Matt Rize's Notes to Makin' Perfect Ice Wax.

Please do...If you need a room in the 30`s or 40`s just buy a window ac and a CoolBot and add your dehumidifier and your set from start to finish.
Cannabinoids you have saved all of us so much time, Mats post is amazing, but that sticky got so stretched out that it would take hours to read, you have summed it up for all of us, thank you! I dont even want to know how long that took you dude cuase I know it was alot of work! And thanks to mr Rize for the actual content of the post, you sir are on top of your game, and sharing this wealth of knowledge shaves years off of our learning curve!
Ok guys so i had roughly 1/4lbs of sugar leaves and pop corn buds of ak47 x blue berry. some of it was from an older harvest so we kept them separate and frozen them.

We used homemade ice, had lots of it, and we bought 10 gal of RO water.

The extraction took place in the basement where the temperature never got over 50*F and the RH is right about 30%

We made a drain bucket to hold the bubble bags, and set the bubble machine on a table right next to it.

We first filled the machine up 1/4 way with water and ice.

Then took our older dry trim and layered it in the work bag with ice

Then submerged the work bag in the machine and continued to add ice and water till the bag was fully submerged, the machine was a little more than half way full.

Set the timer for 6 min and let it spin away, after 2 minutes we noticed a lot of frothy white on top which was good.

When the timer stopped we let the water drain into the bubble bags (we used 7 bags 25,45,73,90,120,160,220)

Begin to pull each bag up one at a time, while the water was draining. Used a pump sprayer with ice water to spray down the sides of the bubble bags and collect all the trichs in the middle to be able to scoop easily.

Take the bag over to the collection station and begin to scoop out the hash from the first bag with a tablespoon. After scooping out the hash we laid it in a clump on a pressing screen on top of some paper towels to help wick the water out.

We repeat our steps for all bags.

Now we repeat our process with the next batch of fresh frozen sugar leaves and pop corn bud. We put all 3/4oz (roughly) into the machine, i think we should have split it into two separate runs.

The machine was up to the FULL line after we had filled it up with water and ice. Turned the timer to 6 min and let it do its thing.

Now we drain into the bags again, but this time we decided to fill up the machine wit more water and ice and do another shorter 4 min run while the other bags were still draining.

After 4 min we drain into the bags again.

We noticed alot of hash on the 90 micron i believe it was. THe hash looks pretty good the yield looks good too.

Now its just sitting in the basement temps around 45-50*F with RH at 30% we will leave it there for roughly 24 hours and then start he microplaning/drying/curing process.

Heres some wet pics for now









Nicely done. How did it turn out....

the trick to keeping the perfect color that he does is that he has it Dried, Microplaned, and in a jar curing in 24 hrs....

first just like you have those pattys on the press sheet. you put paper towl under neath to wick up water. ever few minutes check to see if there wet and repleace with dry each time. after several hours the puck will be almost dried...or dry enough that the towls dont soak up any more water.

From then you have to cool it and he suggest (from what i could hear) is sandwiching your puck between a couple food storae glad wear filled with ice water. after a few hours of replacein ice and water and coolin down the puck you sould be able to shave off down into small pieces with your microplanner. shave it on some wax paper.

the longer the water is in it the browner it will become. or it was decarboxylated.

either way beautiful first run. how were the the terpenes and flavornoids. did you salvage em?
ya i microplaned them the best i could, some dry out faster than others, yes i use the paper towel method under the pressing screen, then when the pattys of hash were not leaving any more water on the paper towel i ran them through the micro plane some were grittier than others. But heres the the stuff before i "pocket cured" it . The stuff smells and taste great, just doesnt bubble that much and doesnt look to pleasing to the eye

dscf2444b.jpg dscf2445.jpgdscf2446q.jpgdscf2447i.jpg

And heres the 90 micron after a 24 hour pocket cure

dscf2461n.jpg dscf2462a.jpg
Originally Posted by Jogro
. .can I ask Matt (or anyone else) for tips on how to make hash directly from BUDS?

Lets say I wanted to dedicate one entire crop purely to making hash. I don't care to have any smokable flowers when I'm done; everything is to be used for ice-water hash.

-Given the choice, should I use FRESH buds, FROZEN buds, or DRIED/CURED buds for this? Does it matter? For example, if possible, is it best to go right from rooted plant, harvest, immediately mince the buds then toss them right into ice water for agitation?

-Any hints or suggestions on how to best chop up/mince whole buds for best agitation in the ice water? What's the ideal consistency/size of the pieces?

Posted by Matt Rize
Fresh buds, carefully cut up to separate the calyxes as much as possible. Freeze at least 24 hours in my opinion. Fresh off the plant into the ice water is an option as well.
will be doing a batch by hand tomorrow. will have so,e pics up also. and thanks for taking the time to put alot of the info in one spot so you dont have to skim threw all the posts to find information, props. this will be my ;ast time with 1 gal bags as next round i will have more trim to work with.
ya i microplaned them the best i could, some dry out faster than others, yes i use the paper towel method under the pressing screen, then when the pattys of hash were not leaving any more water on the paper towel i ran them through the micro plane some were grittier than others. But heres the the stuff before i "pocket cured" it . The stuff smells and taste great, just doesnt bubble that much and doesnt look to pleasing to the eye

View attachment 2535085 View attachment 2535086View attachment 2535087View attachment 2535088

And heres the 90 micron after a 24 hour pocket cure

View attachment 2535089 View attachment 2535090

Hey bro I this dab able on a titanium nail? Looks fire btw.
Hey bro I this dab able on a titanium nail? Looks fire btw.

i wouldnt say it dabs, i believe i used to long of wash times, and other minor things i did wrong that made a major difference in over all end product in terms of looks and consitency. Next time will be better. BTW this stuff still taste awesome and gets you super ripped! thanks for The comments guys !1
i wouldnt say it dabs, i believe i used to long of wash times, and other minor things i did wrong that made a major difference in over all end product in terms of looks and consitency. Next time will be better. BTW this stuff still taste awesome and gets you super ripped! thanks for The comments guys !1

thanks for sharing with us.