Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, 41%, in Poll

That would be the Ford and Carter years, is that still your final answer? lulz.................................

why are you limiting the timeframe to such a narrow time span?

did you just want us to simply forget how well america did before this trickle down nonsense, when top marginal tax rates were optimized on the laffer curve and all americans did well, including those rich folks you worship?
That would be the Ford and Carter years, is that still your final answer? lulz.................................

Yes, the late 50's right up through ronnie boy. I would say our country was in better fiscal shape. There were TV, bike, stereo, garden, hardware, stationary, pet and all sorts of other stores that were owned by a local resident in everytown USA. Now we have a fucking walmart on every damn corner, that's it. Fuckin Walmart and Sams Club.

Take a look at how SW airlines treated their employees through the ages. I know people who have become millionaires working the ticket counter with them. They still have unions, haven't offshored jobs, have never lost money and I believe were the second best performing stock of the last century. Herb, the CEO typically took home a million dollars a year and cashed about a mil in options a year. This was well into the 90's. So it can be done, it just requires that there aren't GREEDY BASTARDS running the show.

I'm so tired of hearing about how the poor are driving our economy, only a fool believes that. Last time I checked, my mortgage broker was still living in his 6000 sq ft golfcourse lot home and his clients are living with their parents.
Yes, the late 50's right up through ronnie boy. I would say our country was in better fiscal shape. There were TV, bike, stereo, garden, hardware, stationary, pet and all sorts of other stores that were owned by a local resident in everytown USA. Now we have a fucking walmart on every damn corner, that's it. Fuckin Walmart and Sams Club.

Take a look at how SW airlines treated their employees through the ages. I know people who have become millionaires working the ticket counter with them. They still have unions, haven't offshored jobs, have never lost money and I believe were the second best performing stock of the last century. Herb, the CEO typically took home a million dollars a year and cashed about a mil in options a year. This was well into the 90's. So it can be done, it just requires that there aren't GREEDY BASTARDS running the show.

I'm so tired of hearing about how the poor are driving our economy, only a fool believes that. Last time I checked, my mortgage broker was still living in his 6000 sq ft golfcourse lot home and his clients are living with their parents.

Is that Walmart's fault, or people wanting an easier life at the expense of a poorer economy?

Maybe his clients need to get off their fat lazy ass?
Is that Walmart's fault, or people wanting an easier life at the expense of a poorer economy?

Maybe his clients need to get off their fat lazy ass?

Not all walmarts fault, but a corporation at one time was required to serve the good of the public in order to exist. Does walmart?

How many of walmarts employees recieve govt assitance? How big a chunk of their wages are being paid in the form of aid from the rest of us? Of course one side simply says cut the aid off while the other says pay better wages. Who should profit and who is profiting from this aid? I bet if you took the net worth of every walmart employee, it would be much less than the waltons net worth. Who's profiting from the tax payers, who are the real welfare queens in this picture?

I know many highly skilled engineers that would love to get off of their fat asses it's just they can't afford to work for the same wages that an engineer in India will do it for. Many of these jobs aren't even on the table anymore. It's rough out there, especially for us older guys who thought we were done eating Ramen 30 years ago.
Not all walmarts fault, but a corporation at one time was required to serve the good of the public in order to exist. Does walmart?

How many of walmarts employees recieve govt assitance? How big a chunk of their wages are being paid in the form of aid from the rest of us? Of course one side simply says cut the aid off while the other says pay better wages. Who should profit and who is profiting from this aid? I bet if you took the net worth of every walmart employee, it would be much less than the waltons net worth. Who's profiting from the tax payers, who are the real welfare queens in this picture?

I know many highly skilled engineers that would love to get off of their fat asses it's just they can't afford to work for the same wages that an engineer in India will do it for. Many of these jobs aren't even on the table anymore. It's rough out there, especially for us older guys who thought we were done eating Ramen 30 years ago.

Life sucks for many, but what can you do? We all take our chances with what we choose to do in life. What happens if no one likes reading entertainment anymore and gets it only from sites like these? I'm really fucked, but you blame the other guy.
Life sucks for many, but what can you do? We all take our chances with what we choose to do in life. What happens if no one likes reading entertainment anymore and gets it only from sites like these? I'm really fucked, but you blame the other guy.

"A man is like a potted tree in business. Every 5 year he must be transplanted." anon

Really the village life of 10,000 years, is over about in about 1/3 of world now. If in that 1/3...things are doubling up in speed every few years.
Even though I have been at the same thing for 30 years, I am always being shifted into new jobs and projects.

And I carry a professional, fuck you attitude, toward my bosses. Now that took a long time to develop. But, in my thing, the ones that seem like they have plenty of choices, offers, money saved, don't bitch about it and seem to above it all, are the ones they like to keep.

Go figure. It is truly an unusual job stress. We spend a few houts a day, in hard study, to act like we know it all and are ready to take it to Juniper Networks or another 2rd tier company. :) Psych!
Yes, the late 50's right up through ronnie boy. I would say our country was in better fiscal shape. There were TV, bike, stereo, garden, hardware, stationary, pet and all sorts of other stores that were owned by a local resident in everytown USA. Now we have a fucking walmart on every damn corner, that's it. Fuckin Walmart and Sams Club.

I think history would disagree. Since the post WW2 years, inflation was and has never been higher than during the Ford and Carter years.
Those years before Reagan, were years of double digit inflation, extremely high interest rates and slow economic growth.
If you think the economy didn't recover and recover strongly after Reagan became president, you need a history lesson.

And it may be a surprise to you that Walmart already had 280 stores, employed 24,000 workers and made it's first $billion in annual sales by the time Reagan became president, that would be the Ford and Carter years.
Take a look at how SW airlines treated their employees through the ages. I know people who have become millionaires working the ticket counter with them. They still have unions, haven't offshored jobs, have never lost money and I believe were the second best performing stock of the last century. Herb, the CEO typically took home a million dollars a year and cashed about a mil in options a year. This was well into the 90's. So it can be done, it just requires that there aren't GREEDY BASTARDS running the show.
I don't know what this has to do with the economy but the millionaires you are referring to are long time employees who along with profit sharing, purchased stock on their own over the years. There are many other companies and employees with the same story.

I'm so tired of hearing about how the poor are driving our economy, only a fool believes that. Last time I checked, my mortgage broker was still living in his 6000 sq ft golfcourse lot home and his clients are living with their parents.

You kind of lost me here, I was unaware the poor were "driving the economy" I assumed it was the wealthy.
And why would clients of a mortgage be living with their parents, do you think they may have made some bad financial decisions, like buying a home they couldn't afford, or levering their house to purchase toys, thinking their equity would never stop growing?
Someone thinks they are not a greedy bastard is fooling themselves.

The well off are called greedy. That is envy. People want the rich to be poor and them to be rich with that money, with no work for it.

Envy goes back to before the Viking, before Rome,and before the Great Wall of China was built.

Envy is greed,.
Some that is not a greedy bastard is fooling themselves.

The well off are called greedy. That envy. People want the rich to be poor and them to be rich with that money with no work.

It goes back to before the Viking, before Rome, before the Great Wall of China was built. Envy is greed,.
And that is the truth.
It boggles my mind why some people are so fixated on other peoples success and how much taxes they pay.
Unless they work for the federal government or are getting entitlements, what does it matter to them, 50% do not pay taxes anyway.
Through history, the mob has simply destroyed the rich, and therefore destroyed their society and subjected themselves to the destruction of Conquest.

That can happen here, already is happening here.
his race to the top program was a massive success.

Are you speaking of "common core", the latest program in the non-stop dumbing down of American education where even the losers get to feel like winners because EVERYONE deserves a trophy....LMFAO, typical Libtard thinking.
If you think the economy didn't recover and recover strongly after Reagan became president, you need a history lesson.

kind of easy when all you do is tax and spend your way out of it.


reagan upped taxes, grew the size of the government, and exploded the deficit.

how's that for a history lesson, beenthere?
I think history would disagree. Since the post WW2 years, inflation was and has never been higher than during the Ford and Carter years.
Those years before Reagan, were years of double digit inflation, extremely high interest rates and slow economic growth.
If you think the economy didn't recover and recover strongly after Reagan became president, you need a history lesson.

There was a middle class, wages were higher and while we were paying 18% apr on many things we were also deducting all of our interest on our taxes. The economy was structered differently. Also there was life before carter/ford.

And it may be a surprise to you that Walmart already had 280 stores, employed 24,000 workers and made it's first $billion in annual sales by the time Reagan became president, that would be the Ford and Carter years.

Yes, I'm aware walmart was around before they arrived in my town. I also believe Sam Walton would not be running Walmart the way it is being run today. Of course I didn't know the man and that is just a hunch..

I don't know what this has to do with the economy but the millionaires you are referring to are long time employees who along with profit sharing, purchased stock on their own over the years. There are many other companies and employees with the same story.

It's just an example that you can share in your success, your employees can and should become wealthy with the corporation. I know they are not the only company that has these plans but it is one of the few that has a history of treating their employees like gold. I believe that culture ended when Herb Kelleher retired.

You kind of lost me here, I was unaware the poor were "driving the economy" I assumed it was the wealthy.
And why would clients of a mortgage be living with their parents, do you think they may have made some bad financial decisions, like buying a home they couldn't afford, or levering their house to purchase toys, thinking their equity would never stop growing?

It is the wealthy, but who is always being blamed for the state of our economy? The working class, the poor and the least among us.

Sure many made a mistake of taking a mortgage or leveraging. But you also must consider that these mortgages were being bet on, on so many different levels that the people that were selling them were doing just that, selling them aggressively to people who didn't completely understand WTF they were doing. They weren't just buying a home. They were helping create new debt that wallsteet could place bets on. That is why that loan was made. They could give a shit if the guy could pay, they needed more paper to gamble on.
So the guy leveraging to buy a new car or purchase toys is more to blame than the guy that leveraged the paper on that property 1000x to buy his toys, also thinking that thegood times would never end?