Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, 41%, in Poll

So first answer, Tyler Durden "with proper permits"....hmmmmm smart guy.
libertarians have individual views on what is moral sexually.....but preserve your right to do what ever you want.
So first answer, Tyler Durden "with proper permits"....hmmmmm smart guy.
libertarians have individual views on what is moral sexually.....but preserve your right to do what ever you want.

how does it feel knowing that rawn pawl did a fake run for president that he knew was futile but lucrative and duped you into sending "monybomb" after moneybomb to him just so he could funnel it to his family?

i bet you feel real proud of that, especially since you only make $30k but are somehow taxed at a full 33% thus only taking home $20k. that explains the shoddy little single wide i saw.
and last time i checked, referring to sex for any reason other than procreation as "immoral" and calling medicine a "problem" (isn't he a fucking doctor or something?) wasn't exactly an inspiring statement if he's trying to convince me that he wants to preserve my right to fuck for fun and my wife's right to take medicine that aids with responsible family planning.

after all, i don't want any (possibly homosexual) kids dancing around my single wide with a pooeypopsicle.

is that your GF's kid? did she sleep with ya once or twice before letting you know about the rugrat and you were basically trapped at that point?
But seriously though, just read the numbers listed in that quote.

Its obvious that the Dept of Education is a HUGE bureaucratic mess with hugely wasteful spending.

I say burn it down and institute a new model or at least totally reform the current one from the core.

Yet with Obama, it isn't part of the conversation whatsoever.

The Department of Education pays schools by how many kids show up each day. That's all they care about. A very expensive babysitter. How about everyone takes care of their own lesson why skeet shooting without "ear" protection is bad for your future hearing.
The Department of Education pays schools by how many kids show up each day. That's all they care about. A very expensive babysitter. How about everyone takes care of their own lesson why skeet shooting without "ear" protection is bad for your future hearing.
Subsidized daycare so parents can forget parenting and go earn more tax dollars.
forced, weak trolling combined with lack of factual accuracy. burn factor: 0, creativity: 0, crudeness: 1.

Try addressing the points for once, Shylock.

You must really love BushJnr, cos Obama is really continuing his plans beautifully.

Those Demopublicans always seem to be in power...
Try addressing the points for once, Shylock.

You must really love BushJnr, cos Obama is really continuing his plans beautifully.

Those Demopublicans always seem to be in power...

I am more disgusted with the Republicans than the Democrats at the moment. I wouldnt shed a tear if both houses were suddenly swallowed up in a sinkhole with no survivors...
forced, weak trolling combined with lack of factual accuracy. burn factor: 0, creativity: 0, crudeness: 1.

wait...the judges confer. mumblemumblemumble

Yes. A mere 1 for crudeness barely escaped challenge.

Dean, this contestant had better be a bit more in the game, next round.

Oh I agree, Robert, I agree.

because gary johnson and rawn pawl are not libertarians.

although i do understand your love for rawn pawl, after all, he does have his own section over at stormfront!

How do you know that about stormfront...spend a lot of time there do ya?

There IS an UncleBuck there but I am trying to give you the benifit of doubt.
Statements like this makes it tough though.

Who is not a libertarian? Walks like a duck and talks like a duck must be a moose....makes sense.
How do you know that about stormfront...spend a lot of time there do ya?

There IS an UncleBuck there but I am trying to give you the benifit of doubt.
Statements like this makes it tough though.

Who is not a libertarian? Walks like a duck and talks like a duck must be a moose....makes sense.

gary johnson and rawn pawl are not libertarians, they are republicans with republican ideas.

and it was actually you who made it necessary for me to go to stormfront and show you over and over and over again that racists BY FAR prefer right wing candidates, specifically the same ones that you worship and send money to.
Bucky is a racist that hates white men

I saw thegreentrip person was having rapey thoughts about you. Is that a first for you?

i've had sirgreendumb threaten to "permanent manslaughter" me one time, and i've had hemlock and beenthere tell me they were gonna beat me up for reminding them of stuff they said (although both backed out of meeting me for lunch), and nitroharley said he would beat me up for even asking about his demonstrably frail and insecure sexuality, but i do believe rape is a first.

kinda surprising considering what a bunch of sexually repressed and racist right wingers we have on this forum.
Originally Posted by UncleBuck
bignbushy actually WAS molested, too.

I am sorry it happened buck. As for Travis and you I have know problems
with your relationship as I dont discriminate.
The entire conversation was about you being raped.
We were all wondering why you were such a racist and you finally admitted why.
Bushy is a stand up guy, so we wont listen to your B.S in regard to
him and will write it off as infatuation.
The entire conversation was about you being raped.
We were all wondering why you were such a racist and you finally admitted why.
Bushy is a stand up guy, so we wont listen to your B.S in regard to
him and will write it off as infatuation.

bignbushy is a white supremacist who works at subway when he's not busy stealing from his own parents or walmart to get heroin money. that's all documented fact that can be cited.

whereas everything you are saying is being completely fabricated, and either you are snitching to the mods when i point out that bignbushy was diddled (like i said, couldn't have happened to a better guy), or greatwhitenorth is doing some really shitty modding today.

hey greatwhitenorth, not telling you how to do your job, but go ahead and check greentrip's IP and compare it to thecoolman, 100% guaranteed sock puppet there.
bignbushy is a white supremacist who works at subway when he's not busy stealing from his own parents or walmart to get heroin money. that's all documented fact that can be cited.

The usual Bucky distraction attempts deleted

You have accused over 1/2 the people hear of being racist. You
do it to everyone who disagrees with you.
If he works at subway at least he works (unlike you), and thats what counts
Your word and accusations have become meaningless.
If I thought he was a white supremacist I wouldn't defend him.