get them to light a match.
They just loose to much energy, nano thermites are simply nano particles of Aluminum with thin aluminum oxide layers, the thiner the layer the more Chloride effects them.
Nano thermites can be excluded by simple tests which are easily conducted with Nano Aluminum particles to recreate the condition of 9/11/2001.
I would recommend evaporating aluminum with an electrical arc in an oxygen deprived environment. the particles then can precipitate out on a medium with only a small amount of oxide present.
Be careful though they are highly energetic and highly reactive especially to Chlorides.
It has taken me years to figure out how to make them, but I finally succeeded and tested them as I thought they react much like thermites only faster especially chemically faster.
Controlled Demolition with Thermites-Nano thermites is not possible, it is fallacy.
PS. I just felt that I needed to say that after all the work on the spheres and thermites even if no one really cares.
Hey--it sounds like fun. Great work if you can make a living at it!
By the way, CC: As a Public service, maybe you ought to PM Lisa and get your "Muse" designation changed to "Do NOT try this at home!"
8th July 2007, 12:45 PM
Crazy Chainsaw, I do believe S. Jones has a problem and is between a rock and a hard place, so to speak, with your revelation of this.
8th July 2007, 02:29 PM
Crazy Chainsaw, I do believe S. Jones has a problem and is between a rock and a hard place, so to speak, with your revelation of this.
not quite right. He already was in the position you describe. It will just be harder for him to ignore it.
Not that he cares a whole lot...
Crazy Chainsaw
8th July 2007, 06:21 PM
Chainsaw, you're as crazy as ever
Could you do me a favour if you have some spare time, Max Photon is making the claim that thermite was poured into perimeter columns through bolt access holes in order to heat up said columns and make it appear as though they were warped by fire. I think however that thermite would probably burn through the thin steel at the base of a perimeter wall section in seconds and wouldn't produce the effect he is prescribing to it. I'm sure you're the man to find out
One just one thermite spark in the impact could set off the whole charge and the thermite would create molten iron at 2800c that flowed out of the bottom of the Columns.
The Columns would have melted not bowed.
However aluminum chloride in the interior of the columns would have produced bowing without melting. Aluminum Chloride was possible from natural reactions in the twin towers.
Crazy Chainsaw
8th July 2007, 06:30 PM
Crazy Chainsaw, I do believe S. Jones has a problem and is between a rock and a hard place, so to speak, with your revelation of this.
If it had not been for Dr. Joneses papers I would not have known how to make Nano thermites, vaporizing aluminum in a Carbon monoxide and nitrogen atmosphere with a high temp electric arc, and letting the aluminum vapor settle on a solid with nano sized holes to act as molds.
Strip away the thin layer of aluminum then remove the particles from the solid.
The result is particles smaller than a nano meter, although it is a long involved hard to do process that produces only a few particles at a time.
I am sure there is an easier and faster way to do it but not with what I have available.
8th July 2007, 07:27 PM
If it had not been for Dr. Joneses papers I would not have known how to make Nano thermites, vaporizing aluminum in a Carbon monoxide and nitrogen atmosphere with a high temp electric arc, and letting the aluminum vapor settle on a solid with nano sized holes to act as molds.
Strip away the thin layer of aluminum then remove the particles from the solid.
The result is particles smaller than a nano meter, although it is a long involved hard to do process that produces only a few particles at a time.
I am sure there is an easier and faster way to do it but not with what I have available.Don't forget - you will need a couple of hundred tonnes of this stuff to make any appreciable impression on a building the size of the WTC towers. And you will need to smuggle it into the building in small amounts, so no-one notices.
So let's do the math.
Let's say we need 100 tonnes = 100,000kgs. We can smuggle in and install 100gms per person per day, and there are 10 people in on the deal. That means 1kg per day will be put into each WTC. At that rate, it would take 100,000 days, that is 274 years, to install the required amount of nano-thermite. That's if they never stop for even a day.
Yep, that sure sounds plausible.