Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, 41%, in Poll

You have accused 1/2 the people hear as being a racist. You
do it to everyone who disagrees with you.
Your word and accusations have become meaningless.
If I thought he was a white supremacist I wouldn't defend him.

feel free to ask him if he thinks blacks are from "an inferior lot", he will gladly say that he thinks so.

and there are many here who i disagree with but who no one would call racist, you're just upset because you have earned the title.

what was it you said back during your days as thetoolwoman, that blacks should be more grateful to whites for setting them free? yes, i believe that's what you said.
Wow more distractions-how pathetic

i even found the quote from you!

the people that died to free them should be mentioned occasionally when discussing savery and referring to black history. As far as gratitude should people not be grateful to others who gave there life to free them?

hear that, black people?

you really should be more grateful to white people for setting you free!
just checked, and what do you know?

greentrip is posting in the arizona patients section, just like thetoolwoman.

that and the identical writing style and overbearing stupidity simply HAS to be coincidence, right?

exact same hatred for AZ dispensaries under both accounts too.

yep, it's clearly just a coincidence.

someone with thetoolwoman's exact writing style, geographic location, racist streak, and hatred of dispensaries showed up mere weeks after thetoolwoman was banned.

happens all the time!
I love randomly jumping online to see that UB has pimp-slapped yet another sock puppet.

Keep up the good work my friend.

But just to stay on topic for just one second, Obama's rating is actually slightly higher in polls now, and so is Obamacare. And funny thing is now that over 4.5 million people have signed up, Obamacare is actually starting to work. As in, benefit those impacted by the plan.

So much for the world ending huh guys?
There is absolutely no question if he left office today
Barry would far surpass carter as Americas worst president.
Now this will probably put your panties in a bunch so we all expect the usual
distracting progressive rants from you little boys.
Your fucking delusional and you and pinworm
are one in the same so stop deflecting troll. You have been banned lots of times
are on here 18 hours everyday with more than one screen name and are truly
the definition of a racist loser.
Your fucking delusional and you and pinworm
are one in the same so stop deflecting troll. You have been banned lots of times
are on here 18 hours everyday with more than one screen name and are truly
the definition of a racist loser.

nice try, toolwoman.
Wow, so much ignorance in this thread. You guys should stick to growing pot and stay out of politics. It far surpasses your intellect.
Wow, so much ignorance in this thread. You guys should stick to growing pot and stay out of politics. It far surpasses your intellect.

That's a knee jerk reaction and puts you in the same category of those you despise. Very few on this section meet your criteria. But your statement tells more about yourself, than those you belittle. Not holding your same views doesn't mean they're any less intelligent. It only means they have a lot more growing left in their life to do.
No way. Bush II will be remembered as an average to above average president. He had many successes. He had some flops. But by and large America was prosperous while he was in office.

Right, wrong or indifferent, I think Bush did what he thought was best for America. I don't think you can say that of all presidents.

America had one foot in the poor farm and another on a banana peel at the end of the bush admin. He drove this bitch into the ditch just like every business he attempted to run.

The NYSE has increased more since Obama than the entire value when bush handed it off. He fucked us good.
But oh that pesky 20% real world unemployment 17 + trillion debt and added spying .
Sure Barry is great since off shore corps are making money.
America had one foot in the poor farm and another on a banana peel at the end of the bush admin. He drove this bitch into the ditch just like every business he attempted to run.

The NYSE has increased more since Obama than the entire value when bush handed it off. He fucked us good.

And who controlled congress in Bush's last two years?
That's a knee jerk reaction and puts you in the same category of those you despise. Very few on this section meet your criteria. But your statement tells more about yourself, than those you belittle. Not holding your same views doesn't mean they're any less intelligent. It only means they have a lot more growing left in their life to do.
Not a knee jerk reaction at all. I read every post on this thread. But things like "Barney Frank secretly controlled the government" supports my position.