Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, 41%, in Poll

Not a knee jerk reaction at all. I read every post on this thread. But things like "Barney Frank secretly controlled the government" supports my position.

how refreshing, our left members are posting..

disclaimer: keep in mind "facts" are construed as liberal bias..

da plane, da plane..

smiles, smiles everyone aaaaaaand welcome to fantasy island..oh, i mean riu political forum.


Your fucking delusional and you and pinworm
are one in the same so stop deflecting troll. You have been banned lots of times
are on here 18 hours everyday with more than one screen name and are truly
the definition of a racist loser.

So, that means to me, greentrip is buck setting cover for himself.
just checked, and what do you know?

greentrip is posting in the arizona patients section, just like thetoolwoman.

that and the identical writing style and overbearing stupidity simply HAS to be coincidence, right?


And maybe never was a woman?
Who's controlled it in the last 4? Can't have it both ways, bitches!

The facts should make a difference. We know they do not. Last 4? Do people think one President gets us in and out of trouble?

I don't. The Presidency is only thing that shifts somewhat equally. So do you want to say everything was fine until we elected PUBS?

Any long term problem in this Country; Racism. War on Drugs. Income tax crazy laws. Over spending, all of it, is not the PUBs. It is the long term control by the DEMS in the not-elected Regulation Appointment game and their cronies hiring for Agenda.

Long term low level staffers and actuators of Regs in Executive Independent Agencies are DEM. And here is why they got to stuff their partisan into govt.

WE let them.
how refreshing, our left members are posting..

disclaimer: keep in mind "facts" are construed as liberal bias..

da plane, da plane..

smiles, smiles everyone aaaaaaand welcome to fantasy island..oh, i mean riu political forum.



Actually i dont support a party system. IMO, there is no left anymore. Dem are the new GOP, and the old GOP is the "crazy fox news entertainment" group. Crazy as shit. Sadly the democrats never had the backbone that the GOP had.
I find it interesting that there's all this "lets blame obama" or "lets blame the GOP/Democrats". You all do realize that our government is made up of 3 branches and people YOU voted for? To blame all the USA's ills on one man, be it bush or obama is the definition of stupid. I blame the people who vote and are not informed and the people who are informed and don't vote. These same senators who are over 65 years old. Or even worse 80 years old getting rolled up to the SOTU address with an oxygen mask and wheelchair. Who the fuck voted for that guy? Oh i know, other OLD FUCKS because they're the only ones with time to go to the small polls. Or know when they are. You want someone to blame, someone to get pissed at? Go look in the mirror.
Actually i dont support a party system. IMO, there is no left anymore. Dem are the new GOP, and the old GOP is the "crazy fox news entertainment" group. Crazy as shit. Sadly the democrats never had the backbone that the GOP had.
I find it interesting that there's all this "lets blame obama" or "lets blame the GOP/Democrats". You all do realize that our government is made up of 3 branches and people YOU voted for? To blame all the USA's ills on one man, be it bush or obama is the definition of stupid. I blame the people who vote and are not informed and the people who are informed and don't vote. These same senators who are over 65 years old. Or even worse 80 years old getting rolled up to the SOTU address with an oxygen mask and wheelchair. Who the fuck voted for that guy? Oh i know, other OLD FUCKS because they're the only ones with time to go to the small polls. Or know when they are. You want someone to blame, someone to get pissed at? Go look in the mirror.

Says my new friend in the middle. Where have you been, buddy!!!!???

There is no left in America. No actual Right any more, either. We slosh in the hog pond of petty, call names and wallow in the luxury of emotions as opinions.
America had one foot in the poor farm and another on a banana peel at the end of the bush admin. He drove this bitch into the ditch just like every business he attempted to run.

The NYSE has increased more since Obama than the entire value when bush handed it off. He fucked us good.
Lol, if you think the NYSE is any sort of an indication, you're in trouble.

It's in a huge bubble, haven assets would be the best buy for now IMO.
Lol, if you think the NYSE is any sort of an indication, you're in trouble.

It's in a huge bubble, haven assets would be the best buy for now IMO.

Yes, LOL about the dow and the fact it was at what 8077 when bush landed. It is now over 16k. What a joke! It means nothing....

I wouldn't invest in it, it is a measuring stick.

I bet it would mean alot if it had lost 25% of its value the way it did under the ("Deficits don't matter") bush administration. MoFo's would be jumping out of buildings, again!
Lol, if you think the NYSE is any sort of an indication, you're in trouble.

It's in a huge bubble, haven assets would be the best buy for now IMO.

Harrk SCORES!!!

8 - Melevolence ; 8 - Perceptiveness : (OMG!!) and 8 - Good Advice

Mike, I was really worried this challenger might not be in the game.

I know, Robert, I know.

This is obviously his round, I've never seen anything like it!

I know, Robert, I know.
I really haven't heard it said any any better!

funny, you guys weren't concerned about any bubbles when homeownership was at a record high and bush was bragging about the stock market back in 2007.

woops, i forgot. history started in january 2009. my bad.
See? You guys...not me. What goes up must come down. Buy Sell, beat the Clown.

Do you make money no matter what the economy? Buck does.
funny, you guys weren't concerned about any bubbles when homeownership was at a record high and bush was bragging about the stock market back in 2007.

woops, i forgot. history started in january 2009. my bad.

What what?
Bubbles are slightly older than 2009.
Do you remember the Last Tulip?



A tulip, known as "the Viceroy", displayed in a 1637 Dutch catalog. Its bulb cost between 3,000 and 4,150 guilders (florins) depending on size. A skilled craftsman at the time earned about 300 guilders a year.[SUP][1][/SUP]
tulips and bubbles and GOLD!


rawn pawl liberty constitution gold. the federal reserve. liberty liberty freedom gold constitution.

i have won the debate.